Path:!emory!wupost!!uunet!looking!funny-request From: Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny Subject: What are the lawyers doing to the computer industry? Keywords: smirk, computer Message-ID: [] Date: 30 Nov 91 11:30:03 GMT Lines: 56 Approved: I found this lurking in the examples/ directory of the Verdix Ada compiler. -- UNIT: procedure HELLO -- FILES: hello.a -- COMPILE: ada hello.a -- LINK: a.ld hello -o hello -- PURPOSE: typical first program; use of TEXT_IO package in STANDARD library. -- DESCRIPTION: prints "Hello, world." message. -- Usage: hello -- .......................................................................... -- with TEXT_IO; use TEXT_IO; procedure hello is begin put ("Hello, world."); new_line; end hello; -- .......................................................................... -- -- -- DISTRIBUTION AND COPYRIGHT: -- -- This software is released to the Public Domain (note: -- software released to the Public Domain is not subject -- to copyright protection). -- Restrictions on use or distribution: NONE -- -- DISCLAIMER: -- -- This software and its documentation are provided "AS IS" and -- without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. -- No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness -- for a particular purpose exist. -- -- Because of the diversity of conditions and hardware under -- which this software may be used, no warranty of fitness for -- a particular purpose is offered. The user is advised to -- test the software thoroughly before relying on it. The user -- must assume the entire risk and liability of using this -- software. -- -- In no event shall any person or organization of people be -- held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential -- or inconsequential damages or lost profits. -- Selected by Brad Templeton. MAIL your joke (jokes ONLY) to Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply. Jokes ABOUT major current events should be sent to (ie. jokes which won't be funny if not given immediate attention.) Anything that is not a joke submission goes to RHF is on submission hiatus. No submissions until otherwise notified, please!
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