Path:!emory!!uunet!looking!funny-request From: (Tony Facca) Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny Subject: Remote Shredding Available Keywords: computer, smirk, original Message-ID: [] Date: 6 Jul 92 23:30:06 GMT Lines: 122 Approved: We posted this on our local newsgroup for April Fools-- As was discussed at the February meeting of the Computer Security Committee, a new networked high-speed shredder was installed in room 160 of the RAC building. From time to time Unix Workstation users have the need to dispose of sensitive files on their systems. The new shredder is capabable of receiving and shredding a variety of Unix files (ASCII or binary). Workstation users can obtain the script "rshred" which will perform a secure forward of almost any Unix file to the shredder. The files are queued by the Epoch file server for subsequent shredding. Following is the man page for "rshred": RSHRED(1L) UNIX System V (01 April 1992) RSHRED(1L) NAME rshred - forward a file to the secure shredder SYNOPSIS rshred [ -bbin ] [ -ncopies ] [ -hc ] [ -scutstyle ] [ -ps ] [ -ssstripsize ] [ -sb ] [ -d ] [ -ffontstyle ] [ -p|l ] filename DESCRIPTION rshred Uses standard Unix features to forward any file on the system to a secure shredder located in room 160 of the RAC building. The file is queued by the Epoch on a special Write Only optical platter, then transferred directly to the shredder as soon as it is available. At no time is any system utility able to access the file. This is in compliance with RFC-974.2 of the Computer Privacy Subcommittee on Electronic Disposal of Sensitive Material. The following options are supported by rshred -bbin Send the shredded file to BIN_ID bin This option must be provided. Documents forwarded without proper BIN Identifiers are considered a security risk and will NOT be shredded. If you are unsure of the proper BIN_ID for your location, contact your local computer administrator. -ccopies Shred copies copies of the file. Useful if proof of destruction is required. -hc Print a hard copy listing of the shredded document. The listing will be returned along with the shredded document. -scutstyle The HP Shredjet IICxi supports a variety of software selectable cutting styles. rshred supports the following cut styles: jagged, straight, diagonal, long-cut, short-cut, and short-long cut. Default is straight. -ssstripsize Specify the "strip size" (width) of the shredded strips in inches. Default is .2" -sb Swap bytes (Ultrix and DOS only) -d Shred double sided listings. Normally the Shredjet shreds single sided listings. -ps Shred a PostScript document. -ffontstyle Use fontstyle as the default font for the shredded document. All standard X11R4 font styles are supported by rshred. -p|l Shred in Portrait (default) or Landscape mode. Only one option is permitted per copy. CAVEATS Printing in landscape mode cannot guarantee efficient destruction of document unless fontsize exceeds stripsize. At this time the only image file formats which are supported are GIF, TIFF, and SGI formatted images. Shredder is not supported by davinci or raphael. AUTHORS Tony Facca Jay Horowitz Norbert Seidel Don Sosoka SEE ALSO xshred(1L), shredview(1L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Facca | If you meet me, have some courtesy, have some NASA Lewis Research Center | sympathy, have some taste. | - Stones ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Selected by Brad Templeton. MAIL your joke (jokes ONLY) to Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply. If you don't need an auto-reply, submit to instead. Administrative note: The "Core Dump Blues" were written by Greg Boyd, who was at Zehntel at the time. (11 years ago.)
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