As much use as: A one legged man in an arse kicking contest (from Python I think) A chocolate teapot (trad.) Milk shoes A nuclear powered computer controlled intercontinental ballistic duck. A one to one scale model of the starship Enterprise made out of honey. A flammable fire extinguisher A glass cricket bat A gelignite suppository. A coal powered frog-violin. Granite sugar cubes Pasta audio wire A pastry telephone Ice cream gloves A sugar surf board Spam windscreen wipers A blind lifeguard Wooden soap Shortbread tires A whipped-cream jet engine A knitted light bulb A plate-steel trampoline An invisible traffic light A string hook A bread boat Plasticine wire cutters A neon pink secret door Chocolate staples, A lead balloon, A paper hole punch, A water hat, A latex multistory car park. A steel reinforced concrete sail. A margarine turbocharger. Custard floorboards Gravy ceiling tiles. A fried motor-boat. A mud monitor, A chocolate disk, A silent telephone, A tap-dancing microprocessor controlled portrait of a bowl of soup. A velvet TV set, A concrete engine, A water-proof tea bag. An exploding bassoon A stone cigarette. Syrup underwear. A plastic oven. A wax truss. A liquorice suspension bridge. Soap false teeth. Asbestos water wings. A lemonade roof. Velvet brake-pads. A pair of jelly wellingtons, A jam cardigan, A paper bicycle pump, Non-stick sellotape, A sponge radar Anti-matter sun-tan lotion. Ice-cream saucepans A soluble drain pipe. A cubic ball-bearing. An inflatable dartboard A soluble lifeboat A glass hammer And a packet of rubber nails Elevator Earth Shoes Heat'n'eat popsicles See-through mirror Revolving basement restaurant G-rated pornflick Economy car conversion - fiberglass VW body on a Porsche chassis Roll-on hairspray Solar-powered foghorn Moped exercycle Objective journalism Braille speedometers A screen door on a submarine. An ejector seat in a helicopter. Waterproof teabags. Solar powered torches. Central heated ice-cubes. A pocket in a pair of underpants. A chocolate dick An astray on a motorbike A sodium submarine Tits on a bull Aka. "Mammary glands on the male of the bovine species" A condom with a hole in it. A box of matches in the desert. Posted by: -- Nic Percival | | Micro Focus | "Anything is good and useful | Newbury | if it's made of chocolate.." | (0635) 32646 Ext 5336 Berks, RG13 1JT | | Spell Checked and reformatted by Nathan Mates (
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