____ ] ___ .-~. /_"-._ ] `-._~-. / /_ "~o\ :Y ] \ \ / : \~x. ` ') ] ] Y / | Y[ ~-.__j DIE BARNEY! DIE! ] / ! _.--~T : l l[ /.-~ / ] / / ____.--~ . ` l /~\ \[|Y ~~~~~ ] / / .-~~" /| . ',-~\ \L| ] / / / .^ \ Y~Y \.^]/l_ "--' ] / Y .-"( . l__ j_j l_/ /~_.-~ . ] Y l / \ ) ~~~." / `/"~ / \.__/l_ ] | \ _.-" ~-{__ l : l._Z~-.___.--~ ] | ~---~ / ~~"---\_ ' __[] ] l . _.^ ___ _]-y~ ] \ \ . .-~ .-~ ~]--" / __ I love you... ] \ ~---" / ./ _.-' / oo\ / ] "-.,_____.,_ _.--~\ _.-~ _.( .\..| _ ] ~~ ( _} (_ \\_\==//_) ] `. ~( \| | \_/ ] ) \ /.\_// ] /,`--'~\--'~\ \) L) ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ] ]119 ways Barney should die ]- - -------------------------- ] 1. Nitroglycerin suppository ] 2. My First (and Last) Dr. Kivorkian approved suicide/euthanasia kit ] 3. Paper cuts from hate mail ] 4. Wine press ] 5. Random act of terrorism ] 6. Dissolved in organic solvent of choice (e.g. 1,1,1-trichloroethane, ] acetone, carbon tetrachloride) ] 7. Clubbed by a baby seal hunter ] 8. Exploding gas barbeque ] 9. Date with Lorana Bobbit / Tonya Harding ]10. Rusty meat hook ]11. Pulp digester / Saw mill ]12. Sexually transmitted disease ]13. Lethal injestion of bean sprouts and tofu ]14. Skydiving accident (His concrete parachute fails to open). ]15. Baney meets the Terminator. "Hasta la vista...BARNEY!". ]16. Exploding school bus ]17. Field trip to the Toronto Metro Zoo. Barney loves to spread ] love and happiness to all of the carnivores. ]18. Childrens Tylenol laced with cyanide ]19. Sacrifice to a tribal god ]20. Fed through a branch/leaf shredder (or office paper shredder) ]21. Trampling by thousands of tiny spongie feet ]22. Asphixiation on a twinkie ]23. Bungee jumping with chord tied around neck (with static line?) ]24. 1000 RPM merry-go-round ]25. Building sandcastles in a quicksand box ]26. Dragged behind a schoolbus on a gravel road ]27. Tail caught in elevator doors ]28. Legalization of purple slavery ]29. Home lobotomy kit ]30. Nasal spray or eye drops replaced with concentrated acid (e.g. ] nitric, chromic, hydroflouric, sulfuric, or hydrochloric) ]31. Add crushed glass to his granola or high fibre cereal. ]32. Thrown in a vat of bleach. (White Barney could become a symbol for ] white supremisy) ]33. Close encounter with a white supremist. ]34. Sucked into a turbo-prop engine (a jet would be more fun. 'after burners?' ]35. Submerged into a CANDU reactor ]36. Swarmed by killer bees ]37. Purple parasites ]38. Kidnapped by members of the Columbian drug cartel (or is he the ] ring leader in disguise) ]39. Chopped up into pet food (Purina Barney chow) ]40. Shintu massage as administered by a sumo wrestler. ]41. Assilimation by the Borg. ]42. Accupunture with a nail gun ]43. Force fed pure sugar and caffeine until he explodes. ]43. Barney meets Mr. Chainsaw ]44. Hit and run at a school crossing ]45. Exploding in an industrial sized microwave oven. ]46. Strapped to a shuttle launch pad..3, 2, 1, ignition! ]47. Strapped to the heat shields of a space shuttle during reentry. ]48. Brain scrambled (rescrambled?) by aliens ]49. Body cavity search using a fish scaling knife. ]50. Harpooned by a whaling ship ]51. Dipped in liquid nitrogen, and "accidentally" pummelled with a ] baseball bat (guess they found the glass transition temperature). ]52. Served as Thanksgiving dinner (not at my house thank you) ]53. Eaten by the homeless (Barney pate anyone?) ]54. OOPS! Barney shouldn't have soldered that propane tank while full. ]55. Mistaken for a Pinyata ]56. Run over by a zamboni ]57. "I love you" song triggers avalanche. ]58. "Accidentally" shoved in front of a subway train. ]59. Nuclear warhead explodes at ground BARNEY. (finally a way to ] dispose of our nuclear arsenal) ]60. Scientific experiments on BARNEY sublimation temperature. ]61. Crushed between plates in a fault line. (Its San Andreas's fault) ]62. Blended into McBarney shakes, and pressed into McBarney patties ] (would you like McFries with that?) ]63. Inquiring minds want to know...What is the tensile strength of Barney? ]64. Used as a crashtest dummy. Listen up boys and girls. This is what ] can happen to you if you don't wear your seatbelt. ]65. Barney becomes one with Oscar Myer. ]66. Barney used as shark bait. ]67. Used as a guinea pig in a pain threshold study. ]68. Used in a TV commercial promotion of Ginsu Knives. Even after cutting ] this tin can, the ginsu knives rip through purple flesh with ease. ]69. Diplomatic mission with Klingons ]70. Deep sea diving in a locked steamer trunk. ]71. Nato air strike. ]72. Live organ donor. ]73. Egyptian mummificaton ritual. ]74. Plummet into an active volcano. (Dante didn't work!!) ]75. Coated in honey and fed to the fire ants. ]76. Conversion to sugar glazed junk food. ]77. Quiet dinner with Jeffrey Dahmer. ]78. Pilgrimage to the Holy land. ]79. Purple Jonestown reagent. ]80. Visit to the taxidermist. ]81. Blasted with a Neuron-T-disrupter. ]82. Take him off Prozac. (Just goes to show Prozac is evil) ]83. Forced to watch "The Wall" video without his happy pills. ]84. 100 hours of continuous "Black Sabbath". ]85. Give him a lead role in a snuff film. ]86. Tar and feathered by crazed parents. ]87. Spontaneous combustion. ]88. Bludgeoned to purple paste. ]89. Compressed to a singularity. ]90. Bent, folded and mutilated by Canada Post. ]91. Send him to a Bill's game dressed as a Miami Dolphin. ]92. The plague ]93. Extruded through microcapilliaries. ]94. Forced to spend a week with Bart Simpson. ]95. Barney goes for a spin on a cyclotron. Too bad about the sudden stop. ]97. Pre-mortum autopsy reveals that Barney's head is full of worms. ]98. Massage with a stun gun. ]99. Heat pastuerization. ]100. Barney stars in an Itchy and Scratchy movie. ]101. Abandoned in a sensory deprivation tank. ]102. Barney meets Elmira (I'm gonna hug him and squeeze him to itty bitty ] pieces.) ]103. Put Barney in an old Star Trek episode, in a RED SHIRT. ]104. Put Barney in a Star Trek Next Generation episode, in a gold shirt. ]105. Make him the drummer of Spinal Tap. ]106. Use him as a zap-o-matic target. ]107. Paint him green & give him to Gallager for his Sledge-o-matic. ]108. Paint him green & give him to David Letterman for a 10 story drop. ]109. Confine him with Marvin the depressed Android (Douglus Adams). ]110. Put a horse collar on him and abandom him on alt.sex.beastiality. ] (He all ready has the news group netnews.alt.sex.beastiality.barney) ]111. Stick him in a car with Ted Kennedy near a bridge. ]112. Paint "Branch Dividian & Proud of it" and drop him off at the BATF hq. ]113. Put him on a blind date with Lorena Bobbit AFTER she gets her new set ] of Ginsu(tm) knives. ]114. Barney scrapple. ]115. Bury him next to Jimmy Hoffa. ]116. Tell Tipper Gore he sings on how to masterbate. ]117. Recreate the Challenger accident woth Barney playing substitute teacher. ]118. Use Barney as a test subject for exotic new nerve gases. ]119. Put him in Mr. MacDonald's Blue Bio class. Sorry if this offended anyone!
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