A voice on the phone: -"Doctor, please hurry. My son swallowed a razorblade." -"Don't panic, I'm coming immediately. Have you done anything yet ?" -"Yea, I shaved with the electric razor." -"Help! HELP!", the drowning man was screaming, "I can't swim ! " -"So what", the guy on the shore yells back, "I can't swim either, but I'm not making such a fuss about it." The doctor enters the bedroom, leaving the husband, that urgently called him, outside. After only two minutes the doctor gets out and asks the husband if he could borrow him some really sharp knife. He returns with a knife and the doctors dissapears in again. Soon he gets back, asking to borrow a hammer and a screwdriver. The husband runs away to the garage and returns, a little paniced this time. The doctor goes back to the bedroom again, but gets out after a few minutes again: -"Excuse me, but I could really use an axe, if you have one." -"AN AXE ?", the poor husband screams, "for Gods sake, doc, why don't you take my wife to some hospital immediately, when it's a case of that kind ? And, what's wrong with her ? -"Oh, I don't know yet, because I haven't been able to open my bag yet." A man runs in to the reception of the hospital: -"I don't know what's wrong with my wife, doc. It seems like it's something really serious. Her face is completely stiff and she can't talk at all." -"Hmmmm....it sounds like it might be just some cramp", the doctor replies. -"Really ?....Oh, well then doc, if you happen to be in the neighbourhood one of these days, could you please stop by and take a look at her ?" The kid had swallowed a coin and it got stuck in his throat, and so his mother ran out in the street yelling for help. A man passing by took the boy by his shoulders and hit him with a few strong strokes on the back, and so he coughed the coin out. -"I don't know how to thank you, doc...", his mother started. -"I'm not a doctor", the man replied, "I'm from the IRS".
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