Date: 2 Mar 91 17:01:10 PST (Saturday) Subject: Life 7.6 ---------------------------------------------------- Question: What does Saddam Hussein have in common with Fred Flinstone? Answer: They both can look out of their window and see rubble! ---------------------------------------------------- Q. Why doesn't Saddam go out drinking? A. Why should he when he can get bombed at home? ---------------------------------------------------- Why won't the Israelis cooperate with the US in the Gulf War for very long? Because the last time they listened to a "bush", they wandered lost in the desert for forty years!!! ---------------------------------------------------- Baghdad Radio reports that Iraq's Scud missles have intercepted and destroyed incoming Patriot missiles seven times. The Patriots were launched from Israel and Saudi Arabia and never even made it to Iraq's borders before they were destroyed. The advanced Iraqi early warning system has permitted the intercepting Scud missle to be launched before the Patriot missle it will destroy. ---------------------------------------------------- The latest from Saudi Arabia and Baghdad is that : Americans claim they have air superiority over Iraq. Iraqis claim they have air superiority over Iran. ---------------------------------------------------- Responding to a report that Saddam has executed his Air Defense and Air Force chiefs for incompetence, LTG Kelley stated: "He has a very dynamic zero-defects program." ---------------------------------------------------- Humorist Mark Russel on the Today Show (2/8/91): "After Saddam is dead the only enemy we will have left is Dan Rather" ---------------------------------------------------- Q: What's the national bird of Iraq? A: DUCK! ---------------------------------------------------- What's the fastest way to break up a bingo game in Baghdad? You shout out, "B-52" ---------------------------------------------------- I heard in the Danish radio news a hour after the surrender, that the iraqis was to clean up after themselves in respect to mines. How does an iraqi mine detector look like ? (Put the a finger in each ear, close your eyes, put your weight on one foot, and carefully tap the floor in front of you with the other.) ---------------------------------------------------- Supposedly genuine Iraqi joke, quoted in "Moscow News": ...A foreigner asks an Iraqi what the population of his country is. "30 million," he replies. - "30 million??" - "Well, it's 17 million people, plus 13 million portraits of Saddam." ---------------------------------------------------- The Washington Post (known by some as "Pravda on the Potomac," but I love it anyway) reports that the latest Persian Gulf War joke is: "What's the most popular bumper sticker in the Iraqi air force? If you can read this, you must be defecting too..." ---------------------------------------------------- Have you heard about the new Royal Iraqi Air Force exercise program? Each morning you raise your hands above your head and leave them there. ---------------------------------------------------- New version of an old jokes: The new version: An American tourist is visiting Iraq, and he's talking with a Iraqi about the fact that not many people in Iraq own cars. The American says, "I can't belive you don't have cars here! How do you get to work?" The Iraqi replies, "We take bus." The American asks, "Well, how do you go on vacations?" The Iraqi replies, "We take train." The American asks, "Well, what if you want to go abroad?" The Iraqi replies, "We don't want go abroad." The American presses further and asks, "Well, what if you really HAVE to go abroad?" The Iraqi replies, "We take tanks." ------------------------ Saddam Hussein was having terrible nightmares, and so he decided to go to a fortune teller hoping that the woman could find the source of his problem. "I am sorry but I am unable to help you solve your dreams" said the fortune teller, "but I do know that you will die on a Jewish holiday." "And which holiday will this be?" he asked. "It does not matter." she replied. "Any day that you die will be a Jewish Holiday." ---------------------------------------------------- Amnesty International has alleged that Iraqui detainees in the UK are being kept with no heating, lighting, fresh water or proper sanitation and that they are being kept awake all night and face abritrary justice on charges they have not been told about. When asked to comment, a Home Office spokesman said "We're just trying to make them feel at home" ---------------------------------------------------- [From San Diego Union, 31-Jan-91, page B2] Linguistic experts told New York magazine that the name Saddam has two distinct meanings. With the accent placed correctly on the second syllable, it means "learned one." But when Mr. Bush says Saddam (sounds like "Adam"), it means "a boy who fixes or cleans old shoes." ---------------------------------------------------- P.S. (For Scottish soccer fans,) Saddam Hussein is walking along and spots an old brass lamp on the ground (amongst the rubble?!). Picking it up, he says to himself, "Don't really believe all that magic stuff, but what the heck!" and begins to rub the lamp. Out pops a Genie, who pledges undying loyalty to the beer-bellied one, and promises to grant his every wish. GENIE: So what can I do for you, your bizarrely-moustachioedness? SH: Look at this map. It shows Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, and all of Europe. I want to rule them all for ever. GENIE: Hmmm.... Bit hard. Let me sleep on it. Anything else? SH: Yes, I'd like Celtic to win the Scottish Cup. GENIE: Let's see the map again...? ---------------------------------------------------- Subject: Not an idle threat From: (Dave Dodson) News Flash: Saddam Hussein claims to have captured 1,000 American lawyers. He plans to release one at a time until we surrender! ---------------------------------------------------- From: patvh@vice.ICO.TEK.COM (Pat Van Hoomissen) True Story - Last week one of our troops, a lance corporal, called up the Bagdad Hotel to make reservations for a party to be held in a week. "And how many will there be in your party?" the women asked seriously... ---------------------------------------------------- Subject: Smart Weapons From: (This is original.) Early reports from the Persian Gulf have sung the praises of our smart weapons. The cruise missiles would first stop by the Baghdad Post Office to see if the target had filed a change of address, then head down the main boulevard, carefully observing all traffic lights. Upon reaching the target, the missile would knock on the door, display the correct password to gain entrance, and penetrate deeply into the building before detonating. The precision of those weapons is most impressive, but I have a different concept of a truly "smart" weapon. It would say to the designer, "You want me to crash into a concrete wall and explode? No, no, no. Let me have a chat with the man. Give me a letter of introduction, 'A Mr. Thomas Hauke to see Saddam Hussein' or words to that effect. I'd say to him, 'You realize that I'm carrying a half-ton of explosive, and if I were to carry out my intended mission, well, it would be an enormous headache for your maintenance staff. I'd much prefer to have a spot of tea and discuss the latest video technology. If you'd be a good man and withdraw from Kuwait, I'm sure we could reach an amicable agreement.'" I suppose that there are some problems with my scheme. Contemplative weapons might reflect on their purpose in the universe, and too much of the wrong flavor of existentialism could have a devastating effect. "Whether I destroy an Iraqi or Saudi airbase is a matter of complete indifference to the universe." There's nothing more dangerous than a nihilistic missile. For the time being, I suspect that while designers will continue to make weapons more "intelligent," in the sense of being able to perform more complex tasks, they will still pursue their missions with the single-mindedness of an untenured professor. The weapons, that is. ---------------------------------------------------- Iraqi jokes from Spaf From: (Eric Griswold) Subject: The British and the war I think that the best reason to have the British involved in the Gulf War is watching British journalist's distaste at having to say the word "scud". = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = From: (Steve Loughran) Subject: Iraq vs. France So how did George Bush persuade the French to take part in the war with Iraq? The only reason I can think of is that the CIA came up with irrefutable evidence that Saddam Hussein was a member of Greenpeace. ---------------------------------------------------- From: (Anthony DeBoer) I heard this from my brother, who is a Search and Rescue pilot at Canadian Forces Base Bagotville, Quebec. It's an apocryphal story that allegedly happened late one night during bad weather, as heard over the tower radio: Helicopter Pilot: "Roger, I'm holding at 3000 over [such-and-such] beacon". Second voice: "NO! You can't be doing that! _I'm_ holding at 3000 over that beacon!" (brief pause, then first voice again): "You idiot, you're my co-pilot." ---------------------------------------------------- This joke can actually be attributed to the Irish Premiere, who was asked "What do you think of the Audi 80?", and replied "I'm sure at least some of them are innocent." ---------------------------------------------------- Denny's resturants are also open 24 hours a day. When they decided to close last Christmas (first time ever), they realized that a lot of doors did not have locks, most of those that did have locks, no one knew where to find the keys! ---------------------------------------------------- news of the weird Wrong place, wrong time Four teen-agers were arrested in the parking lot of a large mall in Lakeland, Fla., just before Christmas when, attempting to steal an automobile at random, they tried to break into a police van containing three officers on a stakeout. Gene Robinson, 24, was arrested in Dayton, Tenn., after having sat for part of a session as a member of a grand jury hearing drug cases. He had already voted on 20 indictments when the next name that came up was his. He raised his hand, said, "That's me," and excused himself. His fellow members indicted him, and police arrested him at his home a short time later. ---------------------------------------------------- Not exactly a bank-robber story, but .... Several years ago, in Denver Colorado, a man went to H&R Block with this story: Twenty years ago, he had gotten out of prison and had trouble when people found out he was an ex-con. So he changed his name and moved to where they didn't know him. People would eventually find out, so he kept moving and changing his name. In all that time, he had not paid his taxes. Now he was doing very well and he was tired of moving all the time. He wanted H&RBlock to figure out what he owed in back taxes so he could settle down. H&R Block took his list of names and addresses and old jobs and did several months of research for him. When they got all the forms filled out, he sent the forms and alot of *cash* to the IRS and then skipped town without paying H&R Block. The people at that office of H&R Block thought this was so funny that they put the story in the Denver paper. ---------------------------------------------------- Faced with economic pressures, many commercial offices are cutting back on costs wherever possible, in an attempt to remain profitable. At one particular office, employees are taking management's belt-tightening orders seriously: "I'm taking home only half the office supplies I used to", one staffer notes. ---------------------------------------------------- Heard in an interview with George Will on WSB Radio, Atlanta: Caller: "What do you think about football?" Will: "Football is a mistake. It combines the two worst elements of American life. Violence and committee meetings." ---------------------------------------------------- At one time, there was a Sea Scout camp outside Norfolk, Va., that was so close to the beach the porpoises used to swim into shore at dinnertime. The camp's chef would announce the meal by yelling, "Chow time! For all in tents -- and porpoises!" ---------------------------------------------------- "The World's Worst Puns" (Reader's Digest article, 7/82) (Condensed from the book by John S. Crosbie) Much has been written about helping plants to grow by playing music or singing to them. Success has now been reported by a man who has been experimenting with obscene fern calls. At a local popular racket club, you have to book well ahead if you want to reserve a tennis court. One tennis enthusiast was so soncerned about not losing his booking that he left early from his wife's funeral. It was a case of putting the court before the hearse. Rabbit is a favorite dish in Paris. They raise them in the hutch back of Notre Dame. My greatest contribution to humor came when I taught my pet lizard to walk on its hind legs. It was the world's first stand-up chameleon. When the FBI arrested the head of a Mafia family, he turned out to be a very proud man and kept refusing to answer their questions. They grilled him all night without success but, finally, when morning came the don broke. An inexperienced butcher in northern Canada was asked by a hunter to cut up and package a huge moose. Never having seen one before, the young man nonetheless managed to get it cut into pieces and to parcel and label the obvious parts: steaks, chops, ribs, etc. He had a lot of pieces left over, however, that he couldn't identify. So he parceled each of them as well and marked them "Mooselaneous." It is a little known fact that many lighthouse keepers raise hens. Apparently, they like to have eggs with their beacon. ---------------------------------------------------- Another organically grown entry for rec.humus. Only natural punchlines are used in my jokes, and no antibiotics now that the infection has gone down. ------------------- Apple Corporation Sues Itself. [AP] In a move that has industrial analysts scratching their heads, Apple Computers has filed suit against Apple Computers Corporation. The company claims that Apple has violated the Look and Feel of their own machines which has helped to make the company famous. An Apple Spokesperson stated "This is no joke. If we don't protect our copyrighted interface, everyone will use it and we could lose the exclusive right. So it is in our best interests to sue anyone who uses the Macintosh Look and Feel, including ourselves." The spokesperson says Apple has retained the prestigious LA law firm of Kukla, Fran and Ollie to spearhead the lawsuit. Apple's in house lawyers will defend. Long time Apple observer Ernest Dinklefwat stated that this is a sure sign that Apple has too many lawyers and not enough engineers. "In the old days Apple depended on its talented engineers to keep ahead of the competition, but now they have lost the edge, as well as their grasp on reality." The industry will be sure to watch this case closely. If Apple wins the suit against itself, this could mean a massive recall of all Macintosh and Lisa computers which will need to be converted to avoid all graphics and desktop metaphors and instead provide a simple terminal-like interface. Such a move would cause a massive digression in the personal computer market. Users of computers would be forced to learn to read, which could cause dangerous literacy among college students and professionals. -David Lowry --
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