Date: 30 Nov 92 17:21:19 PST (Monday) Subject: Life 9.3 ---------------------------------------------------- The following is something Shikha Ghosh sifted out of rec.humor -------------------------- From: bruceh@hpspdla.spd.HP.COM (Bruce Hayek): Personally, if I had my own business it would be: MISERY LOVES CO. ---------------------------------------------------- From Bob Coleman's sifting of rec.humor What do Kinney Shoe Stores and the U.S. Post Office have in common? 50,000 loafers! -------------------------- Ludwig Boltzmann, who spent much of his life studying statistical mechanics, died in 1906, by his own hand. Paul Ehrenfest, carrying on the work, died similarly in 1933. Now it is our turn to study statistical mechanics. Perhaps it will be wise to approach the subject cautiously. -- David L. Goodstein [ _States of Matter_ ] -------------------------- But in physics I soon learned to scent out the paths that led to the depths, and to disregard everything else, all the many things that clutter up the mind, and divert it from the essential. The hitch in this was, of course, the fact that one had to cram all this stuff into one's mind for the examination, whether one liked it or not. -- Albert Einstein ---------------------------------------------------- From Philip A. Fleischmann's siftings of rec.humor -------------------------- From: (Jon Marlan) Organization: New Mexico Tech A few semesters ago I noticed a sign on campus that was pretty funny. Someone had tampered with a "ROAD CLOSED" sign so that it read "TOAD CLOSET." I can imagine what some of our foreign students thought about that one. -------------------------- From: (Ted Frank) Organization: University of Chicago Computing Organizations When I lived on the West Bank in New Orleans (which was on the east side of the Mississippi River), local residents were disgruntled about the plan to put in tollbooths over the one bridge that allowed people to cross over into downtown New Orleans. It would be a one-way toll to enter the city. One resident felt the tollbooth plan was particularly unfair. "The city *always* discriminates against West Bankers. Why can't they put the tolls on the other side of the bridge?" ---------------------------------------------------- From Ellen Spertus' sifting of rec.humor -------------------------- From: (Grig Larson) This is an example of a great harmless practical joke for sci majors: Inflate as many balloons as you can [500+ works best]. Dip them in liquid nitrogen. They should shrink down to almost non-inflated size. Take all these balloons and hurredly toss them in someone's room, sans liqNitro. I forgot where I heard this, but someone told me it is great to watch the room from a distance as the balloons swell up and take over the room. ---------------------------------------------------- From Kent Williams' sifting of rec.humor -------------------------- Non-Reciprocal Laws of Expectations: Negative expectations yield negative results. Positive expectations yield negative results. Keep in mind always the two constant Laws of Frisbee: 1) The most powerful force in the world is that of a disc straining to land under a car, just out of reach (this force is technically termed "car suck"). 2) Never precede any manoeuvre by a comment more predictive than "Watch this!" "It is bad luck to be superstitious." -- Andrew W. Mathis -------------------------- Q: What do you get when you cross a dog with a giraffe? A: A creature which barks at planes. -------------------------- There was an engineer working at a defense contractor, and for twenty years he had been going through the same security gate. The sign above the gate said "These articles forbidden inside: Radios, TVs, Recording Equipment". One day he walked through, but as he was passing the guard, his beeper went off. The guard said, "What was that?" The engineer replied, "Only my beeper." The guard then asked him if it the beeper was a radio. The common answer in this situation would have been no, but the engineer, being a stickler for the truth replied yes. The guard then confiscated the beeper above all the protests of the engineer. So the engineer walked a few paces onward, pulled out a pen, unscrewed the cap of it, and spoke in a low voice into the end of it, "They've taken my radio." He got in alot of trouble. -------------------------- A wealthy American died. In his will, he left considerable sums of money to three friends, an Englishman, A Welshman, and an Irishman if they would leave $10 in his coffin. The Englishman was the first to arrive at the wake, and promptly placed a $10 bill in the coffin. The Welshman arrived second. He borrowed $10 from the Englishman and placed it in the coffin. The Irishman arrived last. He wrote a check for $30, placed it in the coffin, and took the two $10 bills. Three days later, the check was cashed. Seems the undertaker was a Scot. ---------------------------------------------------- From Tom Henning's sifting of rec.humor -------------------------- From uranus!parc!bionet!agate!ames!!uunet!mcsun!uknet!!newton!n1zk6 Lada Jokes ========== How many man do you need to build a lada ? Two. One folding, one glueing. What do you call a Lada that starts first time ? A novelty. What do you call a Lada that overtakes you ? A mirage. What to you call a Lada with brakes ? Customised. Guy #1 : I was lucky yesterday, I won second prize in a lottery ! Guy #2 : Lucky you! What did you win ? Guy #1 : A Lada Guy #2 : Oh yeah, what was the first prize ? Guy #1 : A basket of assorted fruits. -------------------------- She was telling her friend about an accident she recently had: -"First I ran into the sidewalk as I smashed some motorcycles, and then I hit a tree so my car turned around and ended up in the middle of the street. After that I hit a truck that, luckily, was slowly moving in my direction, my car bounced when we collided and I flew up in a shop window. And, at that moment I completely lost control of my car..." -------------------------- The same Irishman got thirsty rushing downstairs, so he went to a bar. After sitting down, he ordered 18 beers. The bartender got shocked and ask if he was serious, he replied proudly, 'The sign at the door says UNDER 18 NOT ALLOWED'.... ---------------------------------------------------- From Christopher Neufeld's sifting or rec.humor neufeld@helios.physics.utoronto:ca And it happened that two hunters were tramping through the forest, hunting, because that's what hunters do. They had tramped for quite a while, when suddenly they saw a deer (no relation to Bambi) and shot it (they were hunting, remember.) So the two hunters grabbed a hind leg each, and started dragging the corpse through the woods. It was slow going, of course, since the antlers kept getting caught on trees and bushes and shrubs. Finally, they came to a clearing, and met a third hunter (hunting.) The third hunter saw their predicament, and said, "Gosh, why don't you fellows grab the deer by the antlers and drag it like that? Should be easier..." The two hunters saw the wisdom in the third hunter's words, and immediately followed his advice. Two hours later, the first hunter looked at the second hunter and said, "You know, that guy was right, this is much easier!" "Yeah," replied the other, "but we keep getting farther and farther away from the jeep..." -------------------------- The best thing to teach your parrot to say is, "Here kitty-kitty-kitty, here kitty-kitty-kitty." -------------------------- Saw one yesterday, "NO PARKING IN MIDDLE OF STREET" Is this really a problem? -------------------------- Alaska's legislature could have dealt with marijuana recriminalization two years ago by amending the state's constitution. Why didn't they? It would have required them to pass a joint resolution. -------------------------- From: (Chris R. Vessey) Here's one from a Discover magazine of Long Long Ago . . . it was designed for people who complain about the length of your humourous answering machine messages. ANSWERING MACHINE. SPEAK. I have found this works effectively when read in a somewhat Klingon-sounding voice. -------------------------- From: (Joe Collins) True story. I go into a Burger King with a friend of mine and he says to me: "Follow my lead and then order me a Cheeseburger and a coke." "But first say a hamburger". We go up to the counter and I order for myself. I then say, "Frank what will you have?" He says loudly: HGJHSGDJHGSD ALKKJSKWI KLLKQOIiwe, (pure gibberish, very loudly) I say to the attendant, "Okay, he'll have a coke and a hamburger." At which Frank grabs my arm and screams: ZX[APOQOIWOWK ALKZJASOPIW AL:KLASK (even louder) I turn back to the attendant and say: "He changed his mind, make that a cheeseburger" They looked at us stoneface as we walked out......We laughed all the way home. -------------------------- From: On VMS, the XDELTA operating-system and device-driver debugger utility's one and only all-purpose error message is, "Eh?" -------------------------- From: (Dale Parish) Reminded me of the guy in our outfit who'd made himself a custom paper spike to fit over his terminal. He transferred to a new job in a different building and when he found he had a terminal of the same model, he snuck in early one day and swiped the old paper spike to which he'd grown attached. The system went down that same morning about startup time, and I got a call from the girl who'd replaced him at his old job. "My terminal's been broken! You gotta come fix it-- it's EOM and I've got gobbs of stuff to input!!!" "What's been broken... " checking to see and sure enough, the system was still off-line. "Somebody broke off the antenna and it doesn't receive the computer anymore." And she was deadpan serious. ---------------------------------------------------- Bob Cherry's sifting of rec.humor: -------------------------- From: (Rick Schaut) ]In Michigan if more than 10 deer are hit in a certain area a Deer Crossing ]sign must be put up. I've always wondered how deer know to cross between those signs. -------------------------- From: (Robin Winslett) My favorite is a common sign in Montana: ---------- | Snow | | * | | Route | ---------- Since when does the snow need it's own roads?? -------------------------- From: (Andrew I. Jones) Here's the message I made... Note, tone of voice can be either deeply sinister or overly happy. [sinister organ music] "Hello, you have reached the [last name] residence." "You now have two choices. Number one, you may leave a message." [angelic "Hallelujah!"] "Or number two, suffer eternal damnation." [horrid death scream] "You decide." *BEEP* -------------------------- Marc Loon [] Conversation: a voice competition between two people in which the one taking a breath is called the listener. -------------------------- From: jimh@pacdata.uucp (Jim Harkins) Re: stupid criminal tricks Another guy put a bag over his head and robbed a video store. He had correctly cut out 2 holes for his eyes but they didn't have any trouble finding him. He'd used a clear plastic bag..... ---------------------------------------------------- From Bob Cherry: While in high school I took physics and chemistry and had the tough luck to receive the same teacher for both classes. She was a relatively nice woman, but a stickler when giving us homework and on test. The one thing she always said was, "I don't care if you discover a new law to the universe, you are required to show all your work on test and homework problems in order to get full credit. Even if your answers are right, you have to show me how you got them." Well, I didn't always show my work because a lot of it I guessed at and she always took half of my score off for not doing so. This went on for an entire semester until I finally found a way to get her back. In the back of the physics room were bulletin boards where she posted some of the common laws for physics and chemistry. On one of the boards was Avigadross number which was written as 6.023 x 10 to the 23rd. I took a small piece of paper, wrote a note on it and tacked it next to the message on the bulliten board. The next day she announced in class that she would only be taking 5 points off of test and homework papers from now on if they didn't show all work. The note I had posted worked. If your wondering what it said -- Nice work Avigadross, but you didn't show your work --- D+. -------------------------- From Bob Cherry (from a friend of his): A few years ago, I was visiting in Connecticut and decided to take a tour of the Hartford Museum of Modern Art. While there I saw a number of eye catching photos, sculptures, paintings and the like, but only one thing caught my minds eye -- a T-shirt in the gift shop. What it said made me think and many times I go back and look at the list on my T-shirt just to give me a new perspective or to find the perfect answer to one of life's little mysteries. When I wear the shirt, people stop me and ask to read it. They tell me its great and they ask where they can get one. Such information I refuse to divulge because I have something so unique and I don't want to share it, but I will share the words that often give me the answers I need. ABUSE OF POWER IS NO SURPRISE ACTION CAUSES MORE TROUBLE THAN THOUGHT ALL THINGS ARE DELICATELY INTERCONNECTED AN ELITE IS INEVITABLE AWFUL PUNISHMENT AWAITS REALLY BAD PEOPLE BEING HAPPY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING ELSE BOREDOM MAKES YOU DO CRAZY THINGS CHANGE IS VALUABLE WHEN THE OPPRESSED BECOME TYRANTS CHILDREN ARE THE CRUELEST OF ALL CHILDREN ARE THE HOPE OF THE FUTURE CONFUSING YOURSELF IS A WAY OF STAYING HONEST IF YOU LIVE SIMPLY THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT IT IS MANS FATE TO OUTSMART HIMSELF IT IS BETTER TO BE NAIVE THAN JADED IT IS CRUCIAL TO HAVE AN ACTIVE FANTASY LIFE JUST BELIEVING IN SOMETHING CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN LACK OF CHARISMA CAN BE FATAL MONEY CREATES TASTE MOTHERS SHOULDN'T MAKE TOO MANY SACRIFICES NOTHING UPSETS THE BALANCE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL PEOPLE ARE BORING UNLESS THEY ARE EXTREMISTS PEOPLE WHO GO CRAZY ARE TOO SENSITIVE PUSH YOURSELF TO THE LIMITS AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE RAISE BOYS AND GIRLS THE SAME ROMANTIC LOVE WAS CREATED TO MANIPULATE WOMEN SALVATION CAN'T BE BOUGHT OR SOLD SELFISHNESS IS THE MOST BASIC MOTIVATION SELFLESSNESS IS THE HIGHEST ACHIEVEMENT SLIPPING INTO MADNESS IS GOOD FOR THE SAKE OF COMPARISON SLOPPY THINKING GETS WORSE OVER TIME SOMETIMES SCIENCE ADVANCES FURTHER THAN IT SHOULD THE MORE YOU KNOW THE BETTER OFF YOU ARE THE WORLD OPERATES ACCORDING TO DISCOVERABLE LAWS THERE ARE TOO FEW IMMUTABLE TRUTHS TODAY THERE IS NOTHING EXCEPT WHAT YOU CAN SENSE TIMIDITY IS LAUGHABLE TRUE FREEDOM IS FRIGHTFUL WISHING THINGS AWAY IS NOT EFFECTIVE YOU ARE GUILELESS IN YOUR DREAMS YOU ARE THE PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE YOUR ACTIONS ARE POINTLESS IF NO ONE NOTICES -- Henry Cate III [] The Life collection maintainer, selections of humor from the internet "The Greatest Management Principle in the World" by Michael LeBoeuf: The things that get rewarded, get done.
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