Date: 3 May 93 17:27:57 PDT (Monday) Subject: Life 9.N ---------------------------------------------------- The following are selections from a Clinton Joke collection by: From: (Nathan Mates) -------------------------- Clinton Bashing The two U.S. cities with the highest alcohol consumption are Las Vegas and Washington, DC. The difference between the two is that in Washington the drunks are gambling with *our* money! -------------------------- Q: How can you tell Bill Clinton apart from a cow? A: By the wise look in the eyes. -------------------------- Q: How many Bill Clintons does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Two -- One to promise he'll do it better than anyone else and one to obscure the issues. A: None -- He'll only promise "change." -------------------------- George Bush: "Change, change, change... That's all we'll have in our pockets if Bill Clinton is elected president." -------------------------- Heard on MTV News: "Bill's brother who who owns a band, Politics, will be playing at the inauguration if Bill Clinton gets elected. Bill's brother will bring down the house just like Bill Clinton will bring down the country." -------------------------- I heard Bill Clinton was Grand Marshal of a stock car race during the Labor Day weekend. A politician strikes me as an excellent choice to preside over an event where people drive in circles at high speed. -------------------------- Q: Why are people in Arkansas having peanut butter and jelly for Thanksgiving this year? A: Because they're sending their turkey to the White House! A2: Because they can't afford any more pork A3: Reagan ate all the jellybeans A4: They've been having turkey FOR YEARS -------------------------- What is the difficulty with writing a PDP-8 program to emulate Bill Clinton? Figuring out what to do with the other 3K. -------------------------- ]From The Wall Street Journal, 11/19, page one (reprinted w/out permission) "Reality Sets In: Clinton Advisors Find Promises are Easier to Make Than Keep" ---- "They are Drawing Up Lists of Tax Increases and Cuts in Entitlement Programs / One Target: Big Corporations" ---------- -------------------------- Which is worse, a Vice-President who can't spell or a President who can't add? -------------------------- The May Day parade in Moscow is the largest, most important military parade of the year. For 1992's parade, Yeltsin and Gorbachev invited Bill Clinton to come watch it with them. The parade commenced with a battalion of tanks, followed by a division of infantry, followed by armored personnel carriers and mobile artillery. They had mobile ballistic missile launchers, electronic jamming vehicles, and throughout the entire time the formations were overflown by squadrons of the most advanced interceptors, fighters, and long-range tactical and strategic bombers. Clinton, who had never been this close to war in his life, was suitably impressed. Then he noticed that, way back at the end of the parade, there was a disorganized, messy bunch of men in rumpled suits tagging along behind the last artillery pieces. "Who are they?" he asked. "Ah," said Yeltsin, "those are our economists!" "But I thought this parade was military..." said Clinton, confused. "Mr. Clinton," said Gorbachev, "have you SEEN the damage those men can do?" -------------------------- There are too many bills to pay without having to pay the one in washington. Bill Clinton's Top Ten List of Pet Peeves 10. Those selfish, unpatriotic investors who keep betting against his economic recovery plan. 9. The way the Democratic Congressmen grin and wink at him whenever he proposes new spending cuts. 8. Reporters who go way overboard trying to prove they're not biased by reminding him of his campaign promises. 7. A Cabinet full of lawyers. 6. All the old issues of National Review on Air Force One have the anti-Bush stories cut out. 5. Having to sort his garbage whenever Al Gore is around. 4. That sinking feeling of de ja vou he gets whenever he passes the bust of Jimmy Carter in the White House. 3. Autographing photos for the "damn cat." 2. Hillary Rodahm Clinton. 1. Unpatriotic taxpayers who don't appreciate how fun it is to raise taxes again and again and again. Copyright (c) Edward A. Ipser, Jr., 1993 -------------------------- Top Ten Slick Willie Nicknames that DIDN'T Stick 10. Honest Bill. 9. Mr. Fidelity. 8. Private Clinton. 7. Bill, the One-Faced Politician. 6. Mr. Dependable. (Unfair! You can depend on him to raise taxes.) 5. William, the Budget Slayer. 4. Two-Term Bill. 3. John F. Klinton. (JFK CUT taxes.) 2. The Economy President. 1. The Truth-Meister. Copyright (c) Edward A. Ipser, Jr., 1993 -------------------------- Top Ten Rejected Slogans for Slick Willie's New Taxes 10. We know how to spend your money: We're the government. 9. Hi, I'm Bill Clinton. And I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse. 8. Don't think of it as higher taxes, think of it as an investment in a money-losing enterprise. 7. The Federal Government, where extortion is Job One. 6. Nothing says "I love my country" like higher taxes. 5. You were probably just going to stick it in a savings account, anyway. 4. By Arkansas standards, you ARE the rich! 3. Don't think of it as higher taxes, think of it as a lower standard of living. 2. Higher taxes, because serious spending cuts are Icky, Yucky! 1. Hi, I'm Crrrrraaaaaazzzzzyyyyy Bill. And I want your Money! Copyright (c) Edward A. Ipser, Jr., 1993 -------------------------- Bill Clinton will launch health consciousness campaign and promote jogging and reportedly he asked Hillary would she run. "No", she said,"not now, not until '96." ---------------------------------------------------- From the eniac mailing list: -------------------------- From: (Robin Carkhuff) I teach geography. For one of my assignments, the student must learn to identify all fifty United States. Not hard, when given a blank map to fill in, but that's not the real test. My students must draw and label the map from memory, FREEHAND. I recently had a student working on this assignment. He practiced and practiced with great effort. The result? Everything west of the Mississippi was just right. New England fit together perfectly, as did the Tidewater states. The Northern Midwest lined up fine, and so did the Southern Coastal states. He even spelled all fifty correctly. Obviously, Dave had drawn each region in turn rather than first outlining the country and then trying to subdivide it. It was a good technique, but unfortunately the belly of the US was drooping a bit lower on his paper than in reality, leaving a gap between Tennessee and the Deep South. It was labeled "Unclaimed Territory." I gave him an A. -------------------------- From: Patrick Tufts [] Newsgroups: talk.bizarre MANHATTAN (UPI) - FBI agents report the arrest of Salaama "Duh, can I have my deposit back" Mohammed early Thursday. Three part miniseries airs starting monday on ABC, with NBC and CBS following up later in the week. -------------------------- From: (John F. Woods) Some time back, we were discussing the Sylvia strip, and I thought I'd forward today's as I particularly liked it. It uses a standard Sylvia format, wherein Sylvia (off panel) is talking to her cats, who are holding up signs (one for each of two cats) to hold up their end of the conversation. Sylvia: Hi, guys. What's shaking? Cat 1: We couldn't have done it. Cat 2: Don't blame us. S: What have you done? 1: Our brains are too small. 2: Scientific fact. S: Just tell me. 1: The dog is on a plane. 2: To Bogota. And this month's favorite bit from Zippy: "Sanitized, anger-free beatniks, recycled for domestic use." -------------------------- From: Joel B Levin [] I am not fond of those heart shaped symbols they're found elsewhere than on playing cards, and I especially deplore their use as verbs, as is often seen in slogans such as "I [heart] comfy chairs". So I was only moderately charmed to see a bumper sticker this morning that said "I [heart] SCIENCE" which instead of the normal heart icon used a red drawing shaped like a human heart, including the starts of the four major blood vessels. If one must wear a slogan of that type, that seems an appropriate sentiment and execution. -------------------------- From: (richard welty) while i was driving through this past weekend, i saw all these signs that said New Jersey Works! i could have sworn that it was broken; when did they fix it? -------------------------- From: (John F. Woods) Newsgroups: comp.risks In comp.risks Pat Place [] writes: ][] states that companies have the right to ]control the use of their computers and can therefore limit private use for, ]say, E-mail. The solution is to consider E-mail access as a fringe benefit. ]But aren't benefits taxable, so how much should I declare to the IRS for the ]437 bytes of this message? I have only counted the text and none of the header ]information. Pat Place The answer, of course, is simple. You send 28% of all the email you receive (31% if you receive a lot of it) on a magtape to Internal Revenue Service Email Tax Collection Frostbite Falls MN 99999-0000 -------------------------- From: (Jim Muchow) As proof of what Minnesotans will do to avoid a Minnesota Winter: the team of women led by St.Paulite, Ann Bancroft, has reached the South Pole on skis. JM - who is now putting together a team to be the first to cross the Fiji Islands on skis next winter - donations? -------------------------- From: (Terry Labach) The following are some of the definitions offered by students on an examination of cultural literacy, from the article "The Cultural Literacy of Graduate Management Students" in Business Horizons. Students were asked to provide definitions for 250 terms taken from E. D. Hirsch's Dictionary of Cultural Literacy. Term Definition 1066: an IRS form Aaron Burr: Perry Mason Acrophobia: fear of acronyms Actuary: a home for birds Annunciation: to speak clearly Cellulose: fat deposits Gerrymander: to speak at length in Congress to keep a bill from passing Jehovah: Jesus Stradivarius: as in "Rex" ---------------------------------------------------- The following list was collected by: From: (Koos van den Hout) * This is it : The canonical list of 'You Know When You've Been Hacking Too Long When' -------------------------- From: (Sergej Roytman) This just happened to me: I wanted to take an elevator down to the second floor and I hit the '1' key. Ground floor is 0 so the floor above it is 1, right? I need a vacation. Now. When does spring break start? -------------------------- From: (Michael Pereckas) I once wanted to go to the basement and spent some time looking for the 0 button before I realized that the floor below 1 is not 0 but B. -------------------------- From: APPMS@CUNYVM.BITNET (Alexandre Pechtchanski) You know.... when you are trying to recall something and hear in your head: "parity error at address..." -------------------------- From: stirling@ozrout.uucp (Stirling Westrup) You know, I always wondered if I wasn't a real hacker, since none of the hacking-too-long incidences had ever happened to me. Well, now one has. Last evening, while cleaning up my desk, waiting for one stage of a large make to finish, I managed to stab myself under my thumbnail on a sharp piece of sheet metal. The sheet metal is an integral part of my desk, and was most likely put there to serve exactly the purpose it was serviing, ie. maiming me. Anyway, in intense pain, and with blood spurting out of my thumb, I started to make a dash for the bathroom, to find something to bind my wounds with. After a few steps I stopped, went back and hit RETURN on my terminal, so that the next stage of the make could progress while I was bleeding to death in the bathroom. Its a bad sign folks, even when in pain, I do my best to multitask... -------------------------- From: After been working with an hypertext system we are developing, I sat down at home -at last!- to watch tv. After 2 min. or so I began to wonder what I was seeing, inmediatly looking for the INFO key in the remote control!. ( No teletext in my tv ). BTW: I sometimes wanted grep to work with videotapes, and of course, books; is a pity you can't grep dead trees. -------------------------- From: Josef Moellers [] More than once during the last couple of weeks, the following happened to me: I have three children. All three show the same behaviour: They do something they shouldn't do, we tell them to stop, the do it just once more. My reaction: "Well, they prefetched the instruction and are executing it in the delay slot..." -------------------------- From: (Peter da Silva) When I see a flock of birds, these days, I sit there and try to figure out the algorithms that determine their movement. -- Henry Cate III [] The Life collection maintainer, selections of humor from the internet "The Greatest Management Principle in the World" by Michael LeBoeuf: The things that get rewarded, get done.
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