Return-Path: [] Received: from by with ESMTP (8.6.7/DEI:4.41) id LAA26176; Tue, 24 Jan 1995 11:50:28 -0800 Received: by (8.6.9/Netcom) id LAA08127; Tue, 24 Jan 1995 11:06:33 -0800 Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 11:06:33 -0800 Message-Id: [] Subject: Life c.p To: From: "" [Henry Cate] Reply-to: Status: R --------------------------------------- Date: 30 Mar 94 16:57:58 PST (Wednesday) Subject: Life C.P The following are selections from the "Quote of the Day" mailing list To get on send your request to: Quotes can be submitted to: ---------------------------------------------------- "As the literacy rate declines in this country, more and more people are writing books. Are we approaching the moment where more people will write books than will be able to read them?" - writer David Halberstam -------------------------- "And now it is a giant with bestial strength and the mind of a child." - Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos, describing the new German nation that resulted from unification -------------------------- "'Married with Children' may be garbage in English, but dubbed into German it's brilliant." - Berlin-dwelling Canadian artist Attila Richard Lukacs on his all-night TV habits -------------------------- "He's amazing, the things he can do. It's like he's a method actor. I had one scene where I had to scold him and tell him to get off the couch. And for the whole week he was distant and cold. I couldn't understand it. Later I figured out he was using that anger for the scene. I really respect that." - actress Jane Leeves of the sitcom Frasier, on her terrier co-star Moose, who plays pet dog Eddie on the show -------------------------- "Virtual reality will give rise, for example, to Virtual Stooge, where you can call up any episode of The Three Stooges and become the Fourth Stooge - actually experiencing the sensation of being whacked on the head with a plank by Curly. (This will be a hit primarily with men)." - Diane English's prediction for the year 2053. English is one of the creators of the sitcom Murphy Brown -------------------------- "My fire was smoking yesterday afternoon at dusk, as I sat reading the precis of a M.A. thesis. My nerves would have been quieter had I been reading a ghost story; thesis abstracts are, with very few exceptions, the least credible and most horrifying productions of imaginative literature." - Robertson Davies, _High Spirits_ -------------------------- Picture of (4) little kids looking up the chimney, past their christmas stockings. Child 1: "Santa's coming." Child 2: "Santa's coming." Child 3: Just looking up the chimney. Child 4: (Looks to be the youngest of them all) "Even if reindeer could create the necessary velocity to propel a 300 pound man over 240 million houses in one evening, everyone knows the heat generated by the atmospheric friction would immediately vaporize his molecules." The ad continues to say "There comes that rite of passage of every childhood - the realization that Santa Claus violates the principal rules of physics and aerospace engineering." Family Fun (Ad for Knowledge Adventure Software) - Sept/January 1994 Submitted by: JP LaFond [jpl@Think.COM] (Dec. 6, 1993) -------------------------- "To be happy at home is the ultimate end of all ambition." - Samuel Johnson -------------------------- "In a university environment, brainstorming sessions can often become a mere drizzle." Prof. Carlos A. Paz de Araujo University of Colorado -------------------------- "There is enough for all in this world but not enough to meet one man's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi -------------------------- A Russian tourist agent, asked to provide an American visitor to Russia with a wild bear hunt, bought the bear from a circus and released it in Moscow's Perdelkino Forest. The newspaper Vecernaya Moskva reported that as the hunter closed in on the prey, a postal carrier passed by on bicycle, saw the bear and tumbled off in surprise. The trained bear climbed on the bike and pedalled off, leaving the American to sue for fraud. - found in Terminal City, a Vancouver music scene rag Submitted by: narwal! (Dec. 19, 1993) -------------------------- "All of us learn to write in the second grade. Most of us go on to greater things." - Bobby Knight, Indiana Univ. basketball coach (as part of his ongoing love affair with "the media") Submitted by: (Dean Woodbeck) (Dec. 20, 1993) -------------------------- "I won't tour - but mind you, I said that in '89, and they said, `But, Pete, you'll make $70 million.' I said, `I'll tour.' So I don't want to be too obdurate. We'll see what happens." - rock musician Pete Townshend, on the possibility of yet another Who reunion in 1994 Submitted by: terry (Terry Labach) (Dec. 20, 1993) -------------------------- "Tom Cruise single-handedly breathes life back into that long-dead genre, Elvis Presley movies." - Edward Margulies and Stephen Rebello in _Bad Movies We Love_ on Cruise's performance in _Cocktail_ Submitted by: terry (Terry Labach) (Dec. 6, 1993) -------------------------- "Besides a mathematical inclination, an exceptionally good mastery of one's native tongue is the most vital asset of a competent programmer." - E. W. Dijkstra, on desirable, if illusory, traits of computer programmers Submitted by: terry (Terry Labach) (Dec. 22, 1993) -------------------------- "Well, no, I don't. What is the matter with you?" - David Letterman, when asked in a Playboy interview whether he wanted to talk about his sex life. Submitted by: terry (Terry Labach) (Dec. 23, 1993) -------------------------- "When we go to Disneyland, Mickey's there." - California tourist Ed Laird, complaining he never saw Queen Elizabeth or Prince Philip after paying $12 on the opening of Buckingham Palace to the public. Submitted by: Keith J. Van Dierendonck [] (Dec. 29, 1993) -------------------------- More from the "Less Great Art; More Nice People" department - William Faulkner's daughter Jill bitterly recalls trying to stop the great writer/tiresome drunk from proceeding on one of his jags: "It was just before my birthday and I knew that Pappy was getting ready to start on one of these boots. I went to him - the only time I ever did - and said, 'Please don't start drinking.' And he was already well on his way, and he turned to me and said, 'You know, no one remembers Shakespeare's child.'" Submitted by: thorntn@CC.UManitoba.CA (Jan. 3, 1994) -------------------------- "I couldn't win at home, and I couldn't win on the road. My failure as a coach was that I couldn't think of anywhere else to play." - Former Vancouver Canucks coach and broadcaster Harry Neale Submitted by: (Charlie Shub) (Jan. 5, 1994) -------------------------- During a game last year, Shawn Van Allen, then with the Edmonton Oilers, was involved in a collision and was dazed by the hit. After examining him, the trainer returned to the bench and told head coach Ted Green that Van Allen didn't know who he was. Green then said, "Good, tell him he's Wayne Gretzky". Submitted by: (Charlie Shub) (Jan. 5, 1994) -------------------------- "She is smart. She's been a top model for five years - that takes a lot of intelligence." - magician David Copperfield bends the Mensa rules for his girlfriend, model Claudia Schiffer Submitted by: terry (Terry Labach) (Jan. 11, 1994) -------------------------- The Feynman problem solving algorithm 1) Write down the problem 2) Think real hard 3) Write down the answer - Murray Gell-mann in the New York Times Submitted by: terry (Terry Labach) (Jan. 11, 1994) -------------------------- [wrt Mitch Kabor and the Electronic Frontier Foundation] "The foundation promotes the hope of cheap, easy and equal access to a data highway constructed along the lines of the Internet, the impromptu net- work of 1.3 million computers in 40 countries that allows roughly 30 million people to talk to one another, read E-mail, post messages, download texts (from the Library of Congress as well as from most university libraries), play chess, conduct symposia, organize political rallies, tell jokes -- all with- out having to pay tolls, receive authorization, sub- mit a financial statement, or prove that they don't smoke." Lewis Latham writing in the January 1994 issue of Harper's Magazine Submitted by: (Patricia O Tuama) (Jan. 12, 1994) -------------------------- Do the best you can for your neighbor. Never forget from where you come. And see if you can improve the lot of your fellow man. ---The late Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, who died this week -------------------------- "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare." -- Blair Houghton Submitted by: (Charlie Shub) (Jan. 18, 1994) -------------------------- "A Canadian is just an unarmed American with health insurance." - comic John Wing Jr. Submitted by: terry (Terry Labach) (Jan. 18, 1994) -------------------------- January 16 is National Nothing Day, so named by California newspaperman Harold Pullman in 1973 "to provide Americans with one national day when they can just sit without celebrating, observing, or honoring anything." Coffin, who died in 1981, picked January 16 because it was the only observance-free day he could find. No longer. National Nothing Day now shares the calendar with Religious Freedom Day and World Religion Day, as well as the start of Worldwide Kiwanis Week and International Printing Week. -- Rick Greenberg 16Jan94 WASHINGTON POST MAGAZINE Submitted by: swami! Jan. 19, 1994 -------------------------- Texas governor Ann Richards, upon learning that Jose Canseco had been traded from the Oakland A's to the Texas Rangers: "Now that Jose is in Texas I'll be expecting him to hit 60 home runs... and drive 55." Submitted by: Dave Hendrickson [] -------------------------- Alternate quotations: "We're kind of like an information superhighway without the information." OR "It's just like the information superhighway - without the information" - from a commercial promo for David Letterman's talk show... Submitted by: Dave Hendrickson [] Patrick Goegan [] -------------------------- "When I first started working, I used to dream of the day when I might be earning the salary I'm starving on now." - from _Humorous Quotes from the Business World_ Successories, Inc. Submitted by: "Darin S. Lory" [] -------------------------- "In long intervals I have expressed an opinion on public issues whenever they appeared to be so bad and unfortunate that silence would have made me feel guilty of complicity." - Albert Einstein Submitted by: (Charlie Shub) -------------------------- "Though the boys throw stones at frogs in sport, yet the frogs do not die in sport but in earnest." - Plutarch Submitted by: -------------------------- "Son, all the beautiful, intelligent, healthy young women are taken. It's a basic law of the universe, and if you don't like it, go somewhere else." Ken Johnson's ( dad, 1906-1992 Submitted by: (Charlie Shub) -------------------------- Men of genius do not excel in any profession because they labour in it, but they labour in it because they excel. -- William Hazlitt, "Characteristics" Submitted by: (Dave Brennan) -------------------------- Today's quote is from Robert Fulford, writing in the _Globe and Mail_: At some point around 1900 the idea took hold that optimism is shallow and a dark view of humanity is certain to be more profound than a sunny one. In earlier times, great artists from Shakespeare to Dickens could be important as either comedians or tragedians. But this century has decided that bitterness and despair are significant while affirmation and joy are banal. - Duncan Submitted by: thorntn@CC.UManitoba.CA -------------------------- "I'm going to Euro-Disney." - Buffalo Bills quarterback Jim Kelly, on his post-Super Bowl plans Submitted by: (Steven Sargent) -------------------------- "The weak and cowardly have no place in shuffleboard." -Phil Hartman, playing Lt. Worf, on a Saturday Night Live skit poking fun at both Star Trek and Love Boat entitled "Love Boat: The Next Generation" Submitted by: -------------------------- Before Rebbe Zusia died, he said: "When I shall face the celestial tribunal, I shall not be asked why I was not Abraham, Jacob, or Moses. I shall be asked why I was not Zusia." Elie Wiesel, SOULS ON FIRE Submitted by: (CHARLES F. O'BRIEN) -------------------------- "The mission of a university, where the ideal is Socrates conducting an argument with all manner of speech needed to whatever end it leads, has been replaced with an amalgam of Alan Alda and Phil Donahue creating a non-offensive environment." -- Michael McDonald, lawyer, Center for Individual Rights (p.A18, The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 16, 1994. Fighting Back - Professors accused of sexual harassment say their rights have been breached.) Submitted by: jean [GMEJ5184@BCIT.BC.CA] --------------------------
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