From Tue Jun 6 13:13:09 1995 From: (Henry Cate) Subject: Life E.1 To: Date: 9 Jun 94 16:42:56 PDT (Thursday) Subject: Life E.1 The following selections are from fido.humor which was forwarded to me by: Robert Dolan:wbst129UL ---------------------------------------------------- I once heard the story, possibbly an urban legond, about a man who bought a box of expensive cigars. He had them insured against fire. After he smoked the cigars he placed a claim with the insurance company. They took him to court and it was decided that, since the company had insured the cigars against fire, and since they *did* burn, that the insurance company must pay the claim. When the man cashed the insurance check the insurance company had him arrested for arson. -------------------------- Miles Whitman stood by the door listening to his wife try to start the car. She seem unable to get the job done. So, Miles yelled to her through the screen door, "Hey, Sheila, did you try choking it?" Sheila's reply was, "No, not yet. But I sure as heck feel like doing it." -------------------------- The following may help Parents better understand their child/children school report card. Easy going ...................... Bone idle. Lively nature ................... Thoroughly disruptive. A sensitive child ............... Never stops whining. Fond of music ................... Anything to get out of work. Easily distracted ............... Hasn't produced a decent piece of work all year. Works better in a small group .... Daren't take my eyes off him/her. Imaginative ................... Careless with the truth. Needs encouragement ........... Thick as a brick. Keen to do well ............... Egotistical. All work is of a high standard ... Has ambitious middle-class parents. Good at practical activities ..... Illiterate. Clever with his hands ........... Light fingered. A quiet child ................... Lacks self confidence and initiative. Easily influenced ............... The class fall guy. A vivid imagination ........... Never short of an excuse. Artistic ....................... Exponent of graffiti. Likes to proceed in his own way .. Mulishly obstinate. Open to suggestion ............... No mind of his own. A further note to parents, DO NOT allow your child's grandparents to read this! -------------------------- A minister preached a very short sermon. He explained, "My dog got into my office and chewed up some of my notes." At the close of the service a visitor asked, "If your dog ever has pups, please let my pastor have one of them." -------------------------- I like the story about a crew that was unloading a tank car of highly explosive chemicals when it exploded. Two men were killed and half a dozen were knocked unconscious. As the ambulance attendants were carrying one of the men on a stretcher he regained consciousness. Just as he did, his hand fell over the side of the stretcher. Feeling nothing but air, he let out a great moan and said, "Oh no! I haven't even hit ground yet." -------------------------- A South Carolina. deputy responded to a report of a barroom disturbance. The "disturbance" turned out to be well over 6 ft. tall and weighed almost 300 lbs. What's more, he boasted he could whip the deputy and Muhammad ALi too. "I'll bet," said the lawman, smiling, "that you're an escape artist probably better than Houdini." The giant nodded. "If I had some chains," the deputy said, "you could show us how strong you REALLY are. But all I've got is a set of handcuffs. Why don't we see just how quickly you can break out of them?" Once in handcuffs, the man puffed, pulled and jerked for 4 min. "I can't get out of these, he said at last. The cop said, "are you sure?" The fellow tried again. "Nope, can't do it." Said the deputy,"In that case you're under arrest." -------------------------- Woman: One of your bees just stung me. I want you to do something about it. Beekeeper: Certainly, Madam. Just show me which bee it was and I'll have it punished. -------------------------- This is Officer Mike. You have the right to remain silent. If you speak, the message you leave can and will be used to call you back. If you don't have a message, the court will appoint you one. BEEP.... Sorry if you haven't been able to reach me the past few weeks, but my machine has been in the shop for repairs. It cost me a fortune, but at least I finally got it back and in decent working condition! Anyway, (SLUR WORDS) leeaavee a meessagee at the soound of the toonee. BEEP... -------------------------- The devil challenged St. Peter to a baseball game. "How can you win, Satan?" asked St. Peter. "All the famous ballplayers are up here." "How can I lose?" answered Satan. "All the umpires are down here." -------------------------- Teenage daughter (as the radio ground out the finals notes of the latest hit song): Did you ever hear anything so wonderful? Father: Only once...when a truck loaded with empty milk cans bumped another truck filled with live ducks. -------------------------- Two brothers go on a fishing trip. They rent all the equipment; the reels, the rods, the wading suits, the rowboat, the car and even a cabin in the woods. They spend a fortune. Then they drive eight hours to the best fishing spot around. The first day they go fishing, but they don't catch anything. The same thing happens the next day and again on the third day. It goes on like this until finally on the last day of their vacation, one of the brothers catches a fish. As they are driving home they are really depressed. The brighter brother turns to the other and says, "Do you realize that this one lousy fish we caught cost us fifteen hundred dollars?" The other brother says "Wow! It's a good thing we didn't catch any more!" -------------------------- FOOTBALL SEASON : The only time of the year when a fellow can walk down the street with a girl on one arm and a blanket under the other, without people getting the wrong idea. -------------------------- "Would you like to buy a pocket calculator sir?" "No thanks, I know how many pockets I've got." -------------------------- In fact, this town is so exclusive that the fire department's number is unlisted. -------------------------- Two girls boarded a crowded bus and one of them whispered to the other, "Watch me embarrass a man into giving me his seat." Pushing her way through the crowd, she turned all her charms upon a gentleman who looked like he might embarrass easily. "My dear Mr. Williams," she gushed, "fancy meeting you on the bus. Am I glad to see you. Why, you're almost a stranger. My, but I'm tired." The sedate gentleman looked up at the girl. He had never seen her before, but he rose and said pleasantly, "Sit down, Mary my girl. It isn't often I see you on washday. No wonder you're tired. Being pregnant isn't easy. By the way, don't deliver the wash until Friday. My wife is going to the District Attorney's office to see whether she can get your husband out of jail." -------------------------- The IBM salesman and the IBM system analyst went to spend a weekend in the forest, hunting bear. They hired a log cabin, and when they got there, took their backpacks off and put them inside. At which point the salesman said to the systems analyst: "You unpack while I go and find us a bear." The analyst finished unpacking and then went and sat outside to await events. He did not have to wait too long. Soon he could hear noises in the forest. The noises got nearer - and suddenly there was the salesman, running across the clearing toward the cabin, pursued by one of the largest and most ferocious Brown Bears the analyst had ever seen. "Open the door! shouted the salesman. The analyst opened the door. The salesman ran to the door, suddenly stopped, and stepped aside. The Bear carried by its momentum, continued though the door and disappeared inside. The salesman promptly shut the door on it, turned, looked at the analyst, and said: "Ok, you skin that one while I go rustle us up another." -------------------------- A first-time Congressman was being interviewed by the local paper. "Mr. Congressman," said the reporter, "when you get to Washington, are you going to be a pawn for the powerful interests that most of your constituents think will control you?" "I resent that question, Sir," the Congressman replied. "I do not plan to take my wife to Washington." -------------------------- Teacher: What is the axis of the earth? Student: The axis of the earth is an imaginary line which passes from one pole to the other, and on which the earth revolves. Teacher: Very good. Now, could you hang clothes on that line? Student: Yes, Sir. Teacher: Indeed, and what sort of clothes? Student: Imaginary clothes, Sir. -------------------------- A vacationer planned to take a solo hike into the mountains, and a grizzled old guide was checking up on the supplies he was taking with him. "Have you a map and a compass?" asked the guide. "Certainly," replied the hiker. "And have you got a deck of playing cards?" "No," said the surprised man. "What do I need a deck of cards for?" "It might save your life," replied the guide. "I always carry a deck. If you get lost in the woods, just sit down and start playing a game of solitaire. The next thing you know, some smart aleck will pop up behind you and start telling you which card to play next!" -------------------------- An old man was talking to a bachelor and asked him why he did not marry. The bachelor parried the question by telling about the different young women he had known, finding some fault with each one. But it appeared that all of them had succeeded in getting married. "You're in danger of getting left," said the old man. "You'd better hurry up before it's too late." "Oh," said the bachelor, "there are just as many good fish left in the sea." "That may be true," replied the old man, "but the bait -- isn't there danger of the bait becoming stale?" -------------------------- When in the United States, Dr. Wu Ting-fang, the grand old man of the Chinese diplomatic service in his day, was questioned sweetly by an American: "Wha 'nese' are you -- Japanese, Javanese, Chinese?" Replying that he was Chinese, he asked in turn: "and what 'kee' are you -- monkey, donkey, or Yankee?" -------------------------- Mother was in the habit of taking her annual holiday abroad, while father took his in the form of shooting expeditions nearer home. This worked well until a few days before her return mother sent the customary telegram home to father to stock the larder. She wrote on the telegraph blank: "Home Saturday. Be there." Father received the following telegram: "Home Saturday. Beware." -------------------------- I used to forget my wife's birthday all the time. She cured me. We got a car with a key less entry system. Clara had it coded with her birthday and I soon learned it. My youngest son used to remind me all the time until he got married and moved out. You see his birthday was the day after my wives. I guess he never wanted me to forget his. [g] -------------------------- A boy and a girl were out driving one evening. They came to a quiet spot on a country lane, and the car stopped. "Out of gas," said the boy. The girl opened her purse and pulled out a bottle. "Wow!" said the boy. "A bottle....what is it?" "Gasoline," said the girl. -------------------------- A witness to an automobile accident was testifying. The lawyer asked him, "Did you actually see the accident?" The witness: "Yes, sir." The lawyer: "How far away were you when the accident happened?" The witness: "Thirty-one feet, six and one quarter inches." The lawyer (thinking he'd trap the witness): "Well, sir, will you tell the jury how you knew it was exactly that distance?" The witness: "Because when the accident happet included. #26284 Gopher-It $49.95 (3.95) I suppose for rodents of greater than 100 feet in diameter you need the nuclear powered version. -------------------------- A tourist stopped his car on a country road and asked a young boy, "How far is it to Smithville." "Well," said the boy, "the way you are going, it's about 24,996 miles, but if you turn around, it's about four." -------------------------- The following story is true. I work for a company that sells, repairs, and installs commercial two-way radio systems, pagers, and cellular phones. Two days ago, an old customer came by to see if he could purchase a replacement handset for his cellular phone. He related to us this story of how he came to be missing his handset: He had driven to Atlanta, Georgia to a meeting, and parked his car in a big parking lot. On returning to his car, he discovered it and about 5 others had been vandalized. Someone had broken the windows out and stolen items from them. They had stolen his cellular phone handset along with some other stuff, they had ripped the dash out of a nearby BMW (evidently trying to steal the radio), and several other cars had various items stolen. He called the police and they sent a detective out to look over the situation. After taking down the information and a statement, the man told the detective he had to be in town several more hours, and gave the detective a number where he could be reached. He said he never expected anything to come of it. However, about 3 hours later he was contacted by the police department, and asked if he could come to the station and attempt to identify a suspect in the case. Arriving at the station, he found they had 5 men in a police lineup. After looking over the suspects, He then told the detective "As I said, I was in a meeting and did not see the break-in. However, the second man from the left is wearing my special 'member's only' jacket and has my watch on!" CASE SOLVED! Sadly enough, the handset was never recovered. -------------------------- Mark Twain (1835-1910) tells the story of trying to get rid of a wreck of an old umbrella. First he threw it in the ash can, but someone recognized it as his and returned it. Then he dropped it down a deep well, but someone repairing the well saw the umbrella and returned it. He tried several other methods, but always the umbrella came back. "Finally," says Mark Twain, "I lent it to a friend, and I never saw it again." -------------------------- A Zen teacher saw five of his students returning from the market, riding their bicycles. When they arrived at the monastary and had dis- mounted, the teacher asked the students, "Why are you riding your bicycles?" The first student replied, "The bicycle is carrying the sack of potatoes. I am glad that I do not have to carry them on my back!" The teacher praised the first student, "You are a smart boy! When you grow old, you will not walk hunched over like I do." The second student replied, "I love to watch the trees and fields pass by as I roll down the path!" The teacher commended the second student, "Your eyes are open, and you see the world." The third student replied, "When I ride my bicycle, I am content to chant nam myoho renge kyo." The teacher gave praise to the third student, "Your mind will roll with the ease of a newly trued wheel." The fourth student replied, "Riding my bicycle, I live in harmony with all sentient beings." The teacher was pleased, and said to the fourth student, "You are riding on the golden path of non-harming." The fifth student replied, "I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle." The teacher sat at the feet of the fifth student and said, "I am your student!" -- Henry Cate III [] The Life collection maintainer, selections of humor from the internet Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
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