Return-Path: [] Received: from by with ESMTP (8.6.7/DEI:4.41) id HAA07133; Tue, 13 Jun 1995 07:36:56 -0700 From: Received: by (8.6.12/Netcom) id HAA23385; Tue, 13 Jun 1995 07:10:32 -0700 Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 07:10:32 -0700 Message-Id: [] Subject: Life E.3 To: Reply-to: Status: R --------------------------------------- Date: 14 Jun 94 14:52:47 PDT (Tuesday) Subject: Life E.3 Fun_People, a mailing list run by: Peter Langston [pud!] ---------------------------------------------------- Forwarded-by: Claude Ginsburg [] From: Elan Weekly 8-14 April Bovine Bingo The small Swiss town of Beckenried, on Lake Lucerne, has invented the world's first game of ecological bingo: Dung Lotto. Up to three cows wander around in a field divided into 2,000 squares, and players have to guess on which one the first cow pat will drop. In the inaug- ural game the Sfr3,500 ($2,500) top prize was won after 13 minutes with a direct hit on square 1,346. -------------------------- Jaime Guerrero "Verbing weirds language." -------------------------- Analysts revealed today that a shortage of acronyms may be behind Digital Equipment Corporation's poor stock performance of recent weeks. By middle of 1994 it is projected DIGITAL will have exhausted all usable 3- and 4-letter permutations available in the western alphabet. This is expected to seriously hamper the introduction of new products. Although possibilities exist for introducing non-alphabetic characters to increase the number of permutations available, using unpronounceable symbols, such as ~,[,*,^, and !, has serious drawbacks. The Acronymic Task Force (ATF) has been created by Digital to study the problem. "We have not actually exhausted all the different combinations of letters, but the ones that are left often have negative connotations." said William Hought, ATF chair. "We can't go around calling products 'FOO' or 'BLAH'." Hought said the shortage affects the computer industry as a whole, "Right now there is a rush to trademark various random combinations of letters -- to grab as many acronyms as possible for future products." "But," Hought said, "the real solution is to expand the alphabet." When asked if it might make more sense to use longer, descriptive names Hought responded, "This is a performance issue." -------------------------- From: Charlie Bowen [bellcore!GIANT.INTRANET.COM!charlie] Mention of Michael Coleman, the great Irish fiddler, reminds me that accordions (squeeze boxes, or just boxes for short) were regarded as an unnecessary addition to the Irish music scene by more conservative musicians, at least in Coleman's day. (Never heard an accordion called an Irish banjo, but there'd be some justice in it.) I've heard that he was sitting with a bunch of friends in a bar in the Bronx, one night back there in the twenties, and someone came around taking up a collection to pay the funeral expenses of an impoverished accordionist. (This was necessary because ripsnorting funerals are the most important events in the lives of us Irish, if the preposition "in" is acceptable when applied to the star of the occasion.) Coleman didn't happen to hear what the collection was about, and when the cigar box came around to him, he asked the man next to him what it was for. "Oh, they want a dollar to bury a box-player," he was told. Coleman dug a bill out of his pocket. "Here's two dollars," he said. "Bury two of them." -------------------------- [Additional bumper stickers from someone who knows Meriday... From: Mike Jittlov [] Bumperstickers seen around Hollywood: "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful" "All Dumbs Are _Not_ Blonde!" "My Other Car -- Is Under Rubble" "Thank You for Not Shooting At Me" -------------------------- [A few stories from a very cool book called "Jazz Anecdotes" by jazz writer (and bassist) Bill Crow. -psl] One night as Gene Quill was leaving the bandstand at Birdland, a young self-appointed critic accosted him. "All you're doing is playing just like Charlie Parker," he accused. Gene held out his saxophone. "Here," he said, "_you_ play just like Charlie Parker!" -------------------------- REC.PETS.HERP. FAQ #1957--GODZILLA CARE SHEET Congratulations! You detonated a nuclear weapon at the wrong time, in the wrong place, in the wrong way, and now you are the proud owner/feeder/panic-stricken victim of over two hundred and fifty feet of radioactive reptilian flesh! First of all, as a new Godzilla owner, there is one thing you should say to yourself: STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! That said, as it had to be, let's see what we can do about prolonging your pet's lifespan, most of which will involve prolonging yours. Part 1: Your Pet's Habitat Until recently, Godzillae have been found exclusively on Monster Island and the main islands of Japan. Of late, however, there have been accounts of the hulking behemoths in the United States, chiefly in the area of movie theaters and a number of back alleys in Philadelphia. What's important to you is to duplicate your pet's natural surroundings as closely as possible. In the United States, of late, this has become easier due to huge numbers of Japanese imports into the bloated U.S. Consumer market. Your pet should feel right at home, and any large, coastal city with large ships and elevated trains near the ocean will be suitable for your pet's rest and recreation. You should be aware that your pet will go through 2-3 tankers in the course of each month, and as many elevated trains as he encounters. Arrangements with the Liberian government and your local transportation authority may be advisable. You should always provide a hide box in your pet's habitat. This will be for you. We recommend a converted, hardened Titan missile silo or a mine shaft not less than 350' from the surface in rock no softer than igneous basalt. Don't forget to install a filtering system to remove the lethal Strontium 90 deposited by your pet's breath. You will spend a lot of time in your hide box. This is normal and very, very, healthy. Part 4: Godzilla Do's and Dont's DON'T trust the Japanese Defense Forces to keep your pet under control. The Navy and the USAF continue to react badly to the appearance of Mitsubishi Zero-Sen aircraft over American sites, and there's no point in starting up all that again, is there? Moreover, spectacular as those weird-looking satellite dish-things are on film, it is difficult to dub in the animated laser beams they shoot in real life. A final note: Japanese Defense Force activity in other parts of the world may cause all of Asia to panic. U.S. military activity in any part of the world may cause the entire world to panic, particularly in parts of Washington, D.C., Europe, and the Middle East. DON'T attempt to help your pet when shedding. The removal of even one fleck of skin from his vast outer hide will undoubtedly expose you to over eighteen times the NRC maximum annual roentgen level for high-level atomic plant workers. Mist him down (using either slurry planes or a convenient fireboat) from a distance. If you think your pet is grouchy enough most of the time, his first shed will be a major learning experience for you. DON'T operate a computer anywhere in the vicinity of your pet's habitat (current Godzilla owners reading this are already in big trouble). Like many members of his family, your pet will immediately appropriate your video display for basking sessions (See FAQ on Monitor Lizards, and, in Georgia, Savannah Monitor Lizards). DON'T attempt to control your pet's behavior with the use of tactical or strategic nuclear weapons. Despite the first rate- opportunities for urban redevelopment and national guilt they offer, exposure to even the tiniest amounts of U-238 and Tritium are likely to make your pet return to a feral state. They sure as blazes won't hurt him. DO take your pet to a showing of Jurassic Park, since he gets few enough chances to laugh out loud as it is, and since he will undoubtedly put the audience on their best behavior. A white-hot jet of glowing radioactive plasma is the cure for even the most determined cinema talker. DO allow your pet to mix with the rest of your pet collection. Dogs and inquisitive cats will develop an entirely new attitude toward your herptiles as a consequence, and even the most crotchety of iguanas or burmese pythons will develop an entirely revised sense of self- esteem if they survive the aftermath. DON'T attempt to control your pet's behavior with an oxygen destroyer. Although initially effective, your pet will have an annoying tendency to reappear even after being entirely skeletonized by such an agent, and, obliging Japanese chemists of late have become increasingly unwilling to immolate themselves because of your careless use of nuclear weaponry. You will not only have your pet back again, you will have him back with an ATTITUDE. Part 6: General Behavior and Tips As your pet ages, you may notice changes in behavior. At his youngest, he is at his most irritable and grouchy, and even as a mature leviathan he may fly into an extremely destructive rage at the sight of a Perry Mason re-run or movie on television. As he mellows, you may find him wrestling playfully with King Kongs, Ghidrah the three headed monster (See MONSTER-0 FAQ ), Rodans (See MACH-3 FAQ ), Mecha-Godzillae, cockroach-aliens, or other sea monsters (see alt.sci.worldconquest, talk.aliens.icch, and 20,000 LUS FAQ). He may even begin marginally socially-acceptable behavior, such as saving the world from the clutches of the Smog Monster (see alt.environment.worstcase) or Megalon. Recent studies, however, show a return toward grouchy behavior as time progresses. -------------------------- Forwarded-by: [] Forwarded-by: DO-IT-YOURSELF COUNTRY-WESTERN SONG *********************************** I met her ____________ ____________; I can still recall _______________ she (1) (2) (3) 1 on the highway 2 in September 3 that purple dress near Altoona at McDonald's that little hat outside Fresno ridin' shotgun that burlap bra in Sheboygan wrestlin' gators those training pants on probation all hunched over the stolen goods at a truck stop poppin' uppers that plastic nose in a nightmare hustlin' Martians the Stassin pin in a jail cell while jogging the neon sign in the Stone Age stoned on oatmeal that creepy smile in a treehouse with Merv Griffin the hearing aid incognito dead all over the orange wig wore; She was _____________ _____________, (4) (5) 4 sobbin' at the toll booth 5 in the twilight drinkin' Dr. Pepper but I loved her weighted down with Twinkies by the off-ramp breakin' out with acne near Poughkeepsie crawlin' through the prairie with her cobra smellin' kind of funny when she shot me crashin' through the guardrail on her elbows chewin' on a hangnail with Led-Zeppelin talkin' in Swahili with Miss Piggy drownin' in the quicksand with a wetback quotin' Al Pacino screamin' "May Day!" slurpin' up linguini in her muu-muu and I knew _____________; _________________ I'd _________________ forever; (6) (7) (8) 6 7 8 no guy would ever love her more I promised her stay with her that she would be an easy score I knew deep down warp her mind she'd bought her dentures in a store She asked me if swear off booze that she would be a crashing bore I told her shrink salivate I'd never rate her more than "4" The judge declared punch her out they'd hate her guts in Baltimore My Pooh Bear said live off her it was a raven, nothing more I shrieked in pain have my rash we really lost the last World War The painters knew stay a dwarf that I would upchuck on the floor A Klingon said hate her dog what strong deodourants were for My hamster thought pick my nose that she was rotten to the core The blood test showed play "Go Fish" She said to me _______________; But who'd have thought she'd ______________ (9) (10) 9 our love would never die 10 run off there was no other guy wind up man wasn't meant to fly boogie that Nixon didn't lie yodel her basset hound was shy sky dive that Rolaids made her high turn green she'd have a swiss on rye freak out she loved my one blue eye blast off her brother's name was Hy make it she liked "Spy vs. Spy" black out that birthdays made her cry bobsled she couldn't stand my tie grovel __________________; ________________________ goodbye. (11) (12) 11 with my best friend 12 You'd think at least that she'd have said in my Edsel I never had the chance to say on a surfboard She told her fat friend Grace to say on "The Gong Show" I now can kiss my credit cards with her dentist I guess I was too smashed to say on her "Workmate" I watched her melt away and sobbed with a robot She sealed me in the vault and smirked with no clothes on She sent a hired thug to say at her health club She freaked out on the lawn and screamed in her Maytag I pushed her off the bridge and waved with her guru But that's the way that pygmies say while in labor -- Henry Cate III [] The Life collection maintainer, selections of humor from the internet Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
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