Return-Path: [] Received: from by with ESMTP (8.6.12/DEI:4.41) id OAA00280; Thu, 12 Oct 1995 14:08:24 -0700 From: Received: by (8.6.12/Netcom) id MAA28287; Thu, 12 Oct 1995 12:25:37 -0700 Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 12:25:37 -0700 Message-Id: [] Subject: Life F.5 To: Reply-to: Status: R Date: 1 Sep 94 Subject: Life F.5 To subscribe send a message to: with the body of text: "Sub GIGGLES [Your Name]" ------------------------------------------------------------ : Selections from the GIGGLES Digest. From: Scott Hysmith [scotth@MAILPO2.ASYM2PO.ASYMETRIX.COM] The comment about the orange barrel being declared the state flower reminded me of an article I read in the Seattle paper about this time last year. Seems that Interstate 405, which has seen its share of safety orange over the years, will never be finished. According to the Washington State Dept. of Transportation, there will *always* be some construction project occurring on this 26-mile stretch of freeway. Always. This prompted me to document the following: THE LIFE CYCLE OF THE WASHINGTON SAFETY CONE Safety cones, as everyone is aware, hatch in the Seattle spring. As the weather gets warmer you can see them popping up everywhere as they pull themselves out from their winter dormancy (often leaving the large holes in their native asphalt that everyone notices in the springtime). It is at this point that migratory habits begin to appear, and they start the endearing instinctive ritual of lining up alongside major thoroughfares waiting for passing automobiles to smack them along their migration paths to their ultimate destinations. In the heat of summer begins the mating phase, where safety cones engage in flashy displays. Many of them alter their shape to a thin, flat, colorful sheet and drape themselves across the backs of passing humans, who carry them past other safety cones to be fertilized. The fertilized safety cones soon drop off the dormant construction workers and swell up into large barrel shapes. They are preparing to lay their eggs. Safety cone eggs are small, round, and typically laid in rows, about six or seven to a row, along the asphalt lanes. These "lane markings" lay dormant all winter, until hatching in the spring and beginning the cycle all over again. ------------------------------ From: Bill Edison [EDISON@SNYNEWVM.BITNET] President Clinton, Janet Reno, and Donna Shalala (funny already, eh?) set out on a trip to promote "Universal Health Care" and mount a last ditch-effort sales pitch in a remote section of the President's home state. After a long day and a late dinner, the three hopped in their limo to begin the 3-hour drive back to Little Rock. While taking a short-cut thru an out-of-the-way, wooded area, the fan belt broke leaving them stranded. The 3 walked more than a mile up a dark, winding road before they noticed the lights of a remote farmhouse. An old, grisly-looking man met them at the door and agreed to let them spend the night. Problem was, there were only 2 spare bedrooms, so one of the three would have to sleep in the barn. After drawing the short straw, Reno lurched her way thru the darkness while the other two headed up the stairs. But 20 minutes later, the farmer responded to a knock and opened the door. There stood the Reno, eyes swollen and red-faced, exclaiming, "I must be allergic to hay". As the farmer stood by looking disgusted, Donna Shalala stepped forward to stumble her way out toward the big, dark building. Another 20 minutes had barely passed when the farmer responded to a second knock. Sneezing uncontrollably, Shalala explained "I think I'm allergic to the cow and the pig out there"! Feeling Shalala's pain, the President valiantly offered to take her place in the barn. The farmer rolled his eyes as he cut the lights for the third time. 15 minutes later, burdened with overloaded shovels and complaining, the cow and pig a ------------------------------ From: Jeff Shick [jshick@AUSTIN.ONU.EDU] Today, a local radio station reported that two men were playing a round of golf. On one particular hole, one of the guys took his shot and the ball landed somewhere along the fairway. Out of nowhere came a helicopter which proceeded to land on the fairway. A man jumped out of the helicopter, picked up the golf ball, got back into the helicopter and flew off! The reporter stated that neither man knew who the man in the helicopter was! ------------------------------ From: "Paul M. Verhagen" [verhagen@TSO.UC.EDU] A man I know had a dog that seemed to be untrainable. Nothing that the owner tried worked with the dog. One day the untrainable dog's owner goes and visits his next-door neighbor. The neighbor had a dog that was perfectly obedient. That dog could do any trick in the book. The man, upon seeing his neighbor's dog so perfectly obedient, asked his neighbor how he was able to train his dog so well. The neighbor exclaimed that he sent his dog to the Oral Roberts School Of Dog Obedience in Tulsa, OK. The man, upon hearing this, stood back in disbelief. The neighbor went on to proclaim the virtues of the school. Some days pass and the man, after a lot of thought, decides to ship the dog off to Tulsa. Six weeks pass and the dog returns from Tulsa. The owner is beside himself with glee as the dog does any trick requested. He visits his neighbor one afternoon and shows off what the dog can do. The owner says "sit!" and the dog sits. The owner says "roll over!" and the dog rolls over. The owner says "play dead!" and the dog plays dead. The owner says "heel!" and the dog puts his paw on your forehead. ------------------------------ From: "Michael K. Steeves" [steevesk@NBNET.NB.CA] ]From a speech of an African leader: "When the present government took over, the country was at the edge of an economic cliff. Since then we have taken a giant step forward." ------------------------------ From: - Amy Christensen [AMYC?UWFOUND%UWFOUND@UWFOUND.WISC.EDU] It was reported that the great American author Sinclair Lewis was once asked to give a lecture on writing to a group of college students. "Looking out at this gathering," he said, "makes me want to know how many of you really and truly wish to become writers." Every hand in the room went up. Lewis looked at them all for a moment, and then folded his notes and put them away. "If that's true, then the best advice I can give you is to go home and write." And then he left the room. ------------------------------ From: - Amy Christensen [AMYC?UWFOUND%UWFOUND@UWFOUND.WISC.EDU] Before you offer any comments, just remember -- there is no evidence that the tongue is connected to the brain... ------------------------------ From: Elmer z Thudpucker [RANDELL@UTARLVM1.BITNET] The owner visits his factory and is shocked to see a man leaning against a wall drinking coffee. "How much do you make?" he demands. "Eighty dollars a day," is the reply. The owner hands him $80 and says, "get out, and don't come back!" Two minutes later the foreman comes in and asks, "Where's the delivery man who was just here?" ------------------------------ From: Reid [SLJC6@USU.BITNET] This is a subject matter that starts to get people going as they are *tired* of having this as a catch-all answer to modern problems. However, being a psych major at Utah State University, I thought I would shed some humor on a real, serious (for those who are) problem. This is not meant to offend, only laugh (at ourselves). CODEPENDENT THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Codependents are people of conviction - after they find out what everyone else thinks! Did you hear about the codependent that carried a first aid kit around with him and called it his codependent briefcase? CODEPENDENT HOTLINE: You have reached the codependent Hotline. If you want to save the world, press 1 If you want to rescue your family, press 2 If you want to change your partner, press 3. If no one appreciates you, press 4. If you do not have a touch tone phone, stay on the line and an operator will speak with you after she's through with the really important people! You are codependent for sure when you get kicked off jury duty for insisting that you're the guilty one. Why did the codependent cross the road? To help the chicken make a decision. You know you're codependent if you find yourself in a rut and move in furniture! Codependent Insurance: My fault! ------------------------------------------------------------ 1995 Copyright by Henry Cate III All Rights Reserved The above collection can be forwarded for non commercial use as long as the signature file below is included The individual entries of the Life Collection are owned by the individual contributors who should be contacted if you wish to forward their entry. -- Henry Cate III [] To learn how to get a MS Windows 3.1 Application with 15,000 jokes from the Life Humor collection, send E-Mail to with "Info" in the Subject. Or check out
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