[*] Turn Down Your Monitor [*] === (Where Available) === On a not-too-distant network run by TCP/IP, There were a bunch of MSTies, not much crazier than you or me. They talked about stars and gals and soup-- Just another harmless discussion group. They treated net.loons with tact and grace Until one had a brainstorm that rocked all of cyberspace: "I'll take these cheesy postings, the worst I can find--" (la la la) "I'll put in wacky comments, and blow everybody's minds." (la la la) Now, keep in mind, no one can say where this silliness all will end, Because this idea was picked up by a host of our UseNet friends... Netizen Roll Call: Rob! (Huh?) Jeff! (Present!) Nightlemming! (this space for rent) TV's Dale! (What are you doing, Dale?) Lisa! (Who?) Matthew! (Sure, we all do!) Michael! (A very nice name.) Tom! (Mr. Bad Example!) Holly! (No compugeek!) John! (No warranties...) d.! (No comment.) Dave! (HOOM am I addressing?) Kevin! (I'm not here!) Lynsa! (Get a life!) Harlan! (CONTINUED) Steve! (Stop calling me Steve, Harlan!) Joe! (My!) David! (Swiss Cheeser!) David! (Stick to your day job.) David! (Three, count 'em, three!) Chris! (Who opened the fourth seal?) Eric! (int, int) Mitchell! (MITCHELL!) Spaaaatch! (He can scream all he wants!) If you're wondering about libel suits, and other legal acts, (huh huh huh?) Repeat to yourself, "It's just a joke. I should really just relax For Mystery UseNet Theater 3000." ________________ /**** ****\ /** o o **\ /* *\ / o o \ / \ /* o ---- o *\ /* / \ / \ *\ /** o :___\/___: o **\ \** o : /\ ; o **/ \* \ / \ / */ \* o `----' o */ \ / \ o o / \* */ \** o o **/ \**** ****/ `----------------' [clang] ________________ /-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)\ /-(-:-(-:-(-:-(-:-(-:\ /-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:\ /-:-(-:-(-:-(-:-(-:-(-:-(\ /-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)\ /-(-:-(-:-( 22 (-:-(-:-(-:\ /-:-)-:-)-:-) 2 2 )-:-)-:-)-:\ /-:-(-:-(-:-( 2 (-:-(-:-(-:-(\ \)-:-)-:-)-:-) 2 )-:-)-:-)-:-/ \:-(-:-(-:-( 2222 (-:-(-:-(-:-/ \:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-/ \(-:-(-:-(-:-(-:-(-:-(-:-(-/ \)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-/ \:-(-:-(-:-(-:-(-:-(-:-/ \:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-:-)-/ \(-:-(-:-(-:-(-:-(-/ `----------------' [grin] ________________ / (__) \ / (oo) \ / /-------\/ \ / / | || (__) \ / * ||----|| (oo) \ / ~~ ~~333 \/-------\ \ / 3 3 || | \ \ / nn nn 33 ||----|| * \ \ * ||----|| 3 3 ~~ ~~ / \ \ | || 333 / \ \-------/\ nn nn / \ (oo) ||----|| * / \ (--) || | / / \ /\-------/ / \ (oo) / \ (--) / `----------------' [moo] ________________ /]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]\ /]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]\ /]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]\ /]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]\ /]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]\ /]]]]]]]]]]]]]]4]]]]]]]]]]]]]\ /]]]]]]]]]]]]]]44]]]]]]]]]]]]]]\ /]]]]]]]]]]]]]]4]4]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]\ \]]]]]]]]]]]]]44444]]]]]]]]]]]]]]/ \]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]4]]]]]]]]]]]]]]/ \]]]]]]]]]]]]]]4]]]]]]]]]]]]]/ \]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]/ \]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]/ \]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]/ \]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]/ \]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]/ `----------------' [pizza] begin 644 M4$L#!`H````&`(]DCQO!4K`6F@$````$```(````2$58-2Y!04$/`!(#)!4VE M)S@Y:GM,G6X?"08!$S3E]I;W&RH$"2*8_/HE&$(;_1+DT+=NS\H-2[[NF^'3; M*#\W)$@NW/C+K&_K@D0;UFY9D'/KCAU;=NY[,^2WZ,9?LLT+DFS9L6^&)PLR5 M+,BJ5[NZ6?86_/B+:G]I-2E4D&;3LBWK$B31M'/#PH7[-JT;?Z+NUJ[N@IX%" M6.BT=$'\YST(H.F7=,-\/Q]DF^CVWHJW$/_6S/QHDO(R0C.@'RNW+-TYU0HB: M'`[!SNNZ35,4"^^NY;07]F'=DO&FPF7LV\*!:KIE^+)QYS+GQZXA]K1IR11Y8 M-^/XE",E?]JQ(-O`^98OU'8N]GU&N2$_):J&5+@9K7FP]`DK^=DW=24NX_[F/ MO3&-QLU5=1EQ]N7^VWNT;^^V"*?$+_.41;,XDV'%$)W_9]/:;0%.A0]B2F:W$ MQ67"R]'^+9SGHN`_@";`%205(;$]*\@[3@S+77$0WJAO"1[L'.SEDK'C[]&]H M=)$$IOIHKG!,?[MN@;:U"][%[EKO8DG&C;B_98M@R!/;:]00#/B_(`+.$U!+[ M`0(*`0H````&`(]DCQO!4K`6F@$````$```(``````````````````````!([ =15@U+D%!05!+!08``````0`!`#8```#``0``````B `` end size 524 [zip] ________________ /FYA*MST3K*IMO*YHBW\ /FIAWOL*TVF*3M*CFV*PC\ /UNIX*FIJAGH*VHS*G*HOOM\ /SoL*MVB*MS-DOS*C*FIJASOI\ /CTR*EMACS********ACE*BASIC\ /WWW*BEM*TS* *JP*LPBN*vi\ /ASCII*PMFHC* 6666 *F/X*A&E*LOX\ /RTFAQ*MV*FTP* 6 *OMSI*MN*SRIA\ \OMNIMAX*BCPL* 6666 *WAIS*VCR*BBI/ \YABA*DCF*CC* 6 6 *IBM*FCC*FAQ/ \TV*OCftAoE* 6666 *SIAS*ROTFL/ \IMBO*.WAV* *IIGS*UUCP/ \mvp*SoLN********NFL*TMBG/ \BAIII*I.K.*SNL*nn*TFOS/ \NNTP*MN*[|] [|]*MSTH/ \YOY*Ob*BCNU*G,D,&R/ `----------------' [plonk] ---------------- / |-----| \ / |-----| | | \ / | | |_____|____ \ / | | / | | \ / |_____| / | | \ / ____ \--/ /|--| \ / | |_____/ \-' \ / | | | | \ \ |__| | | / \ ____ / \ /-|-----| / \ | |/ |--'\ |-----| / \ | | | \ ____ / \ | | | \_| | / \ |__| |--------| |__| / \ | | / \ |--------| / `----------------' [thud] Inspired By ----------- Mystery Science Theater 3000. No copyright infringement is intended, nor any official connection with the show implied. Believe me, if there were any way to imply an official connection, it would have been exploited long since. Originated By ------------- Unknown; I couldn't get anyone to 'fess up. Writers ------- Dale Abersold David Bianco Steve Brinich Rob Brunskill Eric Burns Matt Duhan Holly Elliott Harlan Freilicher Chris French David Hines Lisa Jenkins Lynsa John Mechalas Joe Merlino Michael Neylon d. Page Kevin Podsiadlik Keith Rupp Tom Salyers Jeff Schaeffer TV's Spatch Dave van Domelen David G. White "Love Theme From MUT3K" ----------------------- set to "Love Theme From MST3K" music by Joel Hodgson and Charlie Erickson words by "The Brains" Copyright Best Brains, Inc. / new words by Petrea Mitchell (with a little help from our UseNet friends) chords: C F C F C F C F C F C F C F G (repeat, then:) C F C F C F G F G C ASCII Door Sequence ------/------------ Petrea Mitchell I hereby declare these lyrics and door sequence Public Domain. Door Masher ----------- Elliott Mitchell For More Information -------------------- Contact [misties-requests@jg.cso.uiuc.edu]. Mailing List Maintained By -------------------------- Michael Neylon John Mechalas If You Can Read This -------------------- You're Too Darn Close and Cambot as himself Special Thanks to ----------------- Alan Batie Britt Klein keep circulating the crossposts
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