The following parody of this famous net.loon was written by me. It may be copied and redistributed at will, provided that you do not modify, bend, fold or mutilate it. Please leave this header and my name with the file. "Mystery Science Theatre 3000" and its characters are (c) Best Brains, Inc. This is done without their permission, but I hope they like it. No warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, are given. Batteries not included. May not be suitable for small children. Keep away from pets and small farm animals. Do not immerse in water. Do not pass "Go", do not collect $200. Half price admission for fish. John Mechalas --------------------------------- Cut here 8[ -------------------------------- The LAW of RETRIBUTION (Robert McElwaine) writes: ] ] The LAW of RETRIBUTION [Joel] Hey, guys, this looks's in CAPITAL LETTERS. [Crow] that "The LAW of RETRIBUTION", or "THE Law of RETRIBUTION"? [Joel] I think it's a little bit of both. ] Violent crime, racism, bigotry, domestic abuse, rape, [Tom] ...and lions and tigers and bears! [All] Oh, my! ] police brutality and oppression, [Tom] "Help, help! I'm being oppressed!" ] human rights violations, ] etc., ETC., continue to get worse and worse in spite of more ] and more man-made laws on all levels from local ordinances to ] international law. ] ] The man-made laws are NOT working. ] ] "WHAT WE HAVE HERE IS FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE!" [All] Bzzzzt! Heard it! ] Perpetrators remain IGNORANT of The LAW [Joel] It's... [Crow] ...the LAW! ] --a universal, cosmic, ] and Spiritual Law--The "LAW [Tom] The LAW! ] of RETRIBUTION" or "KARMA": [All] *sings* Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma Chameleon.... ] ] "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a ] man soweth, [Joel] He must have previously rippeth. ] that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7, KJV. [Tom] No, no! That's RIP, you moron! Rip! RIP! ] ] "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity; [Tom] Well...I mean, if he's *leading* them there, then isn't this kind of obvious? ] he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. ] Here is the patience and faith of the saints." Revelation ] 13:10, KJV. ] ] "What goes around comes around." [Tom] Now THERE'S an original phrase. [Crow] Yeah...I wonder if it will catch on some day? ] ] This LAW [Crow] For those of you who missed's the LAW. [Joel] The LAW... [Tom] The LAW... ] of the Universe is just as real as the physical ] law that for every action there is an equal and opposite ] REaction. [Joel] Is there supposed to be a connection here? ] ] It is the ENFORCEMENT, the TEETH, behind The "GOLDEN ] RULE": [Tom] The RULE! [Joel] The LAW... ] "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." [Tom] I want to be covered in CHOCOLATE! [Joel] I want to be pushed off a building! [Crow] I want someone to bite me! ] ] ALL perpetrators in the present will become VICTIMS in ] the future, [Tom] But what were the perpetrators in the present in their past lives? [Joel] I think they were insureance salesmen, Tom. [Crow] Whoa! Talk about BAD KARMA! ] most likely in a FUTURE INCARNATION. Most [Tom] Ha! Like it'd be MORE likely to happen in a PAST incarnation! ] victims in the present were PERPETRATORS in the past, usually ] during a PREVIOUS LIFE. [Joel] Oh, I see! They we're in a previous life, in the past! [Crow] I want to be in a previous life in the future! ] ] What is needed is a MASSIVE WORLDWIDE PROGRAM of [Tom] Reality! That's what YOU need, pal! ] EDUCATION to teach ALL present and potential perpetrators, in [Crow] And insurance salesmen. ] a convincing manner (with sufficient supporting evidence), [Tom] Oh, were just FULL of evidence today, AREN'T we? ] that what they do to others WILL BE DONE TO THEM, in this ] life or the next. [Tom] Joel, does that mean we'll have to see this paper again? [Joel] I dunno, Tom. ] ] Anyone who doubts the FACT [Joel] The FACT! [Tom] The LAW... [Crow] The LAW! ] of REINCARNATION, and the ] related "LAW of Retribution", should read books such as "HERE [All] THE LAW! ] AND HEREAFTER", by Ruth Montgomery, [Crow] Wasn't she on "Bewitched"? [Joel] No, Crow, that was *Elizabeth* Montgomery ] which describes several ] kinds of evidence supporting REincarnation, [Joel] Ahh... REincarnation [Crow] As opposed to what? [Tom] UNincarnation? including ] HYPNOTIC REGRESSION to past lives [Tom] OH, like you can regress to FUTURE lives! ] [about 50% accurate; the ] subconscious mind can sometimes make things up, especially [Joel] Wow, guys! A mind that can make things up! [Crow] You mean like this paper? ] with a bad hypnotist], SPONTANEOUS [Tom] Combustion? ] RECALL (especially by [Tom] Ah.. ] young children, some of whom [Crow] ...are even potty-trained. ] can identify their most recent ] previous relatives, homes, [Joel] and Gardens. ] possessions, etc.), DREAM RECALL ] of past life experiences, DEJA VU (familiarity with a far off ] land while traveling there for the first time on vacation), [Crow] Well, what if you're *not* on vacation? ] the psychic readings of the late EDGAR CAYCE, and EVEN [Tom] If he's so psychic, how come he's so late? ] SUPPORTING STATEMENTS FROM THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE [Joel] Even supporting statements? That's odd... [Tom] Joel, please... [Joel] Sorry, Tom. ] including ] Matthew 17:11-13 (John the Baptist was the REINCARNATION of ] Elias.) and John 9:1-2 [Crow] And Moe, and Larry, and Curly... ] (How can a person POSSIBLY sin before ] he is born, unless he LIVED BEFORE?!). [Joel] *Sally Struthers voice* Do YOU want to learn how you can sin BEFORE you are born? [All] Sure! We all do! ] ] Strong INTERESTS, [Joel] WEAK interests. ] innate TALENTS, strong PHOBIAS, etc., ] typically originate from a person's PAST LIVES. For example, ] a strong fear of swimming in or traveling over water usually ] results from having DROWNED at the end of a PREVIOUS LIFE. [Joel] Oh, I get it! The drowned at the *end* of their previous life... [Tom] Yeah, I hate it when I drown at the *beginning* of a previous life. ] And sometimes a person will take AN IMMEDIATE DISLIKE to ] another person being met for the first time [Crow] Because they smell! [Tom] Because they look like Joan Rivers! ] in their PRESENT ] life, because of a bad encounter with him during a PREVIOUS ] INCARNATION. [Joel] Does that mean he didn't like flowers? [Tom] Uh, Joel, that's INcarnation. [Joel] Oh... ] ] People would behave much better toward each other if ] they knew that their actions in the present [Crow] ...were being recorded on video tape. ] will SURELY be ] reaped by them in the future, or in a FUTURE INCARNATION! ] ] ] For more information, [Crow] Call 1-800-BITE-ME ] answers to your questions, etc., ] please consult my CITED SOURCES [Joel] I bet *you* can't say that three times fast. ] (books like "HERE AND ] HEREAFTER", by Ruth Montgomery). ] ] ] UN-altered REPRODUCTION and DISSEMINATION of this ] IMPORTANT Information is ENCOURAGED. [Crow] But NOT recommended! ] ] ] Robert E. McElwaine ] 2nd Initiate in Eckankar, [Crow] What's an Eckankar? [Joel] I think it's a kind of vegetable. [Tom] Maybe it's type of fungus. [Crow] You mean, like this paper? ] (but not an agent thereof) [Joel] Well, I'M relieved, how about you guys? [Tom] Is it over yet? [Crow] I think so...I don't see anymore capital letters. 1...2....3....4....5....6....G [Joel] What do you think, Sirs?
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