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Using a form in HTML allows you to collect data from various users, which you can then use for a number of purposes. Many sites use forms to record who has visited a site, known as a guestbook. This allows the site visitor to leave comments for the author of the site, possibly a message or even feedback. You may or may not get a confirmation e-mail back.
Forms also can be used to submit information for the purpose of joining a mailing list or discussion list, depending on the host software of the server. Typically the form will ask for your name, e-mail address, and what subscription options you would like to have. Generally, after this, you will receive an automated e-mail back from the server confirming your subscription.
Select the group(s) that you would like to join:
What other user groups would you be interested in joining?
May we inform you by e-mail of specials at Bits and PCs?
Yes No