The Canonical List of Punny Book Titles Compiled by Harold Reynolds: Below are listed a large number of book title puns, sorted according to author's last name. Please send suggestions to the above address. Those given to me may be altered to some degree to, IMHO, "improve" them, but all submissions will be duly credited. Please try to keep them relatively "clean"--"Mystery in the Barnyard" by Hu Flung Dung is about as far as I'm willing to go. This list will be posted at irregular intervals, approximately monthly, depending on the number of new submissions I get. Feel free to inflict the list on your friends, but like others, I like to be credited for the work I did to assemble this list. Many thanks to John Gregory, who provided more than half of the entries from his collection of related puns. Harold Reynolds The Pun Reference Library: Last Updated: 12-12-1993 In Farmer MacGregor's Garden: Peter Abbott* Computer Memories: Meg Abight(7) The Truancy Problem: Marcus Absent* I Love Bullfighting: Matt Adore* Positive Reinforcement: Wade Ago* How to Annoy: Aunt Agonize Soda Pop History: Ginger Aile(a) I Like Liquor: Ethyl Alcohol Get Moving!: Sheik Aleg I Didn't Do It!: Ivan Alibi More for Your Money: Max Amize(3) Wake Up!: Sal Ammoniac Gone Fishing: Rod Annette(8) Held Hostage by Italian Terrorists!: Aldo Anything* Cry Wolf: Al Armist(6) The Lion Attacked: Claudia Armoff Archery: Beau N. Arrow(b) Beekeeping: A. P. Arry(6) Guarding the Door: Sergeant Atarms(l) Nobel Prize Cannibals: Laurie Ate* A Bestiary of Plant Eaters: Herb Avore* Daddy are We There Yet?: Miles Away Banquet at McDonalds: Tommy Ayk* The Beach Bully: Harry Ayp* Cheating on His Wife: Izzy Backyet* Mobile Homes: Winnie Bago(b) Fortune Telling: Crystal Ball* Armed Heists: Robin Banks Lawyers of Suffering: Grin and Barrett Nuclear Explosives: Adam Baum(o) Sea Birds: Al Batross(6) Grave Mistakes: Paul Bearer Let's Do it Now!: Igor Beaver Neither a Borrower: Nora Lender Bee Overweight Vegetables: O. Beets Life Before The Civil War: Aunty Bellum* Brane Surjery Maid Simpel: Sarah Bellum* In the Arctic Ocean: Isa Berg Judging Fast Food: Warren Berger(3) We Take Credit Cards, But...: Cassius Better(I) One Hundred Years Old: Abbie Birthday* Songs For Children: Barbara Blacksheep* Decorating your Mousehole: Minnie Blinds(l) En Garde!: Drew Blood* The Excitement of Trees: I. M. Board(3) Whatchamacallit!: Thingum Bob Drafted!: Abel Boddeed* How to Succeed in School: Rita Book(n) Wind Instruments: Tom Bone Good Steak!: T. Bone(8) Monkey Shines: Bob Boone Uninteresting Road Signs: Bill Bored Unwanted Babies: Anna Bortion(8) Here's Pus In Your Eye: Lance Boyle* The Peace Mission: Olive Branch* Stop Arguing: Xavier Breath Long Way Down: Rip Cord Broke(l) Fistfights: Donny Brooke* Christmas for Baldies: Yule Brynner Home Alone III, The Sequel: Annie Buddyhome* Fixing Computer Programs: Dee Bugger* Life Before Cars: Orson Buggy* Bad Cow Jokes: Terry Bull(8) Foot Problems of Big Lumberjacks: Paul Bunion Ex-Presidential Retreat: Kenny Bunkport* Full Moon: Seymour Buns Falling Trees: Tim Burr Long Walk: Miss D. Bus(j) Gardening With The Ex-President: Rose Bush* Under the Bleachers: Seymour Butts(l) The Pullman Sleeper: Bertha Buv* A Whole Lot of Cats: Kitt N. Caboodle Say The Magic Word: Abby Cadabra* How To Make Cornmeal Pancakes: Johnny Cake* Desert Crossing: I. Rhoda Camel Star Spangled Barrio: Jose Canusee* Gambling: Monty Carlos Hertz, Don't It?: Lisa Carr* I Need Insurance: Justin Case Money Management: Owen Cash(o) Ship Mysteries: Marie Celeste The Sweat Shop: Hiram Cheap* Cosmetology: Rosie Cheeks* Musical Gunfighters: The Okay Chorale I Like Fish: Ann Chovie Happy New Year!: Mary Christmas The Miracle Drug: Penny Cillin* Life in Chicago: Wendy City The Ham Radio Primer: Loudon Clear* Cheaper than IBM: P.C. Clone(l) You Wash, I'll Dry: Terry Cloth* I Was a Cloakroom Attendant: Mahatma Coate(1) The Greasy Spoon: Chris Coe* Snakes of the World: Anna Conda Housework: Dustin Cook(n) The Great Escape: Freida Convict Nuts about You!: Cy Cosis Racketeering: Dennis Court Smash His Lobster!: Buster Crabbe French Overpopulation: Francis Crowded Lots of Excitement: Hugh N. Cry Outdoor Cookery: Barbie Cue* Circle Perimiter: Sir Cumference(h) Pull Yourself Together!: Annette Curtain(f) Trim Those Sideburns Too?: Buzz Cutt* The Paper Route: Avery Daye* Wish I'd Never Been Born: Rudy Daye* Stunned Over Christmas: Holly Daze Fastest Gun In The West: Everett DeReady* Personal Best: Marco DeStinction* Prepare To Meet Your Maker: Eva DeStruction* A Boxing Cornerman's Story: Dawson DeTowel* The Good Breakfast: Hammond Deggs* Home of the Liberty Bell: Phil A. Delphia(l) I Love Fractions: Lois C. Denominator Cooking Spaghetti: Al Dente Columbus, Vespucci, And Me: Enzo DiUrth* Chirpin' and Jumpin': Katie Didd* The Smorgasbord: Buffy Dinner* Shaky Knees: Cliff Diver* I Must Fix the Car!: Otto Doit A Stuntman To The End: Kenny Doitt* Lazy Employees: Hans Doolittle(o) Maritime Disasters: Andrea Doria I Lost My Balance: Eileen Dover and Phil Down ...And Shut Up!: Sid Downe* Allegiance To The King: Neil Downe* The Senior Prom: Spike Drink* Robots: Anne Droid We're All Flakes: Dan Druff* My Life on Skid Row: Titus A. Drum* College Athletics: Nancy Dubblelay* Mystery in the Barnyard: Hu Flung Dung Life As A Comic: Stan Dupp* Good Housekeeping: Lottie Dust Snorting My Way To Heaven: Angel Dust* Downpour!: Wayne Dwops Head of Security: Barb Dwyer(9) Keep Out!: Barb Dwyer* I Lived in Detroit: Helen Earth Meals On Safari: Lionel Eecha* Hiya Fella: Gladys Eeya* Car Capital Of The World: Mitch Egan* Southern California Waffles: Sandy Eggo* It's a Holdup!: Nick R. Elastic Round the World: Madge Ellen(7) Guide To Mixology: Bart Ender* Fish Story: Rod Enreel* Interior Decorating: Curt Enrod* What I Took: Irv Erginity* The History Of Exxon: Phil Errup* Artificial Clothing: Polly Ester Defunct Nations: Sophie Etunion* Songs from 'South Pacific': Sam and Janet Evening Good Works: Ben Evolent(6) Greeting Sheep Strangers: Hugh R. Ewe(a) Swedish Perfumeries: Ole Factory(l) You Drip!: Lee K. Fawcette(b) Explaining it Better: Clara Fie Sofa so Good: Chester Field Scandinavian Photography: Matt Finnish* Parachuting: Hugo First I Love Wills: Benny Fishery The Perils Of Drug Addiction: Anita Fixx* The French Chef: Sue Flay* Pilgrim Settlers: May Flower* Where to Put Your Money: Bill Fold(k) Strong Winds: Gail Force* West Coast Universities: Stan Ford* Silly Rabbit: Trixie R. Forkids(l) Get Out There!: Sally Forth I'm Scared!: Emma Fraid* Still Looking For My Heart: Sam Francisco* Things To Do At Parties: Bob Frapples* How To Beat A Murder Rap: Scott Free* Overcoming Nervousness On Radio: Mike Fright* The Chuck Berry Story: Judy Frudy* What Makes Airplanes Go: Jeff Fuel* It Won't Work!: Mel Function* You're a Bundle of Laughs: Vera Funny Los Angeles Pachyderms: L.A. Funt Fat Lady In The Sideshow: Ellie Funt* Hot Dog!: Frank Furter No More Circuit Breakers!: Ira Fuse Nuclear Power Bafflement: Ken Fusion* Rangers In The Night: Forrest Fyar* It's Magic!: Sven Gali Put'er There, Pal!: Greg Garious* Self Denial Made Easy: Abner Gation* Crocodile Dundee: Ali Gator Pain Relief: Ann L. Gesick(6) As Solid as...: Rocco Gibraltar(b) Options Trading: June Gold* Surprised!: Omar Gosh Life Six Feet Under: Doug Graves* Artificial Weightlessness: Andy Gravity Car Repairs: Axel Grease* It's Springtime!: Theresa Green* Chicago Gangs Of The '30's: Tommy Gunn* Geez, It's Hot!: Mike Hammeldyed(j) Keep it Clean!: Armand Hammer Mountain Climbing: Andover Hand Volunteer's Guidebook: Linda Hand* Errors and Accidents: Miss Takes and Miss Haps Tug of War: Paul Hard I Love You!: Alma Hart Battle Axes: Tom A. Hawk(a) Repent At Leisure: Marion Hayste* Kindergarten Kop II: Bea Hayve* Acrophobia Explained: Alfredo Heights* I Hate Fighting: Boris Hell The Squeaking Gate: Rusty Hinges* Woulda Been A Great Shortstop: Kent Hitt* Pull with All You've Got!: Eve Ho Cab Calloway's Garden: Heidi Ho* The Garden State: Ida Hoe* How I Won The Marathon: Randy Hoelway* House Construction: Bill Jerome Holme(6) Laid Off!: Gwen Home* Poetry in Baseball: Homer Shoes For Farm And Ranch: Claude Hopper* Equine Leg Cramps: Charlie Horse How to Cook a Steak: Porter House(n) How To Tune Up Your Auto: Carl Humm* Split Personalities: Jacqueline Hyde* Preparing Leather: Tanya Hyde* Cloning: Irma Dubble II Unsolved Mysteries: N. Igma(5) It's All In Your Head: Madge Ination* Wind In The Maple Trees: Russell Ingleaves* Neat Shirts: Preston Ironed The Last Roundup: Brandon Irons* Mardi Gras Time: Lou Isiana* The Shrinking Society: Les Ismoor* The Spiritual Life: Ned Itation(l) Jewish Mysticism: Lev Itation(l) Mosquito Bites: Ivan Itch Don't Do Anything Rash: Jacques Itch* Inflammation, Please!: Arthur Itis* Hunger In America: Heywood Jafeedme* Big Fart!: Hugh Jass You're Kidding!: Shirley U. Jest Unemployed: Anita Job(b) Covered Walkways: R. Kade(6) Some Like it Sweet: Sugar Kane(a) Fred Can Philosophize!: Immanuel Kant Oh What A Relief It Is: Al Kaseltzer* My Life With Annette: Amos Kateer* New Mexico Tour Book: Albie Kerky* I Was A Son Of A Buccaneer: Rich Kidd* The Palace Roof has a Hole: Lee King Lawn Care: Ray King* Exercise on Wheels: Cy Kling I Hate the Sun: Gladys Knight Teach Me!: I. Wanda Know Who Killed Cock Robin?: Howard I. Know Better Mental Health: Cy Kosis* Breaking the Law: Kermit A. Krime Jewish Holidays: Hannah Kuhh* If I Invited Him...: Woody Kum(3) NHL Hockey: Stanley Kupp* Those Funny Dogs: Joe Kur I Like Weeding Gardens: Manuel Labour How to Overcome Stress: R.E. Lachs(k) Care For A Chop?: Marsha Larts* Fallen Underwear: Lucy Lastic* Military Rule: Marshall Law Cut the Grass!: Moses Lawn(b) Manana: Stew Layt* To be Honest: Frank Lee(a) The Lady Pirate: Peg Legg* Pain in My Body: Otis Leghurts The Phillipine Post Office: Imelda Letter* Pentagon Press Release: Colonel O'Truth and Lotta Lies(l) Theft Among Arthropods: The Lieutenants(l) Not a Guitar!: Amanda Lin(e) Holmes Does It Again: Scott Linyard* Bring to the Grocer's: R. List(2) Classic Groceries: Chopin Liszt(l) Joys of Cowardice: Lily Livard* The Effects of Alcohol: Sir Osis of Liver Employment Handbook: Ernie Living* How to Break In: Jimmy De Lock* Modern Tree Watches: Anna Log Rapunzel, Rapunzel!: Harris Long I Win!: U. Lose The Porn Queen: Mona Lott* Feelings: Cara Lott* Noise is Forbidden!: Nada Loud Boring Midwestern Cities: Cole Lumbus* Handel's Messiah: Ollie Luyah* Kangaroo Illnesses: Marcus Wallaby, M.D. The Bog: Pete Maas* The Music Of Sammy Davis Jr.: Candy Mann* The Industrial Revolution: Otto Mattick Season Tickets: Oprah Maven(l) Military Defeats: Major Disaster and General Mayhem It's Unfair!: Y. Me He's Contagious!: Lucas Measles The Criminals Of Watergate: Barton Mee* I Love Crowds: Morris Merrier Turkish Minerals: Asa Miner(l) The Candy Store: Pepper Mintz* Animal Scents: Farrah Mones* Soak Your Ex-Husband: Ali Money(6) The National Science Foundation: Grant Money* I Wuz Robbed!: Alma Money* Social Insecurity: Wilma Moneylast* How to Cut Grass: Lon Moore(n) Perverted Mushrooms: M. Morel The Unknown Rodent: A. Nonny Mouse Ambulance Driving: Adam Muhway* Flips and Tumbles: Jim Nastics(g) Rusty Bedsprings: I.P. Nightly(m) I'm an Atheist: Noel NoheaveN The Hitchhiker: Juan Nalift* The Big Wave: Sue Nami(c) The Scent Of A Man: Jim Nasium* French Cars: Myra Neault(k) Boy Scout's Handbook: Casey Needzit* East Coast Universities: Cora Nell(l) Exploring The Dutch Frontier: Will Der Ness* Back Row Of The Orchestra: Clara Nett* My Seventh Husband: Ivana Newhouse* Harvesting Wild Plants: Dudley Nightshade* Candle-Vaulting: Jack B. Nimble I'm Someone Else: Ima Nonymous Punk Rock Rulez!: Lotta Noyze* A Great Plenty: E. Nuff At The Bottom Of The Can: Hazel Nutt* Military Fast: Colonel O'Corn(l) Exotic Irish Plants: Phil O'Dendron Irish Dentistry: Perry O'Dontal* Green Lawn Chairs: Patty O'Furniture* Irish First Aid: R.U. O'Kaye(k) Irish Flooring: Lynn O'Leum After The Corned Beef And Cabbage: Kay O'Pectate* The Irish Heart Surgeon: Angie O'Plasty* Smoker's Cough: Nick O'Teen* The LA Lakers' Breakfast: Kareem O'Wheat* Russian Tennis Shoes: Ivan Odor(l) Indian/Italian Cuisine: Ravi Oley* Go Away!: Ron Onhome* Life In The Sorority House: Carrie Onn* Yoko's Robe: Kim Ono* Italian Delicacies: Liz Onya* I Hate Monday Mornings: Gaetan Oop Come on in!: Doris Open Crackdown: Lauren Order* Nice Hotels: Mary Ott(i) Danger!: Luke Out Party On, Dude: Jill Out* My Career As A Clown: Abe Ozo* A Trip to the Dentist: Yin Pain The Fortuneteller: Reid Palms* Quips For The Young At Heart: Marty Pants* The Monkey Cage: Jim Panzee* Keep 'Em That Way: Private Parts(l) Leo Tolstoy: Warren Peace Where to Find Islands: Archie Pelago The Hidden Surprise: Pam Perz* Imitating Mozart: Sam Phony(l) Off To Market: Tobias A. Pigg Girl On a Budget: Penny Pincher(k) I Say So!: Frank O. Pinion(2) Plumb Good: Dwayne Pipe* Scottish Kilt Patterns: Glen Pladd* Bad Gardeners: Wilt Plant The Fall of a Watermelon: S. Platt String Instruments: Viola Player I Beat Bobby Fischer: Jess Player* Little Bitty Froggies: Tad Pole* The TV News Anchorman: Maury Ports* Things to Cook Meat In: Stu Potts House Plants: Clay Potts* Just Say No: Will Power* April Fool!: Sue Prize Flogging in the Army: Corporal Punishment The World's Deadliest Joke: Theophilus Punoval* Turtle Racing: Eubie Quick The Housing Problem: Rufus Quick The Economy is Recovering!: Knott Quite(l) Joe Wins at a Track Meet: C. Howie Runns(m) Not Bogged Down In Reality: Jason Rainbows* Nordic Groundskeepers: Leif Raker* Measles Collision!: Kay Rash Assault with Battery: Eva Ready Don't Tread On Me: Amanda B. Reckonwith* Too Rough: Soren Redd* Preaching to Hell's Angels: Pastor Redlight(1) No: Kurt Reply* Outdoor Activities: Alf Resco(6) Indiana Jones' Adventures: Darrin Rescue* Eating Disorders: Anna Rexia* Highway Travel: Dusty Rhodes Bad Investment: Les Riches(j) I Can Fix It: Jerry Rigg* What's For Dinner?: Chuck Roast* Clothes for Germ Kings: Mike Robes Mexican/Italian Food: Pepe Roney* Playing with the Christmas Fire: Yule B. Sari(m) Weepy Movie: Maud Lynn Story The Empath: Ophelia Sadness* Peeping Tom: Sawyer Scanties* The Telltale Heart: Stefi Scope* Maritime Rules: Paula See(i) The Twelfth Month: Dee Sember* Rules For Living: Sharon Sharalike* Dull Razor: Nick Shaving* Weekend In Hong Kong: Rick Shaw* Do It Yourself: Tyrone Shoelaces* May Flowers: April Showers Webster's Words: Dick Shunnary(3) Take a Break!: Colin Sick He Disappeared!: Otto Sight Ecclesiastical Infractions: Cardinal Sin Prayers For Children: Cindy Skool* Great Tennis Matches: Davis Skupp* Fingerplay: Jacob Sladder* Wouldn't You Know It: Murphy Slaw* Look Younger: Fay Slift* Foot Coverings: Susan Socks* Shhh!: Danielle Soloud* Tailoring: Serge Soote* Many Are Cold, But Few Are Frozen: Minnie Sota* Teenagers Of The '50's: Bobbie Sox* I Work with Diamonds: Jules Sparkle Small Vegetables: Russell Sprout* Gangway!: Hedda Steam* How to Tour the Prison: Robin Steele How to Draw: Ellis Strait(n) Athletic Supporter: Jacques Strap(l) Events In The Soviet Union: Perry Stroika* Without Warning: Oliver Sudden And the Other People: Allan Sundry Riel Ambush!: May T. Surprise You're So Sweet: Mable Syrup* Prevent Drowning: Buddy System* Mineralogy for Giants: Chris Tall Why Cars Stop: M.T. Tank When's The Revolution?: Millie Tant* Tight Situation: Leah Tard* Tyrant of the Potatoes: Dick Tater The World's Best Recipes: Gus Tatorial* Keeping Old Furniture Looking Good: Ann Teak(n) Solving Crimes: D. Tective I Wuz Framed!: Gil Tee* Trial Law: Tess Temoni* Singin' and Shakin': Oprah Tic Tenor(l) What's Your Invention?: Pat Tent* All Alone: Saul E. Terry I Hit the Wall: Isadore There The Bird Collection: Arnie Thologie(i) Animal Illnesses: Ann Thrax(3) Greek Unbeliever!: Hera Tick(d) Confessions Of A Gold Digger: Emile Ticket* Laughing In The White House: Polly Tickle Ah, Thor!: Ty Till(7) Almost Missed the Bus: Justin Time I Can't See The Difference: Sam Ting* Blowout!: Vlad Tire* Misunderstood: Art Tistic* The Auto Salvage Business: Rex Toad* Two Thousand Pounds!: Juan Ton Theft and Robbery: Andy Tover(4) Hypnotism: N. Tranced Winning the Race: Vic Tree It's a Shocker: Alec Tricity Red Vegetables: B. Troot(6) My Life in the Gutter: Yves Trough East Coast Resorts: Nan Tuckett* Children's Songbook: Skip Tumalu* Scuffed Floors: Mark Tupp* Sandpapers of the West: Tex Ture(l) How to Read a Book: Paige Turner(n) Lotsa Luck: Bess Twishes* Parting Shots: Sid Semper Tyrannis(l) Gone With The Wind: George Uh* We Won 20-1!: Barry Um* I Love Mathematics: Adam Up Gunslingers with Gas: Wyatt Urp My Lost Causes: Noah Veil Meat Eaters: Carney Vore* I Read You Like A Book: Claire Voyant* Carpet Fitting: Walter Wall(h) Not So Hot: Luke Warm* Swimming in the Arctic: I. C. Waters(a) In The Trenches: Helmut Wearer* Making Explosives: Stan Wellback(o) Music of the Sea: Lawrence Whelk Golly Gosh!: G. Whiz Okee Dokee: Roger Wilco* I Want to Help: Abel N. Willin(a) Smart Beer Making: Bud Wiser Genie in a Bottle: Grant Wishes Take This Job And Shove It: Ike Witt* Fifty Yards to the Outhouse: Willy Makit and Betty Woant Lewis Carroll: Alison Wonderland* Tinseltown Tales: Holly Wood* Ready...Set...: Sadie Word* Masterpieces Of Fox TV: Annette Work* Raising Flowers By Hand: Flo Wrist* Rich People: Belle Yenere(i) Skunks in the Shrubbery: P. Yew I'm Fine: Howard Yu(2) The Dead Of Winter: Jan Yuary* Mensa Man: Gene Yuss The Great Flood: Noah Zark* Tear Up Those Betting Slips: Lou Zerr* Hollywood Gossip: Phyllis Zinn* Mexican Revenge: Monty Zuma The German Bank Robbery: Hans Zupp* Contributors other than myself ( Note: Contributed titles may have been altered. * John Gregory: (1) Anders Thulin: (2) Robert Nissen: (3) Dave Jasinski: (4) Alun Salt: (5) Simon Booth: (6) Susan Richards: (7) Norman Diamond: (8) Clinton James: (9) Bob Noble: (a) Chris Rolleston: (b) 'Bubble Butt'(???): (c) Brian Burns: (d) Steve Barr: (e) Rowan Hammond: (f) Joseph Rowan: (g) Neil Bishop: (h) Seemant: (i) David Savitt: (j) Philip Sainty: (k) Alex Currier: (l) Chris Schulman: (m) Gordy Thompson: (n) John E. Norlin (o) Jim Coen -- Stormy DS Bd+W C+G 0.8 X L- W- C-- I+++ T++ A++ E- V+ P B- Sylvester DS B+W Y+G 0.8 Y L W C+ I+++ T+++ A E V+ P++ B+ Maintainer of the "Bad Kitty/Human", "Bad Dog/Human", "Cat Rules" lists. ---Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. (Victor Borge)
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