These are not my jokes, I just compile them. Send flames to /dev/null Please send constructive comments, corrections, notification of duplication or additions to: Thanks. --begin jokes here-- "I see," said the blind man. "You don't," said the dumb. "I see," said the blind man to his deaf wife as he stuck his wooden leg out the window to see if it was raining. "I see" said the blind man to his deaf uncle, as he picked up his hammer and saw. The one I recall is "deaf dog." It rolls a little better too. "I see," said the blind man as he spit into the wind, "it all comes back to me now." "I see," said the blind man, to the deaf woman over the telephone! I see said the blind man to his deaf companion who heard the mute man accross the street asking for ... "I see," said the blind man to his deaf wife, who wasn't listening anyway. I've heard it as "I see, said the blind horse" To this, someone would answer, "But a blind horse can't see" Then you'd reply, "No, but it sure can't talk, either." Admision Free, Pay at the Door Pull up a chair and sit on the floor. One bright day in the middle of the night Two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other Drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard all the noise; Came and shot the two dead boys. If you don't believe this lie is true, Go ask the blind man, he saw it too. "I see," said the blind man to his deaf wife as she heard the quadrapeligic children running down the hall... "I see," said the blind man, looking up from his newspaper, to his deaf wife who was listening to (Fill in the Blank) while telling the mute, paralyzed kid to shut up and quit dancing. Oh, I know a little ditty, it's as crazy as can be The guy who wrote it said he wanted it and handed it to me I found I couldn't use it because it sounded blue And that's the very reason that I'm singing it to you Ain't we crazy, ain't we crazy This is the way we pass the time away Ain't we crazy, ain't we crazy We're going to sing this song all night today It's a song the alligators sing as they're slipping through the rye As they serenade the elephants up in the trees so high The man behind the counter was a woman old and grey Who used to peddle shoestrings on the road to Mandolay "Good evening sir" she shouted, and her eyes were bright with tears As she put her foot upon her head and stood that way for years Her children six were orphans except the youngest tot Who lived in the house across the street above the vacant lot Ain't we crazy, ain't we crazy This is the way we pass the time away Ain't we crazy, ain't we crazy We're going to sing this song all night today -- Thomas Parker (Grumpy)
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