The Cannonical List of Seven Course Dinner Jokes What is an Irish seven course dinner? A six pack of Guinness and a potato. What is an American seven course dinner? A six pack of Bud Lite and a Big Mac. What is a Canadian seven course dinner? A six pack of Molson and a Big Mac. What is a German seven course dinner? Six different beers and pack of cigarettes. What is a Chinese seven course dinner? Six bowls of rice and a cooked rat. What is a Japanese seven course dinner? A bowl of rice and six raw fish. What is a Polish seven course dinner? Six pirogies. What is an Eskimo seven course dinner? Six lumps of snow and a baby seal. What is a Russian seven course dinner? A liter of vodka and six turnips. What is a Mexican seven course dinner? A bottle of Dos Equis and six cooked rats. What is an Argentine seven course dinner? Six cuts of beef and a sprig of parsley. What is a Thai seven course dinner? Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. What is an Ancient Roman seven course dinner? Seven banquets near a vomitorium. What is a Bulimic seven course dinner? Fruit salad, cucumber soup, green salad, broiled salmon, grilled ribs, cheesecake, and two fingers down the throat. What is an Anorexic seven course dinner? Six peas and a sip of water. What is a Pothead's seven course dinner? A bowl and three packs of twinkies. What is a Magic, The Gathering player's seven course dinner? "Dinner? Sure, let me just finish this game...." What is a Teamster's seven course dinner? Contractual obligation. What is a Senator's seven course dinner? Essential government employment for the senate cooking staff. What is an Undergraduate seven course dinner? Most of a pizza. What is a Lesbian seven course dinner? Thrice each on the breasts, once down under. What is a Gay seven course dinner? Seven inches, seven ways. What is a CS seven course dinner? A six pack of Jolt and a slice of pizza. What is Bill Gates' seven course dinner? 42 megabytes installed. What is the Usenet Oracle's seven course dinner? } [ZOT][ZOT][ZOT][ZOT][ZOT][ZOT] } } You owe the Oracle a seven course dinner at a four star resturant. Elijah ------ got bored sitting in the bathroom
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