Clinton Jokes Note: This list is being maintained by Nathan Mates, Please send any submissions at any time. You can freely distribute this file as long as this message remains intact. The entire collection of Clinton Jokes can be found on the WWW at --- SECTION: Miscellaneous Clinton Jokes BILL CLINTON STATUE COMMITTEE 1040 Bufoo Street Little Rock, AR 72205 Dear Friend, We have the distinguished honor of being on the committee for raising five million dollars for placing a statue of Bill Clinton in the Hall of Fame in Washington D.C. This committee was in a quandary as to where to place the statue. It was not wise to place it beside the statue of George Washington, who never told a lie, nor beside Senator Joe McCarthy, who never told the truth, since Bill Clinton could never tell the difference. We finally decided to place it beside the statue of Christopher Columbus, the greatest Democrat of all. He left not knowing where he was going, did not know where he was, returned not knowing where he had been, and did it all on borrowed money. Over 5,000 years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel, "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land!" Nearly 5,000 years later, Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this IS the Promised Land!" Now, Bill Clinton is going to steal your shovels, kick your asses, raise the price of Camels, and mortgage the Promised Land. If you are one of the fortunate few who has anything left after taxes, we expect a generous contribution to this worthwhile project. Fraternally, The Bill Clinton Statue Committee Bill Clinton justifies his proposed increases in government spending by dividing it into investment spending and consumption spending: GNP = C + I + Government Investment + Government Consumption He claims that government investment is productive and is worth running a deficit for. The question is whether the government can really make that many investments that are better than private sector investments. People are scared that under Bill Clinton and the Democrats, we will instead get: GNP = C + Pork Barrel + White Elephants + Bureaucracy + Inefficiency + Uncontrolled Costs + Politically Correct Spending + Outrageous Boondoggles + $500 Billion Bank Bailouts + Favors to Lobbyists + More Favors to Big-Voting-Bloc Special Interests + Even More Favors to Big-Money Campaign Contributors Most people don't think that politicians, government bureaucrats and academic economists would know an efficient investment from a hole in the wall. They think that politicians would end up calling everything they like, including increases in their own salaries, a form of investment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are some memos found in the trash behind the primary building of the FBI (Federal Bureau of Incompetents) in Washington, D.C. They're probably classified information, and possession of them on your computer system no doubt is considered a federal offense. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: ATF Agent 2x3276 Sir: This small Wacko cult isn't giving in. Do you have any instructions? Agent 2x3276 To: ATF Agent 2x3276 ]From: FBI Director William Sessions Agent: Try playing "Feelings" over and over again 24 hours a day. That should get the point across. The Director To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: ATF Agent 2x3276 Sir: Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, playing "Feelings" over and over again 24 hours a day has succeeded only in convincing the Wacko folks that the end of the world is at hand. They're a bit less cooperative now. Any more suggestions? Agent 2x3276 To: ATF Agent 2x3276 ]From: FBI Director William Sessions Agent: Add searchlights at night. And add to the playlist something by The Partridge Family. Still The Director To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: ATF Agent 2x3276 Sir: They like the Partridge Family. Agent 2x3276 To: ATF Agent 2x3276 ]From: FBI Director William Sessions Agent: Sickos. STD To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: ATF Agent 2x3276 Sir: We're getting bored out here. Can we go in now? Agent 2x3276 To: ATF Agent 2x3276 ]From: FBI Director William Sessions Agent: Not until we've wiped their reputation a bit. Notify the reporters about Koresh's sexual abuse of young, baby frogs. The Director and Producer To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: ATF Agent 2x3276 Sir: We have no substantiated reports of sexual abuse of young, baby frogs. Agent 2x3276 To: ATF Agent 2x3276 ]From: FBI Director William Sessions Agent: Do you have a point? The Brilliant To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: ATF Agent 2x3276 Sir: Unsubstantiated rumors of baby frog abuse will not withstand scrutiny. Agent 2x3276 To: ATF Agent 2x3276 ]From: FBI Director William Sessions Agent: What scrutiny are you expecting, agent? Who's going to stand up for a cult leader who's abused baby frogs? Better than Brilliant To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: ATF Agent 2x3276 Sir: We've had a tiny accident at the compound. Agent 2x3276 To: ATF Agent 2x3276 ]From: FBI Director William Sessions Agent: How tiny? Better than Brilliant, but slightly Worried To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: ATF Agent 2x3276 Sir: It kind of like, burned down. Sort of. Sir. Agent 2x3276 To: ATF Agent 2x3276 ]From: FBI Director William Sessions Agent: Notify the press the cultists committed mass suicide by burning down their compound. Brilliant, Almost Godlike To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: ATF Agent 2x3276 Sir: We haven't gathered any evidence at all yet, let alone of a mass suicide. Pretty Good Agent 2x3276 To: ATF Agent 2x3276 ]From: FBI Director William Sessions Agent: Do you have a point? Try to remain more formal in your memos. The BAG Director To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: ATF Agent 2x3276 Sir: No sir, thank you sir. Agent 2x3276 To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: President Billy Bob Clinton Will: What the hell are you folks doing over there? Bill To: President William Clinton ]From: FBI Director William Sessions Sir: Just doing our best to maintain law and order on a cult of baby-frog-abusing Partridge Family fans, sir. Director Sessions To: FBI Director William Sessions ]From: President Billy Bob Clinton Will: Oh. Okay. Mr. Bill To: Members of the Press ]From: President William Clinton Dear Members of the Press: The FBI has informed me of a tiny error they've made. I take full responsibility. It wasn't my fault. The President ______________________________________________________________________________ THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release April 27, 1993 EVENTS ON THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1993 11:30 am EDT THE PRESIDENT ADDRESSES THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS, Sheraton Washington Hotel, Washington, DC 4:30 pm EDT THE PRESIDENT GREETS THE MENS AND LADIES NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPIONS, The White House, Washington, DC UPCOMING EVENTS ON THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE Friday, April 30 The President Introduces National Service program Saturday, April 31 The President Delivers Weekly Radio Address to the Nation ### Hmm, April 31st. Should be a great speech. Glad to see part of Clinton's cost cutting included calendars for his staff. Comparison of last 2 Democratic presidential candidates: DUKAKIS CLINTON % Of Vote Received 45 43 Military Experience rode around in a "TANK!? WHERE??" tank, looking like an idiot Wife Kitty Shitty Running-Mate's Wittiest "You're no Jack "Bill Clinton and I Comment in VP Debate Kennedy" believe that [insert your favorite asinine comment here]" Considered Too Passionless? Yes Just ask Gennifer... From a study by the Minot branch of the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies: A Comparison of the Last Presidential Candidates George Bush Bill Clinton ----------- ------------ War Record Fighter Pilot Draft Dodger Drug Usage Thyroid Medication Pot Smoker Extramarital Affairs None 1000 Greatest Achievement Ended Cold War Gennifer Flowers Position On Viet Nam Support of Country "The What?" Position On Taxes Proposed Tax Cut Raise Em Baby! Foreign Affairs Experience To numerous to mention Once Dated A Mexican Girl Favorite Song God Bless The USA To All The Girls I've Loved Before Church Episcopalian Red Brick Favorite Vegetable Tomatoes Al Gore International Experience Ambassador to China Moscow UN Ambassador Troublemaker Military Leadership Commander In Chief Former Captain of Paintball team Ticket Name Bush/Quayle 92 Bubba1/Bubba2 Least Favorite Food Broccoli Draft Beer Abortion Bill Against It Paid It Closest Brush With Death Shot Down in WWII Hillary Came Home Early Favorite Actor John Wayne Rob Lowe Favorite Baseball Team Braves Dodgers Favorite Bill Job Training 2000 Himself Anti-Drug Policy Just Say No Don't Inhale Looking Forward To Ending Recession Legalizing Prostitution The United States of America presents The Not Ready For Prime Time Administration Starring HILLARYYYYY CLINTON Co-starring her smiling husband, Billie Jeff And Featuring Donna "Poltergeist Psychic" Shalala Robert "don't need the leg room" Reich Ron "didn't pay social security either" Brown Roberta "never met a woman she didn't like" Auchenberg Janet "never met a man she did like" Reno Warren "lied to Congress too" Christopher Lloyd "agreed with Dukakis too" Bentsen George "he'll say anything" Stephanopoulos Dede "what's my job" Meyers Hazel "who's she" O'Leary And the all Male chorus line from the Little Getcher Hard Rocks Off Cafe (c) Matt Giwer THE DECLARATION OF CLINTONDEPENDENCE... (with original words from Declaration of Independence in UPPERCASE... as transcribed by jPm) WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS, IT BECOMES NECESSARY FOR ONE PEOPLE [or a multicultural society] TO DISSOLVE THE POLITICAL BANDS WHICH HAVE CONNECTED THEM TO ANOTHER, AND TO ASSUME AMONG THE POWERS OF THE EARTH, THE SEPARATE AND EQUAL [,yet culturally diverse,] STATION TO WHICH THE LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE'S GOD [nature] ENTITLE THEM, A DECENT RESPECT TO THE OPINIONS OF MANKIND [peoples of political incorrectness] REQUIRES THAT THEY [the patriots of change] DECLARE THE CAUSES WHICH IMPEL THEM TO THE SEPARATION. WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT THAT ALL MEN [especially womyn] ARE CREATED EQUAL [and therefore entitled to tailor-made bludgeons of litigation for the enhancement of this equality], THEY ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS, THAT AMONG THESE ARE LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, [and government provided retirement benefits and government provided shelter and government provided food and government provided unemployment insurance and government provided education and government provided health care ...]--THAT TO SECURE THESE RIGHTS, GOVERNMENTS ARE INSTITUTED AMONG MEN [and maintained by bean-counted people to provide proportional representation of every distinguishable human attribute], DERIVING THEIR JUST POWERS FROM THE CONSENT OF [43% of] THE GOVERNED [which includes the recipients of the said inalienable rights], THAT WHENEVER ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT BECOMES DESTRUCTIVE OF THESE ENDS [viz: providing the complete livelihoods of the citizens], IT IS THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE [all 43%] TO ALTER OR TO ABOLISH IT, AND TO INSTITUTE NEW GOVERNMENT, LAYING ITS FOUNDATION ON SUCH PRINCIPLES [or lack there of], AND ORGANIZING ITS POWERS IN SUCH FORM, AS TO THEM SHALL SEEM MOST LIKELY TO EFFECT THEIR SAFETY AND HAPPINESS [and transfer wealth to them]. PRUDENCE, IN DEED, WILL DICTATE THAT GOVERNMENTS LONG ESTABLISHED SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED FOR LIGHT AND TRANSIENT CAUSES [but, rather for the catchy, undefined slogan of "Change!"]; AND ACCORDINGLY ALL EXPERIENCE HATH SHOWN THAT MANKIND ARE MORE DISPOSED TO SUFFER [evils such as self sufficiency], WHILE EVILS ARE SUFFERABLE , THAN TO RIGHT THEMSELVES BY ABOLISHING THE FORMS [of self sufficiency] THEY ARE ACCUSTOMED [and replacing them with "a free ride on the government gravy boat"]. BUT WHEN A LONG TRAIN OF ABUSES AND USURPATIONS [i.e. the longest economic boom in U.S. history while competing against the most competitive economic world market in history ], PURSUING INVARIABLY THE SAME OBJECT, EVINCES A DESIGN TO REDUCE THEM UNDER ABSOLUTE DESPOTISM [such as encouraging individual success rather than collective dependence on government], IT IS THEIR RIGHT, IT IS THEIR [patriotic] DUTY, TO THROW OF SUCH GOVERNMENT, AND TO PROVIDE [contributions and] NEW GUARDS FOR THEIR COLONIES; AND SUCH IS NOW THE NECESSITY WHICH CONSTRAINS THEM TO ALTER THEIR FORMER SYSTEMS OF GOVERNMENT. THE HISTORY OF THE PRESENT KING OF GREAT-BRITAIN [usa] IS A HISTORY OF REPEATED INJURIES AND USURPATIONS [and refusal to acknowledge and protect the inalienable right to receive wealth redistribution payments], ALL HAVING IN DIRECT OBJECT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ABSOLUTE TYRANNY OVER THESE STATES. TO PROVE THIS, LET THE FACTS BE SUBMITTED TO A CANDID WORLD. [crimes of "King" George and his party follow] HE HAS REFUSED TO ASSENT TO LAWS, THE MOST WHOLESOME FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD [such as pork barrel packages and encouraging the immigration of people with AIDS while trying to reduce public health care costs]. In article wrote: -Thought I'd put a little fun in my life. So I sent the Clinton Jokes list to Clinton. After a hard day, I thought our beloved President would love to have a little humor. :) -Cool idea! Let us know if he likes them...... -Let us know if he understands them. -Let us know if he can READ them. -I doubt he will even see them. Everything passes by Hillary's desk first. -What makes you think Hillary lets him read the mail? [Someone else wrote] I've been struck lately by the "appearance of impropriety" so prevalent in the Clinton administration. With the liberals in this group pointing at Reagan and Bush whenever a conservative complains about Clinton-doublespeak, I decided to start a Clinton Corruption Watch. At the rate he's going he'll hit 100 before the next election. Let's just see how long it takes. =============================================================================== 96. 3-29-93 Hillary Clinton, in violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, and Judge Royce Lamberth's injunction, holds a formal fact-gathering meeting. 97. 3-23-93 Attorney General Janet Reno fires all 90 US attorneys, effectively terminating the Justice Department inquiry into the doings of Rep. Dan Rostenkowski. (If the Justice Department actually indicts Rep. Rostenkowski, this item will be removed from this list.) 98. 3-10-93 Hillary's Task Force on National Health Care Reform is held, by Judge Royce Lamberth, to be in violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Judge Lamberth issues an injunction against any more fact gathering meetings "until such time as the Task Force is in full compliance with the requirements of FACA". 99. The Resolution Trust Corporation, responsible for resolving the Savings and Loan bailout, forgives the 26 million dollar debt of Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen's son. 100. White House spokesman George Stephanopoulis is discovered to be in violation of the Ethics in Government strictures against lobbying your former bosses on the Hill within one year of leaving office. TRAGEDY STRIKES IN BATHROOM; NATION MOURNS DEATH Li'l Foxx Duke Chomicle, Apr. 01 93 Front page Tragedy swept the nation last night when Clinton was found dead in the White House bathroom. Declaring a state of emergency, the grief-stricken spouse took total control of the presidency. "This is a period of great tragedy for our nation," Clinton declared early this morning. "However we must look forward to the future and embrace it wholly." "The Clintons were always a team. It only seems natural that when one dies, the other should take over," said former Vice President Al Gore. "For the past three months, there has been a lot of uncertainty as to whom was really in charge. Now there's no question whatsoever." Gore will assume the office of First Lady which was vacated because of last night's events. At a press conference this morning, he expressed confidence and caution about the nation's future. "I feel confident, yet cautious about the nation's future," he said. Dr. Pat Francis, a medical specialist at the Walter Reed Army Hospital, said the cause of Clinton's death is still unknown. However sources at the FBI have revealed that it may possibly have been alcohol-related. "We discovered a large, empty bottle of hairspray in the vicinity, and that very well may be the cause of death," one anonymous FBI agent said cautiously. "Of course, Clinton could also have been using it to style all that thick, luxurious hair." A distraught Chelsea Clinton expressed grief at her parent's death. "I loved both my parents very much, but I always knew either of them could do a great job as president," she said confidently. Cautiously, she added: "And now things are how they were meant to be." The White House was inundated with telegrams expressing sadness and sorrow over the great leader's death. British Prime Minister John Major was among the sympathetic. "I regret not getting to know either of the Clintons very well since the inauguration in January," he said. "Also, I regret my glasses." For Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Clinton's death only emphasized the mortality of humankind. His own mother passed away last week, and the service was beautiful although the flowers were a bit too much. They really did a great job with her makeup, though, he said. "I'm especially happy with the way they did her hair," Yeltsin said. "It was not too poofy, but it was still shiny and full of body." Riah Selzwit, the Russian mortician in charge of hair, was pleased by Yeltsin's comment. "Thank you," she said confidently, except in Russian of course. "I will be honored to style the dead American leader's hair as well. Such thickness! Such glory!" "That's a great idea, JoePiet [[manager of Auxiliary Services at Duke]] said. "Let's put it on [[food]] points." POLITICALLY INCORRECT DEFINITIONS OF WHAT BILL CLINTON'S REALLY SAYING What he says............................What he means ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "My fellow citizens"...................."Suckers" "I didn't inhale"......................."I think you're all idiots" "goals"................................."lies" "broad-based contributions"............."taxes" "investing in our infrastructure"......."pork-barrel spending" "spending cuts"........................."decimating the military" "jobs program".........................."military base lay-offs" "Vietnam"..............................."where?" "Attorney General"......................"the first semi-qualified woman I could find without a criminal record" "God bless America"....................."God help us, 'cause I don't have a clue" "Fairness".............................."screw all of you" "I feel your pain"......................"and I like it" "Economic program"......................see "investing in our infrastructure" "diversity"............................."millionaires" "opportunity"..........................."federal handout" "compassion"............................see "opportunity" "crime"................................."gun control/ban", ref. "Attorney General" "deficit reduction".....................see "goals" and "Economic program" "foreign policy"........................see "Vietnam" and "spending cuts" "Health care reform"...................."nepotism", ref. "broad-based contributions" "The Big Dinner in Los Gatos: After a couple of Cocktails, President Clinton and the entire Entourage were finally served. John Sculley was presented with Grilled Salmon, Garnished with a small bowl of Apple sauce. Hillary Rodham had Breast of Chicken. Al Gore had Quail.... Of course. When the Waiter presented President Clinton with the finest Cut of Prime Rib you ever saw, He Looked at the plate and said " I ordered the Pork Chops!!" The Manager (Who was hovering at this point, said respectfully "Mr. President, I was there when you ordered and you requested the Prime Rib." Bill Replied " I never said that"..." The current menu at the White House Mar 22 1993 From Kosher Kitchen, add 15% broad-based value-added contribution. Certain items may not be available from Kosher Kitchen. Changes in menu and kitchen by First Lady Hillary Clinton (NYT Feb. 01 93) Certified by the Department of Agriculture, won the 1993 Espy award. NOTE: I more suggestions for a "lite" menu for Secretary Aspen. We do not want to contribute badly to his heart condition. Breakfast Waffles (catered by McDonald's) 1. Pain waffle $2.25 2. Waffle with a middle class tax cut NOT AVAILABLE(1) 3. Waffle with Lloyd's consumption tax syrup (2) BTU-dependent 4. Fried Waffle in Haitian Rum Sauce $3.25 with curly-excuse potatoes $2.99 (not available for Jesse Jackson) (1) It's not the #1 item on our menu. I don't know who suggested that it would be, but we never said it would be a balanced part of our nutritious healthy budget of calories. (2) With added ethanol. Also "reduced calorie" available, especially for those with gas problems. Fruit Loops in milk (camouflaged) 21 votes trial basis until July from Senate Nunn of the camouflage NEGOTIABLE "Chelsea's breakfast specials" {lots of sausage, bacon, and waffles} with Quaker Oats $3.15 with condoms $3.50 with RU486 (test recipe) UPON REQUEST Jogging track hash rounds $1000 gratuity Stuffed Shelby Thousands of Ball-and-chain, whipped, & opposition-free jobs in AL QUOTE: ... The day after Clinton announced his budget package to a joint session of Congress, Vice President Al Gore sought to sell the plan by visiting lawmakers. But he was embarrassed at a meeting in Sen. Richard Shelby's office when, as the cameras rolled, the Alabama Democrat publicly complained that the proposal was "high on taxes and low on cuts." The response from the White House was swift and unapologetic: officials said they would move from Alabama to Texas the management team for a space shuttle contract, a loss of 90 jobs for Shelby's state. "We tolerate dissension here," said one administration official familiar with the episode. "But he embarrassed the veep on national television instead of speaking to us privately." /Clinton musters support for plans by courting congress/ Richard Berke, NYT News Service Mar 08 93 from Duke _Chronicle_ p. 13. Budget cuts from Democrats Not available due to an "emergency" $30B to be announced and executed in 1997-98. The NY Times reports that Rep. Charles Schumer was asked why the Democratic plan (lots of tax increases) is better than the Republican plan (no tax increases). Schumer said "what makes our budget the best is that it can pass, and we're doing something about the deficit." RLS Mar 19 93 from Republicans Found in trash 1. Rep. John Kasich (R-OH) produced a Republican plan which would reduce the deficit by $429 B over the next five years, without any tax increases. 2. Santorum-Specter plan (cut $97B of spending) Subject: Re: Give me specifics == Yet Another Lie Date: 9 Mar 93 16:26:02 GMT 3. Gramm-Lott amendment in Senate 4. Sen. Hank Brown (R-CO): WSJ Mar 09 93, p A16. 5. Rep. Gerald Solomon (R-NY). Compromise bill that incorporated elements of the Clinton plan's taxes and Kasich's spending cuts. Defeated with the Kasich plan on Mar 18, 1993. Cuts included "killing" the superconducting supercollider, and an additional $60B in defense cuts underneath the defense cuts set by Bush, Powell, and Cheaney which were $50B beneath the 1990 Budget deal caps. Sandwiches 1. The Congressional Special Two FAKE pork patties (it's a Kosher kitchen, after all), special interests, and an industrial strength laxative (to help it go down smooth) on a sesame and caraway seeded bun (to show the bun's cultural diversity) $3.95 Tenderheart recipe 25% fewer staff members than the old WH menu, but have yet to see if the Congressional Special's recipe will follow the lead $4.50 2. The Social Security Special SEE NOTE 3. Spotted Owl Wings @ SEE NOTE 4. Fried chicken lips (demonstrated by DNC) $120 K cf. The Economist, Feb. 27; RLS Mar 08 93 5. Supreme Choice Sandwich $13.20 May substitute for White bread anything that is tested pro-choice, has minority status, and has liberal activist connections to Clinton's law school profs at Yale. 6. Carville's Blackened Louisiana Basketball Final Four tickets Carville was also asked why so many campaign officials had been brought back to the White House to straighten things out. He replied "well, it's like how many blacks you played on the basketball team in Louisiana 20 years ago - the rule was three at home, four on the road, and five when you're behind." Reported in RLS Feb. 26 93 [Right after he had been brought into the White House to fix the Clinton administration's mess of things, Carville talked about how "the President is doing a fine job, but the problem is we don't know what to do with her husband."] NOTE: Cannot be served at this time, as it is an endangered species. - VP A.G. @ Spotted Owl Wings is an actual menu item at the Bordermine Cafe in Colorado [RLS Feb. 03 93] Entrees 1. Sacrificial Republiclamb with scapegoat cheese ***SPECIAL*** with Ronaroni memory of 1980s with Broccoli guilt of Horton with Quail and a baked potatoe price is a joke 2. The Rainbow Cabinet Trout (confirmed in less than a month) in a special interest jus $11.00 with a salad fit for millionaires $9.00 a la Hillary (grilled over wood for at least 90 min.) $7.95 feminist flambe' (a sprinkling of womyn/en) $7.75 with Reich-a-roni (laboriously stirred) $7.50 in a Ron Brown sauce (w/o Social Sec Sauce, with golden parachutes) $1.4M with Zoe-cchuni NO LONGER AVAILABLE Nevada-style (all croutons from Reno) $8.36 a la Gore (without fish, not cooked over a stove, no nukes or microwaves, not stored in a Freon-using refrigerator ... hell, it's just pieces of raw organically grown grass) $9.50 3. Suefood Surprise with a cabinet full of lawyers $10.95 with a cabinet full of millionaires $10.95 with a "leaner" bureaucracy $10,950 fully serviced by illegal immigrants NOT AVAILABLE with micromanagement NO EXTRA CHARGE Children's Legal Defense Fund Portion with a parental lawsuit and an Al Gore Environmentally sound coloring book (bag of crayons, no book - would mean the death of a tree!) PARENTS BILLED 4. Stephanopoultry assortment (from the "Chicken Plant") without a Dee-Dessert $6.75 with a large Gephardt role $7.95 special prosecutor UPON REQUEST 5. (Mis)Steak of the Union $10.15 Burned to a crisp. (Hey I guess we asked for it.) 6. Forest Gridlock Summit Vegetarian Pizza (may substitute marijuana for oregano in Arkansas:: 01/28 AP Report) $8.95 "WORKING TOWARD NEW, BALANCED AND COMPREHENSIVE POLICY FOREST CONFERENCE SET FOR APRIL 2 IN PORTLAND, OR After Years of Gridlock, Action to Save Jobs and Precious Resources ... It is time to break the gridlock that has blocked action and bring all sides together to craft a balanced approach to the economic and environmental challenges we face." Wed Mar 10 93 White House Press Release Beverages 1. Hope Springs Eternal (Flavored dirty tap water from the Arkansas River near the "Chicken Plant") In a recycled glass or plastic bottle (BYO Bottle) $2.25 "Dolphin-Free" $2.95 "Soak the Rich" punch We'll back a truck to the nearest window, stick a nozzle in your mouth, and irrigate you like some Tennessee Valley Authority project. UPON REQUEST 2. Celestial Blackmail Teas $100K [Celestial Teas targeted by the New York Boycott Colorado group, which was formed in protest of Colorado's rejection of Amendment 2. Story by Walter Smith, Colorado Springs IT Center, Feb. 05 93] 3. Shalala Shake $2.50 Milk shake with PC pudding and a pink flamingo decoration. Stirred with tongue depressor. [Inspired by a picture of 1000 plastic pink flamingos placed on a quad area in the University of Wisconsin.] 4. CAFE au EPA 40 mpg 5. Dallas Cowboy Stampede Scalp of Wash Redskin Dee-Desserts Slick Willy Long Island % $1.00 Hillary's health care cookies $2.99 with Celestial Blackmail Tea $3.99 Triple layer-of-taxes cake (SALE PRICE!!!!) $30K or more Schoolhouse deficit cake $128.31 Sweet death of pro-life movement (Gunned down) Freedom of Choice Access Act Passage % Really, this is an actual menu item in Harry's Chocolate Shop, an adult bar in West Lafayette IN. (It's $3.00 w/tax.) Source: Kevin L. Stamber, Purdue Univ. ********** SPECIAL NOTICE ********** SPECIAL NOTICE ********** Any item from the old John F. Kennedy menu 15% off menu price. Any item from the old Franklin Roosevelt menu is 20% off. Any item from Eleanor Roosevelt's recipe book is FREE!!!!!! ************************************************************** LIST OF FINANCIAL PATRIOTS Larry Villella, a 14-y.o. in Fargo ND [Feb. 22 93] $1000.00 "I think you're really a symbol of what's best in this country, and I'm proud of you and I thank you for doing this." -- Bill Clinton An elementary school [RLS Mar 08 93] $ 130.00 An elementary school [RLS Mar 08 93] $ 200.00 Liz Smith, gossip columnist, NY Newsday [Mar 03 93]: "Now is your chance actively to help Uncle Sam with his deficit headache. Do you want to do something useful, while waiting as Congress tries to sweat out and melt down President Clinton's new tax program? Well, you can! Simply figure out how much you can bear to part with and make out a check to the government of the US, marking it as a contribution to help reduce the deficit. "This is a trendy and good thing, no matter how big or small your contribution, and it is something that more and more people are doing to show they really want the deficit reduced. If everybody in the country sent a small check or money order, it could make a very big impact. Address your envelopes to President Bill Clinton, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC 20500." A prison inmate at Somers CT [RLS Mar 17 93] $ 25.00 WEBSTER'S CLINTONESE - TO - ENGLISH DICTIONARY (FIRST EDITION) CLINTONESE ENGLISH __________ _______ "My fellow citizens" "Suckers" "I didn't inhale" "I think you're all idiots" "goals" "lies" "broad-based contributions" "taxes" "investing in our infrastructure" "pork-barrel spending" "spending cuts" "decimating the military" "jobs program" "military base lay-offs" "Vietnam" "where?" "Attorney General" "the first semi-qualified woman I could find without a criminal record" "God bless America" "God help us, 'cause I don't have a clue" Arkansas 12th Grade Reading Test Slick Willy, Administrator Test #1 Test #2 MR Farmers MR Snakes MR KNOT MR KNOT OSAR OSAR CMMT Pockets CMBDI's LIB LIB MR Farmers MR Snakes Test #3 Test #4 MR Ducks MR Mice MR KNOT MR KNOT OSAR OSAR CM Wangs CMEDBD Feet LIB LIB MR Ducks MR Mice Test #5 CM Puppies MR KNOT Puppies OSAR CMPN LIB MR Puppies A father from Little Rock was overheard talking to his son at the Arkansas State Fair. Father: M R MIDDLE CLASS Son : M R KNOT Father: S A R Father: C M M T POCKETS Son : L I B Son : M R MIDDLE CLASS CLINTON ADMINISTRATION MEDICAL DICTIONARY Acute.........................opposite of an ugly Artery........................the study of paintings Bacteria......................back door of a cafeteria Barium........................what doctors do to patients Benign........................what you are after you're 8. Bowel.........................letter like A,E,I,O, or U Cat Scan......................searching for a kitty Cauterize.....................made eye contact with her Cesarean Section..............neighborhood in Rome Colic.........................a sheep dog Concussion....................a prisoner's sofa be friendly D & C.........................where the White House is live too long Enema.........................not a friend Fester........................quicker Fibula........................a small lie Genital.......................not a Jew GI series.....................a soldier ball game Hangnail......................a coat hook Hospital......................a prostitute ejecting saliva Impotent......................distinguished, well known include in a group Kinesthetics..................relationships among relatives Labor Pain....................getting hurt at work Leper.........................a wild cat place Medical Staff.................a doctor's cane Morbid........................a higher bid Nitrates......................cheaper than day rates Node..........................was aware of Outpatient....................a person who fainted Pap Smear.....................a fatherhood test Pelvis........................a cousin of Elvis Post-operative................a letter carrier Prostate......................flat on your back Recovery Room.................a place used for upholstery work. Rectum........................dang near killed 'em Rheumatic.....................amorous Secretion.....................hiding something Seizure.......................a Roman emperor of English Knighthood Tablet........................a small table Terminal Illness..............getting sick at the airport Tumor.........................more than one Urinate.......................two steps short of a perfect "10". Urine.........................opposite of you're out Varicose......................nearby Vein..........................conceited [ Article crossposted from alt.impeach.clinton ] [ Author was ] [ Posted on Mon, 24 Apr 95 21:44:26 GMT ] In Article [] (Muad'Dib) writes: ]In article [3n94on$9ij@cmcl2.NYU.EDU] (Justin R. Segal) writes: ]]I am meeting Hillary Clinton at a reception for the Annual Survey of ]]American Law (which is dedicated to her this year) on Tuesday 4/25. ]]There will be less than a hundred peolpe, so I'll at least get a chance ]]to meet her briefly. I'm thinking of the perfect thing to say to ]]her and I thought I'd appeal to a larger group. Any [serious] ]]suggestions would be appreciated Ask her, "So, Hillary, who did shoot Vince? or "So hillary, what kind of handbag do you think will go with that striped outfit you'll soon be wearing? You know, the one with the numbers on the back? or "Oh Hillary, I've always wondered - how is Mary Steenburgen in bed?" Your choice ] Ask her if she knows about Danbury. When she asks you what it is, explain that it is one of the poshest Federal Prisons around in Danbury, Ct. Suggest that her lawyer plea bargain to have her placed there. Ask her if she wants you to bake her a cake with a file in it. [In reference to Ambassador Londo Mollari's dream sequence from the Babylon 5 episode, _The Coming of Shadows_ -NM] ] in today's edition of the San Jose Mercury, front page, there is a ]picture of Pres. Clinton, from AP. he is pictured from the knees up, ]framed by a clear blue sky, clapping his hands. in the sky, passing ]overhead are three attack helicopters, flying in formation. ] i saw that and my knees went a little weak, you know that feeling ]of someone stepping on your grave. the picture looks way too much like ]Londo's dream... Naaaah. Differences: Londo is a combat pilot, a man who has functioned as a warrior in the service of his society; Londo is willing to throw his life, and the lives of many others, enemies and friends, away to preserve and strengthen the Centauri Republic; Londo doesn't care if he dies in the process; Londo is a *good* actor, and you can't always tell when he's lying; Londo is someone you'd be willing to sit down and eat a meal with. Twisty Bill, the draft-dodging swill, might *try* to imitate Londo, since his attempts at imitating FDR and Harry S. have failed abysmally, but face it..... you can't imitate a HERO unless you can muster some degree of innate nobility, of courage, of goals. Londo has these, in spades, thanks to both JMS' writing and Jurasik's superb portrayal; but Clinton, even with his part written and shot for him by Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, the Goebbels of 1995, couldn't make the part believeable. JMS has created magnificent, interesting, believeable characters; G'Kar and Londo are both noble warriors, willing to risk all in defense of their peoples, potentially making bad long-term decisions due to concern, dedication, and emotion; they BOTH intend the best for their people, and the result is chaos and danger. They *may* be able to pull out of the hole and rescue the entire situation, but that's up to JMS, since no one knows what he's planning. Comparing a sleazeball fat-hillbilly politician to the likes of Londo is an *INSULT* to a wonderfully-crafted and realized character. DNC STUDIOS Presents SLICK WILLIE One Man's Story Of Saying Whatever It Takes To Get Elected He'll do to America what he did to Arkansas. He won't inhale. He won't take us to war... because he wouldn't go himself. Hillary Clinton as "Tammy Wynette" Gennifer Flower as "The Bimbo" Ted Kennedy as "His Chaperone" Mario Cuomo as "The Godfather" Don't Miss the Sequel: GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS! DNC Studios presents BILL CLINTON as "SLICK WILLIE" in a BLOODWORTH-THOMASON production Executive Producer: RON BROWN Directed By: JAMES CARVILLE Screenplay by: GEORGE MCGOVERN Based on the Book By: GLORIA STEINEM Music by: SISTER SOULJAH Performed by: ICE-T Featuring: JESSE JACKSON as "THE RAPPER" AL GORE as "THE TREE HUGGER" PAUL TSONGAS as "ELMER FUDD" JERRY BROWN as "GOVERNOR MOONBEAM" Special Appearances by: JIMMY CARTER WALTER MONDALE MICHAEL DUKAKIS ARSENIO HALL THE HIPPIES THE YIPPIES HISPANIC LESBIANS AGAINST RACISM COMMITTEE TO SAVE THE GAY WHALES ACT UP EARTH FIRST! UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS ROTC UNIT Soundtrack Available On Rated R: Ridiculous TIME-WONDER TAXPAYER BEWARE Records and Tapes THE ADVENTURES OF PRESIDENT BILL It's Friday night and President Bill is working late in the White House. Suddenly the big, red telephone on his desk rings. RINGGGGGGGGGG, RINGGGGGGGGGG, RINGGGGGGGGGG President Bill: Hello! Hello! Voice on the Line: President Bill! We have a report that Boris Yeltsin just ordered the launch of all Russian missiles in a full-scale nuclear attack against the United States! President Bill: [take-off on a Clinton tirade against Jesse Jackson] AW SHIT!!! HE SAID HE WOULDN'T DO IT! THAT DIRTY, DOUBLE-CROSSING BACKSTABBER! SON-OF-A-BITCH!!! BAM!!! goes the receiver back in the red telephone's cradle. President Bill grabs the briefcase next to his desk, whirls the combination locks, flings open the lid, and jabs in a series of top-secret access codes. A voice comes over the briefcase speaker. Voice: Mr. President, is this a drill? President Bill: Listen to me. We're being attacked by the Russians. Launch a full-scale response immediately. Voice: Are you sure, Sir? President Bill: HELL YES!!! FIRE THE MISSILES!!! FIRE THE GODDAMN MISSILES!!! Voice: OK Sir, we're launching them this minute. President Bill: Thank you, Son! The speaker goes silent and President Bill collapses in his chair. Suddenly, an aid flings open the door and bursts into the room. Aid: Hey Bill! Neat joke, huh? Sounded real, didn't it? Attacked by the Russians! What a gag! Hey, you want something from the kitchen, Bill? How about a Pizza or something? Say Bill, are you OK? You look kinda pale. You OK Bill? Bill??? Reporter: Governor Clinton, what damage do you think has been done to your campaign by your wife's comment the other day about how "Hitler was really a great guy" ? Clinton: (Mixture of sadness and anger, but articulate as always.) Hillary and myself are shocked, outraged, and deeply saddened by this terrible misunderstanding. The media hype is way out of proportion. You guys should know us by now--we would never say anything like that. And though she did say a few things about Germany she certainly didn't mean anything offensive by her remarks, which I might add have been willfully and shamefully taken out of context and distorted. There is nothing in my life, or Hillary's life, which can be construed as derogatory toward the German people. We honor them. Some of our best friends are Germans. My own grandmother was one-quarter German. And it certainly isn't true that Germans are excluded from our country club. In my eleven years as Governor of Arkansas I was responsible for hiring more German-Americans than my three predecessors combined. We have some pie charts which we'll pass around for all you boys so you have the whole story. Once the American people know all the facts they'll understand just how ridiculous this is. Part of this just naturally comes from being the frontrunner, although I never thought of myself that way or wanted to be called that. You boys just keep taking your best shots. The American people have seen the worst of me and they aren't turned off by what we stand for. But this latest outrage is just too much. You boys ought to be ashamed. Sleaze for soundbites, trash for cash, that's what this is. We have good reason to believe the audio tapes were doctored. We're not even sure if that's Hillary's voice. You guys ought to have checked this out better before launching a major attack on my wife. The whole story was phony to begin with. In fact, our sources suggest that this is is just the latest manifestation of the vicious smear campaign orchestrated by the white house, who have declared many times that they will do whatever it takes to win this election. And that's part of the reason that we're so outraged about this--the very gall of the whole thing. The only Nazis you find in America these days are people like David Duke, who of course is a Republican, not a Democrat. But I certainly don't mean to imply that George Bush has any Nazi skeletons in his closet. As I told Hillary just this morning, "Two wrongs don't make a right." It also comes as no surprise that Governor Brown has jumped on the bandwagon and has repeated these ridiculous charges every chance he gets. It is clearly in Governor Brown's interest to do whatever he can to turn the discussion away from his "flat tax" proposal which would spell disaster for the people of this nation. And former Senator Tsongas, although he tried to claim he was above such things, has also chimed in with a few comments of his own and he maintains he isn't even running any more. Unlike Senator Tsongas and Governor Brown, I've always tried to focus on issues, and God knows we've tried to avoid misleading or negative campaigning of any kind. (Turning up the heat, getting more dramatic.) The millions of citizens of this great country who are out of work or scared of losing their jobs or their health insurance know what I stand for. People are genuinely disillusioned with the way things are in Washington, and this kind of sideshow just reinforces their disgust. People have been let down, they've been shafted by Washington. They want to know whether they have a vehicle for their resentment. I have always run my campaigns as a change agent. I'm as much of an outsider as anybody. I ran the first ad against the congressional pay raise! Certainly this is a sad commentary on the manipulation of the media, and the people, by evil forces who oppose our candidacy. Here we are trying to bring everyone together in this country so that we can work for the future, and once again vicious lies are spread about us and guerrilla tactics are used against us. Besides, I thought you guys were supposed to be on my side. It is just plain cowardice to keep bringing this up and attacking my wife instead of raising honest issues like the need for more submarines, my support for a middle class tax cut, the way Senator Tsongas wants to break the backs of poor honest retired folks by slashing their social security payments, how opposed I am to raising the gas tax, or the way Jerry's flat tax would cripple the nation. Maybe Hillary should have just stayed home in Arkansas and baked some cookies. On the front page of the 11/9/92 New York Times, there is a piece entitled "Clinton, After Raising Hopes, Now Tries to Lower Expectations." In this piece, the major campaign promises made by President-Elect Clinton are summarized as follows. 1. He said he would end welfare "as we know it." 2. He would restore America's industrial manufacturing base so that good, high-paying jobs are widespread. 3. He would insure that no working family would fall below the poverty line. 4. He would make "health care a right, not a privilege," for all Americans without subjecting businesses to an additional tax burden or rationing health care. 5. He promised to eliminate adult illiteracy in five years. 6. He promised to halve the Federal deficit in four years without raising taxes on the middle class or significantly cutting the Government entitlement programs that account for the bulk of Federal spending. 7. He promised offering a modest tax break to the middle class. 8. He would guarantee all Americans either a college education or two years of vocational training after high school, under the guidance of a national service program that would "solve the problems of this country while educating a generation of Americans." 9. Mr. Clinton pledged to keep abortion legal while "making it as rare as possible." 10. He promised to end racial, religious, geographical, and sex-oriented divisions in society. 11. He promised to safeguard environmental concerns without costing jobs. 12. He promised to protect the rights and privileges of workers without costing business growth. Good Luck, Bud! Wary Klink Live-Pillory Clinton Wary: "Hello, welcome to Wary Klink Live. Tonight's guests will be First Lady elect Pillory Clinton. In our second hour, our guest will be Dr. Heidrich Von Schmillshonshtenstenton D.D.S., P.A., Ph.D., M.D., A.C.L.U A.F.L.-C.I.O, A.S.A.P., A.S.P.C.A., S.P.Q.R., C.I.A., F.B.I., I.R.S., and H.R.S., discussing the finer points of redneck philosophy. (Titles and Degrees 1.) Welcome Mrs. Clinton. Pillory: Thank you it is a pleasure to be here. Wary: Now, we will open the phones in a moment, but first, how does it feel to have singlehandedly ruined this country's economic structure? (Emotional Terms 2.) Pillory: Wonderful, Wary. It's an incredible power trip to hold the future of an entire nation in your hands. I won't enjoy destroying this nation from the ground up, much, but it must be done. Change must come, and tearing it up and starting from scratch is the only way.(Radicalism 3.) Wary: Well, good for you. Now, to our first caller from Xanadu, Nebraska. Caller 1: Miz Klinton, I am a profezzor of Eaztern Philozophiez, and I find your previouz statements to be grozzly offenzive. How can you claim that a pro Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist policy is the best course when Lao Tsu clearly statez that eventz muzt be allowed to take their courze if the society is to reach a higher level.(Status 4.) Pillory: Everyone is against me, I can't understand it, I want to help the nation! Wary: Next caller. (Click) Umm...this caller is from Pigsnout, Georgia. Caller II: (German accent) Hello, this is Dr. Schimillschonshtenstenton, I regret that I will be unable to attend your show this evening as I have had car trouble here in town. However the wonderful people of the town have graciously offered to provide the entertainment for the evening. Wary: How is that Mr. Schim... Doctor Caller II: We are going to watch some film called "Deliverance". I'm told it's quite good. Wary: I'm terribly sorry doctor, but enjoy the movie. Caller II: I'm certain I will, they are such a polite and forthcoming people (Appearance 5.) Wary: Our next caller is from San Juan, excuse me San Joo Wahn, Texas Caller 3: (southern twang) I want to talk to that wife of a commie sympathizer! Wary: Please, sir, keep the insults to a minimum. Caller 3: Bush and Quayle weren't that bad, we have had 12 years of republican presidency, why change it now? (Conservatism 6.) Pillory: I find it impossible to believe that anyone could find any benefit from a republican presidency! (Inconceivability 7.) Caller 3: You What! Wary: People, don't fight. I'm sure the answer lies somewhere between your two views. Can't we all just get along? Pillory: No. Wary: Okay. Next caller from Vallder, Colorado. Caller 4: Hi, my name is Edward Winslow, and I am a former Perot supporter. Class: HI EDWARD! Caller 4: I really don't understand all this pro-Clinton sentiment. Clinton's presidency will be the biggest bomb in American history (Metaphor 8.) Wary: Mrs... Pillory: Ms. Wary: Sure. Ms Clinton, your response. Pillory: I agree, my presidency will be an explosive one, impacting every aspect of American society. (Shift of Meaning 9.) Wary: Excuse me, I think he means... Pillory: Next caller. Wary: ... that ... Pillory: NEXT CALLER Wary: (sigh) from Waldorf, Michigan. Caller 5: Ms. Clinton, I agree with you wholeheartedly in every aspect of your philosophy. Your views on the sociopolitical ramifications of the subconscious integral psychosexual male egobarrier are simply brilliant. (Technical Jargon 10.) Wary: What? Pillory: Shut up, Wary. Wary: Hey... Pillory: Stay on the line caller, I'll discuss my new theories and policies with you after the show. Wary: Can I have my show back now? Pillory: Yes, you may. Wary: Next Caller from New Jonestown, Arkansas. Caller 6: We just called to say that all five thousand of us here in New Jonestown support you Ms Clinton, and we're holding a party in your honor, hey, this many of us can't all be wrong. (aside) Hey, is that Kool-Aid ready yet? (Numbers 11.) Pillory: It's good to know that some Americans are intelligent, thank you for your support. Wary: Next caller from Gernee, New Zealand. Caller 6: 'ello, I can't see why you yanks dumped Bush, af'er all, you know what they say. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." (Sophistical Formula 12.) Wary: Excellent, my foreign friend. Pillory: Just what we need, competitors telling us how to run our country. This is what dragged us down in the first place. (Causal Oversimplification 12). Wary: Next Caller, after all we wouldn't want to run up his phone bill. Pillory: I have a few choice words for that man! Wary: Too late Pillory, next caller from New Orleans, Louisiana. Caller 7: Yeah, is this Geno's Bar? Wary: No, wrong number Caller 7: You sure this ain't Geno's? Wary: Yes, this is Wary Klink, Live. Caller 7: Oh, anyway, you really ought to try Geno's. It has awesome food. Geno's is my favorite bar. In fact, why don't you come to Geno's after work? (Repetition 13.) Wary: Next caller from Fallax, Montana. Caller 8: Clintons Must Die! Clintons Must Die! Clintons Must Die! (Slogan 14.) Wary: Next Caller. Caller 9: Hi, I'm from Boston, and what I want to know is why people would elect someone like you as President. I mean that's like putting a serial killer in a nursing home. (Simile 15.) Pillory: What is wrong with you people? What good could come from any Republican, no matter how liberal? (Prejudice 16.) Wary: Next Caller from Saldo, California. Caller 10: Ms Clinton, I'm sure your administration will have long lasting effects on the nations future. (Vagueness 17.) Pillory: ... Thank You... Wary: Next Caller from Juno Alaska. Caller 11: Congratulations on winning the White House, Ms. Clinton. May your term of office be short and uneventful. Pillory: ... Wary: Next caller from Little Rock Arkansas. Caller 12: Honey, this is Fuzzy, what kind of peanut butter was I supposed to get. Pillory: Jif, Bill. Caller 12: Oops, I got Skippy, but you can't really blame me, after all, I have so much to remember. All those bills you told me to sign, an entire shopping list, what size panty hose you wear... (Rationalization 18.) Wary: Panty Hose? Pillory: Bill, that was inappropriate. Caller 12: Hey, if you can call me out of a disaster relief meeting to tell me to pick up some tuna, I should certainly be able to call you about peanut butter! (Nor Drawing the Line 19.) Wary: Panty Hose? Pillory: Is it too much for me to hope for that you would remember three sentences together without a week's worth of coaching? Caller 12: Next caller. Wary: Hoboken, New Jersey. (aside) Panty Hose? Caller 13: Hi, I'm a ultra-ultra left Marxist. I think that if we just dissolved all the world governments, every one would stop fighting and save the environment. (Wishful Thinking 20.) Pillory: Sure, and Stalin was a humanitarian. Wary: Next Caller from Nattlemeyer, Vermont Caller 14: I am a Political Science professor from Mannington College and I find that both sides have their merits. I feel that more data must be gathered before we can decide if replacing Bush was a positive step. (Academic Detachment 21.) Pillory: Look, we won't have any fence walkers in this administration! Either you support the reforms we will make, or you are against them, period. (Drawing the line 22.) Wary: Gee, we have another caller, what a surprise. Caller 15: Hey, I've got your number boss-lady. You claim that you want to help the nation, yet your husband said, and I quote "...We will if elected, ... raise taxes, ... send ... jobs overseas,... and spend more..." (Quotation out of Context 23.) Pillory: I don't recall him saying any such thing. Caller 15: He said EVERY word of it ma'am. Pillory: I'm sure he did SAY every word of it, just not all together. (Emphasis 24.) Wary: One last caller and then our time is up for the evening. Kalleytrepp, your on the air. Caller 16: Mrs. Clinton... Pillory: Ms. Caller 16: Excuse me? Pillory: Ms., not Mrs. Mrs. is an archaic and degrading term whose sole purpose is to keep women in their traditional role as second class citizens. Caller 16: Can you please define a "second class citizen" Pillory: Certainly, one who is denied certain rights and privileges Caller 16: Such as? Pillory: Such as... Well um, take for example..(Abstract Terms 25.) Wary: That's all the time we have this evening, we'll see you next week when we will have lame duck president George Bush as our guest. [RADIO 30 SEC. SPOT] [SFX - OFFICE SOUNDS IN B.G.] [ROY] Hey, Dale - I didn't expect to see you at work - I heard you got fired last week. [DALE] I was. But that was before I asserted my rights under the Family Leave Plan. [ROY] But, Dale - you don't HAVE a family. [DALE] A minor detail, Roy. I called the Law Firm of Rodham & Clinton and they took my case, got my job back, got my gay brother an officer's commission in the Army, and promised to line my wallet with the cash they're gonna get my soaking my middle-class, fat-cat boss! I'm on Easy Street. Why, I'm as good as tenured! They couldn't fire me now if they WANTED to! [SFX - FADE OUT] [ANNOUNCER] Are you out of work? Do you care? At the Law Firm of Rodham & Clinton, we don't care if you've ever put in an honest day's work in your life. We think you deserve all the money you can get, regardless of your ability or willingness to work. Call today, and ask about our "Buy Now, Suffer Later" program. Your first consultation is free. As an added bonus, the first 50 callers will receive, absolutely free, a pair of monogrammed rose-colored glasses, and a list of promises not worth the paper they're printed on. So if you're one of the "motivationally challenged" and want to get what you feel is coming to you, don't wait. Call today! [ANNOUNCER #2 - TAG ENDING] The Law Firm of Rodham & Clinton is a Professional Abbomination, licensed to steal in 50 States and in the District of Columbia. Call us today! The Law Firm of Rodham & Clinton - where "Soak the Rich (and the not-so-rich) is our ONLY business! And finally, one that's out of date, but this came through the Oracle before the election: The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: ] O thou still unravished groom of wisdom - ] O great one still and casual as birds - ] O nameless one above all - ] Please answer the question of this insignificant being: ] ] I've been invited to have tea with Bill and Hillary Clinton next week. ] What advice should I pass on to them from you? And in response, thus spake the Oracle: } Hoo boy. The Clinton administration will prove to be the most rocked by } scandal of any administration ever. Please don't give them this whole } list, but you may provide a hint of what is to come. } } Feb. 19, 1993: President Clinton reveals that he once tried cocaine, but } didn't snort too deeply. } } Mar 12, 1993: Hillary demands that "First Lady" become a full cabinet } position. } } Jun 11, 1993: Republicans discover that not only did Clinton oppose } American involvement in Vietnam, he actually fought for } the Viet Cong. } } Sep. 09, 1993: Clinton reveals that he once tried heroin, but he used a } clean needle. } } Dec. 02, 1993: Hillary demands that the First Lady be included in the } succession, ahead of the Vice President. } } Apr. 22, 1994: Republicans unveil that Ho Chi Minh was really Clinton in } disguise. } } May 10, 1994: Clinton reveals that he once tried Communist propaganda, } but he didn't understand it. } } Oct. 11, 1994: The Hillary Coup: Mrs. Rodham-Clinton makes a failed } attempt to take over the White House. President Clinton } has her executed and replaces her with Gennifer Flowers. } } Jan 13, 1995: Republicans finally decrypt a 1991 coded telegram from } Clinton to Saddam Hussein: "I'm with you all the way, } buddy." } } Apr. 01, 1995: Clinton reveals that he once tried murder, but he only } stabbed once. } } Dec. 07, 1995: Addressing a group of WWII vets, Clinton refers to, } "those valiant and brave Japanese pilots who attacked } Pearl Harbor." He later blames a slip of the tongue. } } Feb. 02, 1996: Republicans unearth a private letter to a friend, in } which Clinton refers to Adolf Hitler as, "My personal } role model, who I will always admire and emulate." } } May 17, 1996: Clinton admits that he has tried bestiality, but the } animals involved were all vertebrates. } } Jun 11, 1996: Clinton admits that he has tried necrophilia, but the } body was fairly warm. } } Jun 13, 1996: Clinton admits that he has tried arson, but the building } he torched was of little value. } } Jun 16, 1996: Clinton admits that he has tried rape, but she really } enjoyed it. } } Jun 17, 1996: Clinton admits to mugging, pedophilia, kleptomania, } Communism, racism, and once driving over the speed limit. } } Jun 20, 1996: Clinton denies ever trying LSD. Nobody believes him. } } Election Day, Clinton is re-elected in a landslide. The popular vote is } 1996 243,975,237 to 2. Election fraud is suspected, but never } proven. } } And believe me, it gets worse in his second through his sixteenth } terms. } } You owe the Oracle a plane ticket out of the country. mconnect connecting to host (, port 25 connection open 220 SMTP/smap Ready. expn president 250 [hillary] quit 221 Closing connection ]] a 200 dollar hair cut? What kind of example does that set? ]] ]] I thought that he would be more caring about the feelings of the poor. ]] (heh heh) ]] :-) ] ] Oh, a $200 haircut isn't going to hurt anyone. Where are the people ] who were complaining about Bush's buying socks for the grandkids at ] the mall, and Nancy Reagan's designer gowns? Speaking of double standards -- remember all the hooting & ridicule when Bush bought a few pairs of socks? Oddly, when Golden Boy took to the stores to buy shirts -- and parroted, practically verbatim, Bush's "doing my part to stimulate the economy" remark -- those same voices were silent. What a difference ideology makes. Some key definitions to help decode Clinton's speeches. More will be added as the president's meaning becomes clear. Remember, do not attach meaning to words, it's symbolism that is important. all - Clinton's constituency. as: We ALL must make sacrifices to restore America's economic health. ask - Clintoneze for legislate. i.e. asking:legislating campaign - actually, this is a misspelling. It really is champagne promise promise. change - (verb) redefinition of the term "tax cut" to its true meaning, "contribution". (noun) that portion of your income that will now be heading to Washington, as: The CHANGE we are asking for is necessary if we are to restore America's (and, uh, Washington's) economy to number one in the world. contribution - that portion of your "excess" income that Washington believes it can make better use of than you. This '90s term is designed to make you feel good while Uncle Sam picks your pocket. Formerly known unpopularly as "taxes" (shhh. don't say the T word out loud, it's not politically correct). courage - ability to perform a humanitarian act or deed without regard to personal safety or welfare. as: America had the COURAGE to elect Bill Clinton as president. first lady - this term has been replaced by the title "co-president" middle class - that portion of society whose range of income extends from the end of the poor to the beginning of the wealthy. Also known as the mule class or the "burdened" class. poor - what the middle class becomes after it makes its contribution. sacrifice - Clintoneze for the act of denying self in order to make your contribution. as: We must SACRIFICE for the good of all. Formerly known as socialism, it has proven itself effective in places such as China, Cuba, Rumania and the Soviet Union. One need only talk to citizens of these nations to see the effect. spending cuts- What the president promised during his campaign. He will help you make these by asking you to have the courage to make your contribution. as: Increased contributions must be balanced by the appropriate SPENDING CUTS. we - You, me, us, them. as: You know WE must sacrifice for the good of all. Since the president and congress are none of the above, they are not part of we. wealthy - anyone making $1.00 a year more than you. (elected officials are exempt). This is the class of society that, to quote Commerce Secretary, Ron Brown, "made out like bandits during the '80's". Mr. Brown didn't do too shabby himself during that time. He made hundreds of thousands annually lobbying congress on behalf of several major Japanese corporations. Of course now he is just a humble "servant" of the people. Terry Peres : For the record, the haircut was not a $200 one, but more like a $50K or $70K : one, counting the expense for keeping Air Force 1 idling. What it cost to : the airliners circling around in the sky is anyone's guess. Sorry to correct you dave, but the money spent by the private airlines to keep their planes in the air for an hour will Bilzo got his haircut cannot be considered an expense to the taxpayer. No, it was an "Investment in America" on the part of the airlines. Good one! anyone else notice that the Clinton group is now number TEN in articles posted to the net? Could there be a correlation here? As his popularity drops, he shovels out more of his bull? RECIPE FOR: DEMOCRATIC PARTY MIX INGREDIENTS: All kinds of: FRUITS, NUTS and FLAKES. Liberal portion of PORK. Enough dark chocolate to meet the required QUOTA. DIRECTIONS: Mix all ingredients well. (Must be stirred up by a FEMINIST). Cook over a BURNING AMERICAN FLAG until HALF-BAKED. Soak in CHEAP LIQUOR for a week, sprinkle with diced FETUS, garnish with whole POT leaves, and serve FLAMING. **This recipe is based on Ideal Conditions. If everything is not Ideal then it will not work at all. SERVING SUGGESTIONS: Best if eaten with your MISTRESS while high, drunk and standing on the American Flag at an NEA sponsored HOMOSEXUAL bondage art exhibit during a PRO-ABORTION rally lead by FEMI-NAZI Hillary Clinton. WARNING: Not for Human Consumption. Only LIBERALS can eat this substance. If accidentally ingested by a conservative, simply induce vomiting. The best way to do this is to go to an NEA art exhibit, listen to some obscene rap music, or watch the democratic national convention. Clinton Economic Axioms Taxing smoking will reduce smoking. Taxing alcohol will reduce drinking. Taxing energy will reduce energy consumption. Taxing business will increase business. Taxing health care will increase health care. Taxing productivity will increase productivity. Restricting trade will increase trade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMERICAN K.I.A. POOL RULES: 1. Put your name in the appropriate space 2. Put your guess of the date and time President Clinton will get the first American killed in Bosnia in the appropriate space 3. Enter as often as you can afford 4. Each entry costs one (1) young person in reasonably good fighting trim WINNERS: Will receive a reasonable facsimile of a Presidential condolence letter and a genuine replica of the purple heart the deceased family gets! Impress your friends! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of first Name of young person American K.I.A. Your Name: (Entry Fee): in Bosnia: ========================== ============================== ================ __________________________ ______________________________ ________________ __________________________ ______________________________ ________________ __________________________ ______________________________ ________________ __________________________ ______________________________ ________________ __________________________ ______________________________ ________________ Friday, May 14, 1993 NEW YORK -- President Clinton's brother, Roger, and another man became embroiled in a heated argument at a New York Knicks basketball game, the New York Post reported today. Devion Arkison said Roger Clinton attacked him when he made a remark about the president. Arkison, 28, said Clinton jumped from his seat at Madison Square Garden Wednesday night, grabbed him in a chokehold and scratched his face. Clinton said Arkison "was being very crude...and my principles were such that when people are insulting my brother or my mother, I felt I had to say something," the Post said. Witnesses told the Post they overheard Arkison say, "Bill's outta here in three years, and your 15 minutes of fame are almost up." The Clinton presidency has been faltering in recent weeks and polls show that Bill Clinton has the lowest approval ratings of any modern president. [Like David Letterman predicted, Roger is going to be *trouble*. It's Jimmy and Billy Carter all over again.] (christopher motherway) writes: ]IN OTHER NEWS: President Bill Clinton announced yesterday that over ]6,000 more troops will be sent to Somalia to protect and bring back U.S. ]troops already stationed there. A White House insider, commenting on Clinton's announcement the other day, said "It may look inconsistent to announce a withdrawal and to increase troop strength at the same time but, in fact, it is not." I hate it when I finally get my moment of glory and I'm upstaged by Michael Jordan. That guy has been jealous of me for as long as I can remember. Anyway, from the "Morning Briefing" section of today's Los Angeles Times: After his speaking engagement in Culver City yesterday, President Clinton stopped off at the Los Angeles Air Force Base for some exercise, where he ran a few miles on a treadmill and played in a basketball game. President Clinton scored a basket early in the game, and afterwards Scott Turner, the man assigned to defend the President, had this to say "The guys in the gym are calling me Agent Horgan now [after the character played by Clint Eastwood in the movie Line of Fire] because I was assigned to the guard the President but let the shot get through." -- Scott T. Good evening. I'm Chris Wolvie and I AM the pumpkin king. And here's the news: OUR TOP STORY: The blockade of Haiti took a nasty turn yesterday when a Coast Guard ship fired on a barge that would not heed the calls from the ships. It was later discovered that this was the same barge which rammed the bridge in Alabama and caused the Amtrak accident a month ago. A spokesman for the Coast Guard stated dismay, thinking that it might have rammed into the Port-Au-Prince harbor and make their job a tad easier. Russian President Boris Yeltsin revoked his statement about hard-line communists not being allowed to participate or even vote in new Parlimentry elections this December. When asked why the change of heart, Yeltsin stated, "Hey, my approval ratings are higher than ever since the tanks attacked the Parliment. I NEED these guys to push around in case people start doubting me!" In related news, U.S. President Bill Clinton and Vice-President Al Gore will be visiting Russia next week. Clinton was not really looking forward to going to meet Yeltsin, stating that the Russian leader was not as "animated" a character has the last two gentlemen he met: Beavis and Butt-Head. Liar,, I mean...ATTORNEY General Janet Reno stated in a Senate hearing this week that if television stations do not crack down on violence on the screen, the government may have to step in. When asked how they would take action, Reno simply said, "Remember Waco". Now this... ************************************************************************** (Scene of a U.S. Naval Ship out in the Caribean (sp?), main deck. Sailor talks into camera) "Last year, I signed up for duty in the U.S. Navy because I needed a sense of adventure, a sense of superiority over others. Today, I'm 30 miles outside of Haiti keeping scumballs from breaking the international blockade against the island. (Looks over bow) HEY! GET THAT BOAT OUTTA HERE! (Pause) OKAY, BUDDY! YOU ASKED FOR IT! (Turns to gunner) FIRE AWAY!" (Cut to innocent barge and crew getting blasted by a 60mm shell) (Cut back to sailor) "YEAH! GOT 'EM! WHOOOOOO!" (Ad slogan appears below) NAVY IT'S NOT JUST A JOB, IT'S A WAY TO SHOW YOUR MANHOOD BY WASTING INFERIOR PEOPLE WHO DISOBEY YOU! ************************************************************************** The Good Neighbor Political Hypocrisy Test: 1) Think of a person you know, such as a neighbor, or your brother-in-law, or someone else who you like as a person (i.e. NOT the neighbor whose dog does doodies on your lawn). Lets call him/her Bobby, to make the verbiage shorter; but it must in actuality be someone you know and like as a person. 2) Ask the following question: If Bobby objected to the thing you are advocating and refused to go along with it, would you willingly take gun in hand, kidnap Bobby, and put him/her into a cage? Would you be willing to shoot Bobby if he/she refused to come quietly? Would you personally perform the arrest, and personally kill Bobby if he/she resists by force? If you answer "no" to the question but still support the political issue, how do you explain your hipocrisy? The police, at your request, will do precisely what you yourself are refusing to do. Some examples of where I believe many Liberal issues are utterly hypocritical: Socialized Medicine: Would you abduct and possibly shoot your neighbors if they refused to buy their health insurance through the same company you do? The IRS will, more so if President Clinton has her way. Social Security: Would you abduct and possibly shoot your neighbors if they refused to pay into the same pension plan you do? The IRS will. Gun Control: Would you abduct and possibly shoot your neighbors if they refused to give their gun collection to you with no compensation, while you kept a collection of guns of your own? The BATF will. Welfare: Would you abduct and possibly shoot your neighbors if they refused to give money to your favorite charity? The IRS will. Public Schools: Would you abduct and possibly shoot your neighbors if they refused to send their kids to the school you specify? Would you break and enter into their house to steal the money they would have been able to spend on tuition at the school of their choice? Would you abduct and possibly shoot them if they tried to stop you? The IRS will. [[ Conversation between Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster ]] [[ Ring ]] VF: Hello. HC: Hello, VInce. This is Hill. How's it hanging? VF: Not bad. What can I do you for? HC: Well Vince, it's like this: we're in the White House now, and Bill suggested I call around and talk to people who know "bad" things about us; you know, to be sure they won't spill the beans. VF: Oh, Hill, you can trust me. HC: I know, Vince, but, I just want to be sure. O.K., remember the time you caught me blowing that shetland pony? VF: Yes. HC: Well, if that story ever gets out, I was taking an extension course in animal husbandry. VF: Sounds good to me. HC: Fine. And the time you came in on Bill and me, and I had that strap-on dildo thing, and was giving it to Bill up the hershey highway? VF: Yeah, I remember. Wasn't Bill wearing a bra? [Ha, ha] HC: OK. Well I was just parcticing a little at-home medicine. I was shoving his hemorrhoids back in. VF: Gotcha. HC: And that time you saw me 69'ing with Flavo-Fave, the rapper? VF: Yeah, that sort of got to me. After all, we never 69'ed. HC: I know. But Vince, Flavo was hung like a stallion. You are hung like a pimple [ha, ha]. Anyhow, I was merely trying to understand the deep problems that our Afro-American friends have to go through. VF: Makes sense. HC: And the time you found me in bed, making love to that female tennis star? VF: Yeah. I popped a boner on that one. HC: Well, her roof had leaked, and her bed got wet. I let her sleep with me.... that's all there was to it. VF: No problem-o, babe. HC: OK. Now here's the clincher. Chelsa is not Bills daughter.. VF: Omigod! Whose is she? HC: She's yours. [[ silence ]] HC: Vince? Are you there? Vince? [[ BOOM!!! ]] A friend of mine just informed me that you can now send e-mail to President Clinton using the address Of course, I was a little skeptical, since, after all, does the President *really* have time to read all those emails? Of course not; but nonetheless, it's real! But I still think he can't read all those. More likely, he has some staff people reading them over, and they send him a summary at the end of the day. Here's what a typical encapsulation of the day's email might look like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary of Electronic Mail for President@WhiteHouse.Gov June 2, 1993 Topic Number ------------------------------------------------- Bosnian conflict: 22,617 Support for Tax Policies: 198 Opposition to Tax Policies: 33,605 Harvard Professors with neato ideas: 288 Same with reasonable ideas: 9 Pro-Iraq: 5 Calls for Impeachment: 16,012 Travel agency ads: 61 Resumes for Cabinet openings: 4,125 Personal from Hollywood celebrities: 616 Barber called back to change appt: 1 Calls from Ross Perot: 33 Senators returning calls on budget: 0 Environmental (fwd to VP): 58,932 Foreign policy (fwd to VP): 23,811 Economy (fwd to VP): 3,096 Deficit (excl Perot, fwd to VP): 17 Health care (fwd to rodham@whitehouse): 1,456 Abortion (fwd to /dev/null): 99,361 Jokers sending harassing message after learning of email account: 482,697 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- | / | | /___ Clinton | | \ | | \ | -------------------------------- || -------------------------------- | \ | | Prosperity _____\ | | / | | / | -------------------------------- || || || || || (for the clueless out there, it is "clinton to the left, Prosperity to the right) === Thought that this April 15 would be OK, didn't you? === Revenue enhancement got you down? === Is your personal income now taxable at the new rates back to the pre-Jurassic era when trilobites ruled the Earth? === Mistakenly think you'd be able to expand your small business? === Thinking of hiring new employees? Didn't think so... You need to call: ]]]]]================================[[[[[ ]]]]] BILL'S RETROACTIVE TAX SERVICE [[[[[ ]]]]]================================[[[[[ We can: o Spread out your income over the next 9 generations. o Spread out your income over the previous 5 generations. o Minimize the Death Tax by leaving your estate to your Bronze Age ancestors. o Deduct charitable contributions to the Spanish-American war effort, or funding donations for Columbus' voyage to the New World. o Implement creative uses of reincarnation. Claim dependents from previous lives. ============================================================ Bizarre? Senseless? YOU BET! What's good enough for Uncle Sam is good enough for you. Call 1 - 800 - FLP - BIRD for more details. Mr. Bill has recently completely reformed the income tax system. He has come up with one universal EZ form that can be used by every person in the US. A "sneak preview" of this new form follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1994 Tax Return Form 1EZ Name_________________________ Social Security Number ___-__-____ 1. Enter your Gross Income for 1994 (Box 10 of the W2) _______________ 2. Enter Standard Deduction Amount from chart below 1. Married $1000 2. Available $1000 3. President of the US $200,000 4. First Lady of the US $500,000 _______________ 3. Adjusted Income - Subtract line 2 from line 1 _______________ 4. Occupational Adjuster 1. Factory Worker - 0.0 2. Welfare Recipient - 0.0 3. Minimum Wage Recipient - 0.0 4. Billionaire Tycoon - 0.0 5. White House Resident - 0.0 6. Other - 10.0 (Enter Adjuster Here -])_______________ 5. Multiply the Amount on Line 3 by the Adjuster Factor on line 4. _______________ 6. Itemized Deductions (Check all which apply) a. Used Hillary's Law Firm ($5000) ____________ b. Offered personal services to Bill Clinton($10) ____________ c. Owner of Million Dollar Company($1,000,000) ____________ d. Made Money on Cattle Futures (Amount Made) ____________ Total (6.a,b,c, and d) _______________ 7. New Adjusted Income - Subtract Line 6 from 5 _______________ 8. Penalties (Check all which apply) a. White Collar Worker ($5000) ____________ b. Voted for Bush in 1992 ($10,000) ____________ c. Voted for Perot in 1992 ($1) ____________ d. Brought Lawsuit against government official ($100,000) ____________ e. Inhaled Marijuana ($1000) ____________ f. Republican ($100,000) ____________ Total Penalties ----------------------------] _______________ 9. Add lines 7 and 8. This is your Taxable Income. _______________ 10. TOTAL TAX Multiply the taxable income calculated on line 9 by 0.5. This is your total tax for 1994. ------] _______________ 11. Enter the Amount of Federal Income Tax withheld in 1994 (from the W2 form) _______________ ---------------- 12. Enter the amount from line 10. This is the total tax OWED. Remit payment promptly to the IRS. _______________ ---------------- I, ______________, hereby agree that I owe my country the amount shown in line 12 above. This information has been filed correctly to the best of my knowledge. I will vote for Bill Clinton in 1996. ___________________________________ ___________________ (signature) (date) From a document submitted and published in the 'Congressional Record' October 1, 1974, by Representative Craig Hosmer [R-California]. The author chose to remain anonymous... HOW TO TELL REPUBLICANS FROM DEMOCRATS: . Democrats buy most of the books that have been banned somewhere. Republicans form censorship committees and read them as a group. . Republicans consume three-fourths of all the rutabaga produced in this country. The remainder is thrown out. . Republicans usually wear hats and always clean their paint brushes. . Democrats give their worn-out clothes to those less fortunate. Republicans wear theirs. . Republicans employ exterminators. Democrats step on the bugs. . Democrats name their children after currently-popular sports figures, politicians, and entertainers. Republican children are named after their parents or grandparents, according to where the money is. . Democrats keep trying to cut down on smoking but are not successful. Neither are Republicans. . Republicans tend to keep their shades drawn, although there is seldom any reason why they should. Democrats ought to, but don't. . Republicans study the financial pages of the newspaper. Democrats put them in the bottom of the bird cage. . Most of the stuff alongside the road has been thrown out of car windows by Democrats. . Republicans raise dahlias, Dalmatians, and eyebrows. Democrats raise Airedales, kids, and taxes. . Democrats eat the fish they catch. Republicans hang them on the wall. . Republican boys date Democratic girls. They plan to marry Republican girls, but feel that they're entitled to a little fun first. . Democrats make plans and then do something else. Republicans follow the plans their grandfathers made. . Republicans sleep in twin beds - some even in separate rooms. That is why there are more Democrats.
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