I first posted the Kurt Quiz sometime last fall. I was reading a Kurt NoBrain joke on alt.tasteless.jokes and someone found it offensive. This person was reading jokes in a category called TASTELESS and he was mad that someone made fun of his hero Kurt NoBrain. Later I found a post by this guy making a joke about Susan Smith (the mother who drove her kids in a lake.........imagine a mother worse than Courtney) and her kids. So it was fine to make fun of Susan Smith but not Kurt NoBrain. Anyway I posted my quiz and a number of people E-Mailed and told me to post it to alt.music.nirvana because they have no sense of humor, and do you what, they were correct. The people (NOT ALL) at alt.music.nirvana are humor-impaired, which is the politically correct term for idiot. Since tomorrow (4/5) is the anniversary of the day Kurt decided to play target practice with his head (not to be confused with the day we got the good news 4/8) I decided to repost the quiz. Take the Kurt quiz!!!!!!!! 1. Kurt NoBrain killed himself because? a. He was a loser. b. He had nothing better to do. c. He thought the gun was a Q-Tip. 2. Some Cobaine followers also killed themselves because? a. They are losers. b. They were playing follow the leader. c. They also thought the gun was a Q-Tip. 3. Cobaine fans dress like Kurt because? a. He was a loser. b. Stealing clothes from the Salvation Army bin is easy. c. They have no thoughts of their own and need a leader. d. They are practicing to be homeless bums. 4. Cobaine fans like to call themselves Generation X because? a. Kurt was a loser. b. They can spell X c. They are losers. 5. Cobaine fans say Kurt spoke for them because? a. While they watch, love and believe in Barney, they are not sure if he is a real person. b. They are losers. 6. Cobaine knew that his fans thought he was cool because? a. Kurt was a loser. b. He didn't like to bath. c. He was a poet. Even though they thought most poets were fags. 7. If you can understand everything Kurt is signing you? a. Purchased a copy of the lyrics. b. Are on some kind of drug and are imagine you understand the lyrics. c. Kurt was a loser. (I know it doesn't go with the question but it is still a good answer.) 8. Kurt and his followers. a. Are losers. b. all of the above 9. Kurt's last words were? a. What happens if I pull this trigger? b. I am a loser. c. OUCH!!!!!! 10. Ms. Cocaine-Love(r) is? a. A loser. b. A widow. c. An unfit mother. d. Butt ugly. e. A future lesbo. f. A lousy singer. g. All of the above. 11. Twenty years from now in a listing of great groups/singers Nirvana will be listed between __________________ and _______________? a. ABBA and the Bay City Rollers. b. Ann Murray and Neil Diamond. a. All they will remember is that Kurt was a loser. 12. Kurt and Courtney used (in Courtney cases uses) drugs because? a. They are both losers. b. They wanted to be a good role model for their child. c. They were upset that Mork from Ork was not a real person. 13. In 15 years Kurt and Courtney's child will claim? a. Kurt was a loser. b. She was abandoned at birth. c. Never heard of Nirvana. d. Kurt was a loser. e. Both a and d. 14. A tree falls in the forest, no one is around............ a. It does not make a noise b. It makes a noise c. Kurt was a loser. 15. Nirvana fans get upset at everyone who posts to TASTELESS making fun of their god Kurt because? a. Kurt was a loser. b. They are losers. c. They don't understand the meaning of TASTELESS. They have no problem with gay, ethnic or even Susan Smith jokes. But make fun of poor, misunderstood Kurt and you get flamed. Well the moral of this quiz is KURT IS A LOSER. This was a self grading test. Extra points if you did/or our planning to post Kurt essays.
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