John C. Dvorak's Great Operating System Quiz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. What appliaction do you expect to use the most? DOS) Spreadsheet OS/2) large complex database Windows) solitaire Unix) GREP 2. What is your favourite TV show? DOS) "Nova" OS/2) "The MacNeil-Lehrer Report" Windows) "Woody Woodpecker" Unix) the 3:00am test pattern 3. What is your favourite Hobby? DOS) stamp collecting OS/2) bird watching Windows) snail racing Unix) button collecting 4. What kind of clothes do you prefer? DOS) sports suit, no tie OS/2) suit & tie Windows) sweater & jeans Unix) Nerdy t-shirt, jeans, no underpants 5. What kind of music do you like? DOS) The Beatles OS/2) classical Windows) New Age fusion music Unix) tuba solos 6. What's your favourite colour? DOS) modern beige OS/2) blue Windows) stark white Unix) pizza-stain red 7. What's your favourite car? DOS) Ford OS/2) Lexus Windows) fake Bugatti Unix) Borgward 8. Who is your favourite Artist? DOS) Rembrandt OS/2) Pollack Windows) Dali Unix) Gary Larsen 9. Who is your favourite Author? DOS) Robert Heinlein OS/2) Tom Wolfe Windows) John Madden Unix) Walt Disney 10.Whos is your favourite Actor? DOS) Rod Steiger OS/2) John Wayne Windows) Leonard Nimoy Unix) Richard Simmons 11.Who was your favourite President? DOS) Abe Lincoln OS/2) Ronald Reagan Windows) Jack Kennedy Unix) Hubert Humphrey 12.What's your preferred breakfast food? DOS) cereal OS/2) steak & eggs Windows) soft-boiled egg Unix) pizza 13.If time wasn't important, how would you prefer to travel? DOS) walk OS/2) steam train Windows) hot air balloon Unix) pogo stick 14.(to be answered by men) If you were stuck on a desert island with only 1 woman, whom would you choose? DOS) Kim Basinger OS/2) Meryl Streep Windows) Dr. Ruth Westheimer Unix) a photo of Kim Basinger 15.(to be answered by women) If you were stuck on a desert island with only 1 man, whom would you choose? DOS) Kevin Costner OS/2) Arnold Schwarzeneger Windows) Bill Gates Unix) a photo of Kim Basinger 16.When you get up in the morning, what is the first thing you do? DOS) shower OS/2) brush teeth Windows) gargle Unix) pick off food stuck to body from sleeping with pizza 17.What's the last thing you do before going to bed? DOS) let out cat, turn off lights OS/2) brush teeth Windows) pray Unix) check to see if there is a pizza in the bed Tally your score and don't waste a minute finding pleasure in the operating system that suits you best. One disclaimer I have to make: Anyone scoring 17 straight "Unix" answers should seek counseling immediately. ][] Chris/2 ][] When in doubt fire photons!
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